And it was exactly what Shen Qingci meant.

Is it a little brother, or a menacing little brother.

In fact, A Duo Niang herself was quite surprised. When she first gave birth to A Duo, she gave birth to one day and one night. At that time, A Duo was born, just like a baby chicken, thin and small, but this one can be regarded as White and tender, but also very easy to live.

Even now, she still doesn't feel much.

"I think this is a lot of good deeds. God is blessing it."

"Yes, good people are rewarded, and the Lin family has some talents, so they help the villagers. The people in our village have built big houses now, but it's not her who works."

"I heard that I didn't treat the villagers badly at all, that Amei's child became a fat boy."

May "..."

"We are not a little fat man. We are just thin and not obvious. You are not fat at all. Really, this is a blessing that others can't ask for."

A Duo Niang naturally heard it too, and she immediately persuaded Amei to avoid her not eating in the future, what should I do if she loses her luck?

These days, eating is a blessing.

What if you can eat now, what if there is nothing to eat after this day, and you can only eat soil?

Shen Qingci poked the little Adi's cheek lightly.

Nen was born, and she hadn't seen such a small child in a long time.


There was a soft cough outside, and Shen Qingci stood up, knowing that it was Master Qin who came, and it was difficult for Master Qin to come and get a son.

He was displaced for half his life, and he lost his parents at a young age. He was also under the fence. He was unwilling to admit defeat. He just made a way for himself among countless injustices and learned a lot of knowledge.

Even when the fortune is not good, it is hard to become a biological son, and it is also a time for success and fame, but it is the death of his wife, a good life, but also because he has no power and power, he is replaced.

Until he came to this ordinary little village, he faced these simple children every day, which made his heart become open-minded bit by bit, and now, he has become a dear and gave birth to a child. .

He spent half of his life in exchange for this blood-connected child.

His eyes were red, and he didn't know where he had cried before, and he dared to come after he calmed down some of his mind. Shen Qingci stood up and left this place to Master Qin.

Adonang is finally not her mother-in-law, and she will no longer have to live with her in the future. She also personally gave Adonanga to others. Even the little brother was born because of her. .

But this is not what she wants, but she still feels a little bit unwilling to give up, she finally got the mother.

Then she walked to the sweet potato field, she squatted on the ground and began to dig up sweet potato.

The sweet potato grows to ten people and each weighs several kilograms.

She picked up a sweet potato, wiped the soil on it, broke it from the center, and ate it.

The raw sweet potatoes will have a special sweetness, and they are not crispy.

When you eat it in your mouth, you can taste a kind of fullness besides sweetness.

It's just that her heart is empty at this moment.

She ate a big sweet potato, then dug a basket of sweet potato back and asked Yu Niang to make sweet potato porridge for her.

She had asked Hongsu to find a nanny to help her to take care of her little brother long before Aduoni gave birth, and there was also Mrs. Lizheng there, just like the elders, so she Duoniang sits in her confinement, she won't hurt her roots like last time. If she hurt her the last time, she would really be ruined.

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