"And..." She came over again, took out a wooden box larger than that in her hand, and sat down in front of Qiu Fan.

She opened the wooden box, which was filled with silver notes, almost all of them.

"This is a million taels of silver."

Qiu Fan smoothed the corners of his lips.

"Where did you get the silver?"

How much silver Shen Qingci can make, Qiu Fan has some numbers in his heart. Those spices are worth more than two hundred thousand taels a year, but now it's only a year or so. How could she put out millions of taels of silver? , If this is the silver of the Lin family, is this a fool?

The Lin family really has so much silver, so why was it so poor before?

"I earned it by selling incense."

Shen Qingci propped up his face on the table. In this world, not only selling spices can make money, but there are many ways to make money.

"How dare you!"

Qiu Fan felt that Shen Qingci was crazy. She could also think of this way of unloading the grievances and killing the donkey. This is to kill the business. If you do it yourself, you will have more than a million taels of silver. .

"There is nothing to be afraid of?" Shen Qingci is not a person who earns money from death, people still need to be flexible, her transaction with the Hua family, you love me, and their respective joys, the Hua family got the fragrance, and she She has got silver. This is the fastest way she can make money. If she needs silver in the future, she will go to the Hua family. The century-old family of the Hua family may be a little ostentatious, but they only have one advantage, that is Their family is not bad in money, and there is as much money as they need.

In the future, if she really wants to have money, she will sell a few more fragrant recipes. Anyway, these fragrant recipes are not hers. The ones she put in the cabinet, she turned around and looked at the cabinet behind her. She sells it, and what she sells is the prescription of the Huang family. The Huang family has pitted her a lot in the past life, and in this life, it has helped her a lot.

So when she gets home, maybe she will let the old monk recite some rebirth mantras to them.

"This one million taels..." she said, there was some warmth between her eyebrows.

"When my younger brother comes of age, he will give it to him on my behalf, saying that it is the coming-of-age gift given to him by older sister."

"You won't give it yourself?"

Qiu Fan didn’t want to touch these million taels of silver, but she could really rest assured that she would give him the silver. She was not afraid, but he was also afraid. If he loses the silver ticket, where he will go, give him 100 Ten thousand dollars.

Even if he is given to others for nothing, who wants it?

"I'm always scared in case."

Shen Qingci hasn't known why lately, and always feels that he may need to arrange these well, and be prepared, maybe one day it will really be of great use.

"You are not afraid that I will swallow these silver?"

Qiu Fan dare to say that there is no one in this world who is not tempted to face so much talent, and of course he is also tempted.

A million taels is enough to be sold on the next street, enough to make oneself an adult master, enough to be a group of beautiful women, and a lifetime of prosperity.

"I believe you."

Shen Qingci squeezed her hands tightly. If she didn't believe it, she wouldn't give it to him. It was because she believed that she entrusted him with such a big thing.

Qiu Fan snorted, and he picked up both boxes.

"I swear by my life and the life of Amei, if I swallow your million taels of silver, I will not die, and I will fall into the **** of the nose after death, and will never be superborn, my sister..."

"Don't curse my Ah Qing!"

Shen Qingci's most annoying is this kind of person, "If you swear, take yourself, why should you bring Ah Qing? Ah Qing is only five years old. This is to provoke you."

Qiu Fan didn't speak anymore, he also seemed to find that he had said something wrong.

"Go down."

Shen Qingci shook his hand lightly, and also let Qiu Fan go down. She was a little tired and wanted to rest.

When the outside door was closed, she was already lying on the table, and she heard a meowing sound in her ear, but she seemed unable to lift her hand, but sank into a very strange Feel inside.

It was completely black, just lying in the mother's belly, without light, sound, and feeling.

Only the ears came from time to time, that kind of wooden fish knocking sound.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door outside, and then the person lying on the table woke up faintly, and Huali who was lying on the side also opened his eyes, but stepped back involuntarily.

"Hua Li."

The person on the table smiled, then stretched out his hand and hugged Huali. Huali struggled for a long time at first, as if finally smelled a familiar smell. This was the only way for her to hold her quietly.

"Aduo, you are awake."

"Well, Auntie, I am awake."

As she said, she was still smiling, but there were too many sighs in her smile.

But in the school, Adolphe was a little weak to hug her son and coaxed, thinking, what is the matter with this child, why has been crying, she has been crying all the time at night until now, her voice is crying dumb. .

I also asked the doctor to see it. The doctor said that there was nothing wrong with the child's body, and he might have been a little frightened, which is what is usually called a dream.

Mrs. Rizheng wiped her hands on her body, and quickly walked in, "Why are you still crying?"

A Duo Niang also didn't know, she was very good on weekdays, and she didn't know what was wrong, her little face was red from crying, which made people really distressed.

"Come on, Abang look at this."

A Duo Niang brought a wave drum, "Your sister bought this for you, or she polished it by herself."

The sound of the wavy drum also made the cry of the child, and finally became smaller.

Then he stared at the wavy drum and stretched out the little fat hand wanting.

Adoniang gave him the wave, the little child, since he was born, he has not cried so poorly, his eyes are swollen.

Now don't talk about wavy drums, horrible, Adonian wants to give it.

And the child hugged the wavy drum with his little hand and rubbed it with his little face, which may have been the reason for the tiredness of crying. He had fallen asleep before long.

But even if he fell asleep, he wouldn't let others move his waves. As long as he moved, he would cry desperately.


The curtain outside was opened, and a person walked in.


A Duoniang turned her head and saw that it was A-Nu coming in and said to her quickly.

"Your brother doesn't know what's wrong. He has been crying all the time. Just now he was coaxed. Do you want to take him to the town to see him?


There was another sound.

And Niang Adolphe was stunned, then she stood up and also walked towards the lady who was standing at the door.

"you are……"

A Duo Niang stretched out her hand and touched A Nu's face in disbelief.

This pair of eyes, this A Niang.

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