Lizheng stood up and wanted to find someone. Several families in the village had a bad life. This time, there were no special requirements for the people Shen Qing wanted. It doesn’t matter if he is older, as long as he is healthy. People are clean, as well as going to the mountains to chop wood, which can be done by old people up to 40 or 50 years old, and children down to ten years old.

Don't talk about giving two taels of silver this month, even if it's just one month, the wages for this month will be enough for the family to live on.

"Then trouble Grandpa."

Shen Qingci understood that Lizheng was anxious to find someone now, and he didn't stay here for a long time, lest Lizheng get angry for a while.

"No trouble, no trouble at all."

Lizheng smiled, "If you want something like this in the future, even if you come over to tell Grandpa, although Grandpa has old arms and legs, it's okay to find someone else."

"Then wait for the follow-up dignitaries, I will come to see Grandpa again."

Naturally, Shen Qingci will come back in the future. Of course, this matter of finding someone will come back to trouble again.

She doesn't believe what others find, but Lizheng is different. He knows every villager very well, including things in their homes.

The people he looked for were all very suitable for her.

After leaving Lizheng’s home, Shen Qingci first went to the house of A Yue, which was farther away from the village than the academy, and of course it was quieter. When he entered, almost no sound was heard. , You can only hear the sounds of chopped wood inside.

"You came."

A Yue came over, with a little white cat squatting on his shoulder.

"Why is it here?"

Shen Qingci remembered that when he came out, he gave this cat to Amei to take care of it? When did it come out?

"Run out by myself."

A Yue touched Huali’s little head, “It’s very smart and knows the way? And everyone in this village knows it? You also know it was raised by you? You can’t move it.”

But Shen Qingci was a little worried. Wait till she goes back? She will definitely have a good life? Talk to the cat, she dare to say, here? It must not find a good master like her.

If this is in someone else’s home? How can there be meat?

Those things? Are you ready? Shen Qingci asked A Yue? She didn't come here to beat the cat? She came here to ask questions about business.

She drew the things Da Zhou used to make paper. With these, she could make paper in large quantities.

And she sometimes thinks, the reason why the paper making here in Daliang is so low? It's nothing else? It's because there may not be a complete set of things needed for paper making.

Did she draw it from her own memory? I don’t know where it was wrong.

"Something went wrong? Come and take a look."

A Yue turned around to let Shen Qingci come in too.

Some problems did arise. Of course, such a thing could not be solved by him. Who drew the drawings, then only the painter can know where these problems are.

After Shen Qingci went in, he saw a bunch of things that looked like Da Zhou Papermaking. In fact, Da Liang is not stupid. She just drew drawings, but in the end, these people made such tools according to the drawings. Came out.

Although the appearance is somewhat different, it shouldn't be much different when used.

She stepped back a few steps and squatted on the ground, and then asked these people to give her a trial. She knew what went wrong?

A few people started to get busy, and there was nothing wrong in the front, and it was done in one go. Only in one step, something went wrong.

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