Sitting there, Shen Qingci also propped up his face.

She remembered nothing wrong, but why not. She took the drawings and compared them for a long time. Thanks to that, what she liked the most in her last life was drawing drawings, and after adding another life, she followed the brand. A lot of it, so she can't tell which part of her drawings is wrong, but she can also say that she can definitely find the error.

What's wrong?

Huali twisted her head, her little nose moved slightly, as if she could smell a familiar breath.

It jumped off A Yue's shoulder, and then ran to Shen Qingci, rubbed his master's hand with his little head, but the master ignored it.

With a pair of beautiful round eyes, it also yelled at the owner Nuo Nuo, and then jumped into the owner's arms, obediently lying still.

He is the most well-behaved cat, and of course he loves the owner the most.

I don’t know if I heard the fragrance of flowers, Shen Qingci put his hand on Huali’s little head, and...

Picked up its hair


Huali screamed, and jumped out of her master's arms, then ran behind A Yue, and licked her own hair pitifully.

Shen Qingci lowered his head and placed his fingers in front of him, and saw that there were a lot of white hairs on it.

What she did just now, it seems that she has pulled off a lot of Huali hair.

She quickly put the back of her hand behind her, and also threw the white hairs on the ground, destroying the body.

After successfully destroying the corpse, she stood up, and then stepped on the white hair with one foot.

The people on one side, including Ayue, and the guards, should not have seen it, but the poor cat did not know how it grew so big, why it was not pulled out by the owner. Bald?

Shen Qingci let out another breath and walked over.

It also pointed to the wrong tool in front of him.

"This is the opposite."

It was indeed the reverse, just because there was one thing in it, which was very easy to make mistakes. It seemed that this happened during the Great Zhou Dynasty, which was told to her by Branding.

It turns out that just the pros and cons of one thing can affect success or failure.

Just thinking of Branding, her hands behind her back could no longer help but grab each other.

Hearing Shen Qingci's words, the one who hurriedly started to make corrections. Sure enough, if this is another try, there will be no problem.

When she came out again, it was already the time when the sun was about to set. It turned out that this day was past again.

She walked forward, in the direction of the sweet potato field, and behind her was a white kitten.

When she sat in the sweet potato field, she hadn't been here for a few days, and she seemed to have grown a little longer.


Huali jumped into her arms and licked the back of her master's hand. It seemed that she had discovered the loss of her master at this time. Even the matter of being plucked by her master was forgotten.

Shen Qingci put his hand on Huali's little head.

"Can a cat take a boat? Are you afraid of water?"

Shen Qingci grabbed Huali's little paw.

"I can't bear you, but I can't seem to take you away."

Even if it is a cat, it is still a life. Following her nine deaths, it is better to stay here, there will be many people who can take care of it, and there will be meat and dried fish.

Instead of feeding fish.

Huali licked the back of her hand again, then curled up her little body, fell asleep on her master's lap, and made a very small snoring sound.

"We are home."

Shen Qingci picked up the kitten and found that this little leg was missing a lot of white hair. Whose cruel hand was this, is it self-evident?

She touched the bald part of Huali.

"Don't be afraid, it will grow out."

She comforted Huali, and she didn't know if it could be audible, but it would definitely grow out. When it was moulted, it would be a very beautiful kitten again.

She walked forward with the kitten in her arms, and when she was passing by, she also saw a lot of villagers.

Just right, Lizheng also discovered Shen Qingci.

Called her quickly.

"Aduo, just right, you are here, this is the person Grandpa asked for you, do you think it is good?"

When Lizheng was saying these words, he might just be unintentional, but it made the villagers nervous. They were afraid that Shen Qingci would say that he was not good, and that he could not do it. Then he would not have this share. Work that can make money, and people like them are all counting on the money to live on.

Shen Qingci probably looked at the people in front of him. The clothes were patched, and the hands were rough. She knew that these people were very poor people in the village, and some were like her and Ado. Mother struggling to live like before.

"Uncle's choice is naturally good."

Shen Qingci praised Lizheng, that's it, she didn't think about changing anyone, besides, she didn't have any familiarity with people in the village.

She has already helped the familiar ones, and she has also helped.

As for these people, they can help.

Lizheng breathed a sigh of relief, and these villagers did the same. They all showed gratitude to Shen Qingci, and even more, some people had some guilt in their eyes.

Shen Qingci is not Lin A-duo, so she doesn't know what happened to Lin A-duo before, and she doesn't know who is good to her and who is not good to her.

But even Adonang doesn't care now, what does she care about?

Shen Qingci is holding the cat and heading towards Lin's family. Maybe the whole village now is the most boring of her. It's not a sweet potato field, or a cat. For some reason, the more she feels the life here is now. Some are weak.

"Hua Li, if I can't go home yet, I want to dig a hole and bury myself."


Huali licked her fingers again, seeming to comfort her.

"You said, where are you from, cutie?"

Shen Qingci brought the Huali cat to his eyes. This little hairy face is really pretty, especially a plump look, with a big head and a round face, and even the little paws are fat.

She put Huali on her shoulders, and Huali lay down automatically, her two small paws were also tightly grasping her clothes, and she squatted firmly there.

She walked to the door and slapped the door lightly. The door opened immediately, and then she stretched out a hand, and the same kind of fragrance with plum blossoms came oncoming.

She is here.

That hand came over and snatched the Huali.

"You said you, how did you raise these little things?"

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