These papers only appeared in the imperial city, and it was difficult to buy them elsewhere.

Shen Qingci asked A Yue why he didn't sell it in Linjiang City. A Yue said that he just wanted to be quiet, and he didn't want anyone to come over to inquire about the news today, and someone else would come tomorrow.

Furthermore, his shops are all in the imperial city, so why not go to the imperial city to sell them. Anyway, to make money, and then to sell in the imperial city, the money earned is more than that of Linjiang, so why not go to the imperial city ?

If there is any problem, throw it to the imperial city, and someone will naturally help him solve it.

Shen Qingci doesn’t care about this, as long as she can earn money. Her brother is still young. In fact, she still needs to be in Aniang’s belly. When he can be alone in the future, this paper industry already has To a certain scale.

As long as he is not too dull, this family business should be able to keep him safe.

The sweet potatoes in the sand continued to grow. Although Shen Qingci didn't have the dirt to look at, according to the villagers, the sweet potatoes at this time can already be dug.

You can’t see the sweet potato, but Niang A'duo can see her belly. At the beginning, her belly was quite big. It was also for a time that Shen Qingci thought that she might be twins, so she found a few doctors. All said it was one.

It's strange to say that she came here. At first, Adonang's belly might have been bigger than other women, but now it is actually smaller. Of course, no one says she is twins anymore.

On this day, Shen Qingci raised a basket and walked toward his piece of sweet potato.

After arriving, those sweet potato vines were also crawling everywhere. I don’t know if it was a compliment or true. People in the village said that her sweet potatoes grow very well, and the sweet potatoes below should also grow very big. .

She squatted on the ground and began to dig up sweet potatoes, and she had always been quiet, but also in an instant, as if it had been lit up, and even the long dull things were wiped out.

Although this is her first time planting sweet potatoes, she is a good way to dig sweet potatoes. She has dug sweet potatoes in just a few strokes.

It seemed that it was not too small. She was holding the sweet potatoes that she dug. Although she hasn't taken them out now, it is indeed a big sweet potato based on her test of digging the sweet potatoes for a winter.

It seems that the villagers did not lie to her.

She continued to dig out, and as a result, she dug out a very large sweet potato, and under this sweet potato vine, there were two smaller ones.

If this is the case for each plant, it is not difficult to understand what Ami said, that one can hold a cellar in one place, and her acres of sweet potato fields can hold several cellars.

Just when she continued to dig, Aping ran over in a hurry.

"Sister, Sister..."


Shen Qingci turned his face, she was digging sweet potatoes.

"Sister..." Aping put his hand to his mouth from a distance, and shouted loudly, fearing that Shen Qingci would not be able to hear it.

"Sister, Auntie is born, she is a little brother."

The sweet potato in Shen Qingci's hand fell to the ground.

When she and Aping arrived at the academy again, everyone in the academy was full of joy. When Mrs. Lizheng saw Shen Qingci, she hurried forward.

"Ado, you are here."


Shen Qingci shouted.

This grandma makes Mrs. Lizheng feel comfortable. Look, this is the grandmother taught by the scholar, but she is different from others. Think about her grandson, who will also be a scholar in the future, she Don't mention how good it is.

"By the way, your mother-in-law gave you a brother."

Mrs. Li Zheng touched the top of Shen Qingci's hair, "You and your mother-in-law will finally have a dependency in the future, although it is not your father's birth, but your father can also relax your mother and daughter."

If there are no males in this family, they will be bullied. Now the Lin family finally has a top door, and no one will have the idea of ​​playing the Lin family's business in the future.

It's useless to fight anymore. The Lin family has a male son and someone to inherit the family business.

Shen Qingci also walked into the house quickly.

Aduoniang's complexion is good, and she doesn't have the paleness of those women after giving birth. She can still sit up with a small swaddle next to her.

"Ado, come and see your brother."

A Duo Niang really has everything to do right now. This little person is also the result of her painstaking efforts, and is also her support for the rest of her life.

Shen Qingci walked over and looked down at the sleeping baby.

She looks pretty ugly, but she has seen a lot of children. The few in her family are not good-looking when they are born, especially the third child of his family. Not only does he look bad, but he also has some congenital shortcomings. But the face now, But even his mother is jealous.

This child doesn’t look very good again, but his closed eyes are extremely long, his forehead is full, and his nose is very long like Master Qin. However, it can be seen in general that it should be a little bit like A Duo Niang, so this After growing up, there must be a handsome kid too.

In addition, there is such a master as a father, who can be both cultural and martial arts.

You inherited your sister's birth, and she will depend on her in the future.

Shen Qingci stretched out his hand and placed it on this small face, so he must grow up quickly and be safe.

She just doesn't quite understand.

"Aniang, don't you have a few days to give birth? How come you gave birth like this today, and it is still silent, when did this start?"

"Maybe he is in a hurry."

A Duo Niang lightly patting is the sleeping child, the light between her eyebrows and her eyes is even warmer, and the raised one seems to be much younger than the original age, so now even if it is haggard, it is There was no ugliness. When she was pregnant, she only got a fat belly, but she didn't overweight her body. So now after giving birth, she is like those young women, and her figure has not changed a bit.

It has something to do with the days she lived here, and of course it has something to do with herself. I heard that it was the same when she gave birth to Adu.

And Shen Qingci, the younger brother, was even more unexpected than her older sister.

Say you are born and you are born.

A Duo Niang gave birth to a child inside, and all the people outside were busy jumping, and suddenly there was a loud cry of the child, and the midwife who had just jumped into the threshold was shocked.

Just like that.

Yes, that's how it was born.

It was only a quarter of an hour.

The water didn’t heat up, the midwife didn’t come in, and she didn’t even prepare anything. Then this little one was born. In A-niang’s belly, she was a good-natured one, and she didn’t toss her too much. He was born so arrogant. Although he was not a fat and cute child, he knew that he was a very strong little boy by listening to the cry.

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