"That's not from the Lin family, it's from A'duo, and A'duo left it for her younger brother. Let's take it for this little boy. In the future, let him remember more about A's sister. If he is sorry for A's sister in the future, I I will never let him go."

"He must be a grateful child."

Master Qin has confidence in his own conduct. He has been familiar with books for so many years. If he doesn't even understand the truth of being a human being, what books do he still read and what words do he learn?

Aduoniang continued to sew her clothes stitch by stitch. Suddenly, a faint sigh overflowed from the corner of her mouth, but she didn't know, what on earth was she sighing?

On the second day, Shen Qingci handed over the paper making skills to Master Qin as much as possible. Before learning, he felt that paper making books should be a difficult task. Otherwise, why are there so many paper making families in Daliang? Can't make too much paper out?

Therefore, no matter when Daliang is always out of paper, the paper is expensive and not good, but it is still not available to many people.

But after I learned it, I discovered that it didn’t seem to be difficult. Moreover, the papermaking skills taught by Shen Qingci could be said to be the top papermaking skills in Dazhou, not necessarily Yogi Papermaking. No, wood, straw, bamboo, reeds, and rags can all become raw materials, and the paper produced by a special method is white and thin. It is much better than the paper sold outside.

The paper that Master Qin made did not sell it, but gave it to these children first? It can be said that using the paper made by himself? Inside the academy, you can save a lot of money.

Shen Qingci sat down with Ah Yue again.

A Yue caught a handful of dried fish and fed it to Huali. For the cat Huaxiang? Who gave him dried fish? Who kissed him, so besides his owner, what he likes the most? It feeds the dried fish to A Yue.


Huali rubbed his head against A Yue's right hand? It really looked delicate and cute? No matter how you look at it, it was all a beautiful kitten.

Just don't think about it? That dog with Xiaohei? You have to fight every day.

"Are you interested in doing business?"

Shen Qingci just wanted to bring this person down. This paper business is too big, she can't afford it, and Hongsu only runs Shitolou. She is not too familiar with other businesses.

So she wants to go between? Or this one is better.

Didn’t he say? People who came out of the imperial city? Naturally, their knowledge is extraordinary, and now they are talking about stupidity, although they don’t know when this one was stupid? But at least, now, they should It's still silly to sit with this beast, and walk for a long time.

"what business?"

A Yue raised his head and smiled at him. The smile was as clear and clean as before.

"Is it the spice?"

"No." Shen Qingci shook his head. We can't make too many spices. Lou Jiaxiang is good, but there is a drawback, that is, the fragrance rate is too low, and it is impossible to sell whatever you want. Otherwise, she did it. In the past 30 years of spice, there are only less than 20 shops in Dazhou.

"What's that?" A Yue put his hand on the table, Huali lifted her small paw, and also placed the small paw on the back of his hand.

A Yue squeezed his little paw to play.

"But what business do you have, I want to participate, and I have a bunch of people to support."

His meaning is clear, that is, no matter what business Shen Qingci has, he will take it.

"You wait a minute."

Shen Qingci stood up and also walked out, and when she came in again, she had already taken something in her hand and put it on the table.

A Yue was surprised.

"This is paper?"

He took a page and touched it lightly with his finger.

The texture of this paper is not bad, it seems to be better than the paper he used in the imperial city, and it should be whiter.

"You don't want to do business with me, are these businesses?"

If it is such a business, then it will definitely make a profit without losing money, but the people who can do paper business are usually those who sell themselves and rarely cooperate with others.

And is this paper made by her?

If she did it, he believed it.

He believed that she could do more good things, don't ask him why, don't ask him why he believes so.

That’s how he feels told him

"This business, are you willing?"

Shen Qingci has shown his sincerity, and now it is time to look at him.

"Do you know that this is much better selling than your spices. Spices can be bought or not, but paper products are needed by every household, especially those who are scholars. Few people will use these businesses. Let someone else do it."

"I know."

Shen Qingci knows this. She also made a special trip through several Wenji Four Treasure Shops. Indeed, as A Yue said, no matter which one, what she lacks most is nothing but paper.

And these papers are Huangjiazhi or Chenjiazhi. Each type of paper is well-known, and these papers are also businesses that people personally negotiated. Most of them are sold on consignment, like the big four-treasure store in the study. It is even more developed by these papermakers themselves.

"I don't want to open so many shops." Shen Qingci has no experience to do these things, and the Lin family's background is still too weak, she needs to find a good backer for the Lin family.

And such a backer is far away from the horizon, but also in front of you, this person is credible.

She can be regarded as a person who has lived for two lives. It depends on people’s perspectives. What's more, he saved her life and helped her solve the Hua family's affairs, even if he conspired with these papermaking techniques. , It doesn't matter.

She Shen Qingci's life is enough to meet these, the big deal, she will find another family business for her brother.

She has silk making, cloth dyeing, and even simple iron making skills. Although she doesn’t know much, it is enough to support the family business. If it doesn’t work, she can only sell the Huang family. The fragrant recipe is sold for millions of taels of silver, and she is not hungry for Aduoni and her future brother, but she feels it. .

No amount of money can compare to a good family business.

There is no family business, only silver notes, and there is still not much background. This is a local turtle, not a big family.

So she is willing to gamble once, bet on what this man is, and bet on her life for this man.

"Okay." A Yue still smiled flawlessly. This person's smile was very different from Qi Yuan's. Qi Yuan's always seemed to spend every effort and effort, but in the simplicity, there are countless complexities and scheming.

But this person is different, but he likes to find simplicity in complexity.

"Five Five."

He stretched out a hand and blinked his eyes. He wants to raise a lot of people.

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