"Okay," Shen Qingci nodded lightly. He didn't even think about it. He said five-five, just five-five, at least there is no four-six, or two-seven. He only said five-five, which is considered very conscientious. Up.

Daliangzhi is already very expensive, even if it is 50%, it is enough to earn at least several hundred thousand taels of silver within a year.

"Are you really willing?"

A Yue lightly touched his chin, "50% of paper making is much more than your spices."

"I don't want another flower family to appear."

Shen Qingci is willing to give up half of the profits, but hopes to protect the Aduoniang family without any worries.

"Since we are already in a cooperative relationship," Shen Qingci thought for a while, "something is imminent now, can you find more people to come over, well, you can eat meat every day and get paid."

A Yue couldn’t help but smiled bitterly. Could it be that he failed such a failure to keep the people under him from eating and warming? It seems to be the case. Think about the patch that Wei Jiang himself patched up, his current face as the master. They are all hot.


Huali had a full stomach, rolled on the table, looked at this, then looked at that, and finally ran to Shen Qingci, jumped into the owner’s arms, and found a place for herself and lay down. I fell asleep there.

Shen Qingci rubbed Huali for a long time, and then he stood up and prepared to discuss the matter with Master Qin.

"I am worried about this."

After Master Qin listened, he was relieved.

"We are a small family, we are not afraid of having any ability, but we are afraid of being remembered. If you can find a good backer, then this papermaking can be done, and half of the profits can be made. It's not a loss."

"Master didn't blame me for my own opinion."

Shen Qingci was still worried? Master Qin would not understand her approach, after all, it was not 10% or 20% that had to be surrendered.

Master Qin was used to stroking his beard? As a result, he did not have his beard? It was a little embarrassing.

"I don't worry when you do things. I know the things that attract the wind."

"Master understands it."

Shen Qingci knew that Master Qin was a transparent person? Abandoning some benefits, but in exchange for long-term peace, this business? There will be no loss? What's more? Who said that?

In her opinion, she will still make a lot of money? The papermaking technique she brings is not the traditional papermaking technique of Daliang? Daliang’s papermaking technique is very complicated? So the paper output is low, but her red technique, Relatively simple, the paper output rate is also high, which may also affect the paper price of Daliang? Some things are too big? They can't eat it? So she needs someone to eat with them.

In this way, one bite can not only eat enough, but also save the time.

Shen Qingci lowered his head? Poke Huali's ear, Huali moved her small ear, rolled over, and then shrank herself into a small ball.

Unfortunately, it's not a fox.

If it's a fox, that's fine.

She always wanted to brand the little one, and if that little one was there, 80% of them would jump around.

Master Qin also stared at the cat for a long time, and Shen Qingci picked up the cat and placed it in front of Master Qin.

"Master, do you want to touch it?"

"okay then."

Master Qin carefully hugged the cat. After this hug, I realized that it was not too heavy. This cat looks fat, but in fact it has longer hair but not much meat, so it is still very light, and of course it is warm and soft. , It's quite fun.

He couldn't help but touched the cat's white paws and tail, but at the end he coughed slightly, as if he had realized something. He is a master, how could he be so disheartened, he quickly returned the cat to Shen Qing Resignation.

Shen Qingci hugged his little cat, and the little Huali that was blown up just now, the hair on his body finally collapsed, but Shen Qingci didn’t know what kind of hair was blown up, he thought Master Qin would Did it fall?

When she came out holding the cat again, she happened to meet Ah Yue again.

"You are thinking, where do you want to make paper? Isn't it possible here?"

There will be a lot of noise when making paper, and people come and go, which may affect the school.

"Over there," Shen Qingci pointed in the direction, "There is a place near the river, and it will be convenient to get water at that time." It was also the place she had planned early in the morning.

"The land there was bought. I asked Lizheng. Lizheng said that the land does not belong to the village and it should be bought by the government. One."

"keep the change."

A Yue lightly touched his nose, "You have made money and paper, so I can't do nothing, so how about I give you that place?"

Shen Qingci turned his face suddenly, and then stared at him suspiciously for a long time.

"You bought that place?"

"No," A Yue shook his head, "You can think of that place as my... fiefdom."


When Shen Qingci heard it, it turned out to be a fief, but this fief is so strange, a river, a mountain, and then nothing.

What is the land used for? It is for the aged.

"Aren't you surprised?"

A Yue thought she would ask one more question, but when she was fine, she just gave him one sentence.

Shen Qingci lowered his long eyelashes and pinched the floral-scented little white paw.

"When you experience stranger things, you will realize that there is nothing strange in this world."

She sleeps well and can sleep in a strange place, and even she herself can become a stranger.

I am afraid that there is no one in this world who will be more strange than her experience.

So no matter what is strange, in her opinion, it is all normal.

However, this is also good news, waiting for A Yue to bring people, they can start work.

Just as Master Qin said, the paper that Master Qin made by himself was enough for the students of the academy, and it really saved a lot of expenses, and the rest was earned.

Holding his cat, Shen Qingci went to the sandy soil again, looked at her sweet potato seedlings, looked at it, touched it, and really liked it.

In fact, there was nothing wrong with her mood since the beginning, which could make her mood fluctuate until these sweet potato seedlings appeared.

She often sits here, sometimes for a long time. She doesn't make spices and doesn't make money. She just stares at these sweet potato seedlings in a daze, just like now.

The people in the village have been strange from the beginning, and now they are used to it. Of course there will be a kind reminder.

"Aduo, we are going to eat."

The response was Shen Qingci's twisted face and a clean smile.

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