"You are Ado, are you back?"

The visitor was also taken aback, "Aniang, you know."

A Duo Niang opened her mouth, suddenly she felt her eyes sore, she reached out her hand and hugged her daughter, she cried after covering her mouth, but she didn't dare to make too much noise, because she was afraid of the noise. The one just now was the sleeping boy.

Soon after, the mother and daughter were also sitting together.

Lin Adora held A Peng's chubby hands, and he loved it.

"Aniang, I finally touched Adi's little hand, which is great."

Yes, she is Lin A-duo, the real Lin A-duo, in fact, she has always been there, and always knows, what did the person who lived in her place, did and experienced?

She thought that she could be like this for the rest of her life. She could see but could not touch. No one in this world knew of her existence, but she did not regret it, because her death brought this powerful soul, this The person occupying her body is stronger than her, smarter than her, and more capable than her.

If you can take care of A-Niang, take everything back to her, and live for her, then she is willing to be a lonely ghost for a lifetime.

She saw that her home was getting better and better, and she saw that she could sit on the same level as Hong Su, and she had always been a strict Lizheng and could laugh.

She even helped her marry A-niang, which also made A-niang give birth to a younger brother. She will have a younger brother in the future. She wants a younger brother in her dreams. As long as they have a younger brother, they will have a younger brother. After the descendants, as long as there is an Adi, Aniang will not be bullied in the future, and she will have a backer that she can rely on in the future.

All this is what she wants, even if she didn't get it herself, she is still very grateful.

Until that day, she felt that her consciousness was becoming more and more superficial, and she knew that she might disappear and also want to leave, and she also took the initiative to leave, she was willing to give up her body to that person, I also want her to take her to life.

Continue to take care of A-niang, and... Adi.

"Then, where did she go?"

A Duoniang wiped her tears, her heart seemed to be dug out, very painful.

That's also her daughter.

"Sister, she...maybe go home."

In fact, A'duo didn't know where that person went, she came inexplicably, but also left inexplicably.

Although she doesn't even know her name, she is her sister.

"Your sister, she really went home."

A Duo Niang murmured again, "Go back to the home she always wanted to go back to, right?"

"She should have gone back."

Lin A-duo can't answer, but she can come back, so she should be able to go back too.

"Aniang, have you always...know?"

What surprised Lin A-duo was that her mother-in-law seemed to have known it all the time. She thought that no one in this world could recognize it. After all, a person's temperament would change drastically after experiencing something.

No one can recognize it, even Ami is the same.

But, A-niang, got it?

"I know."

Adonian lowered her head and put her hand on her son's little face.

"From the first glance, I knew that she was not you, she was just another person occupying your body, but every time A-niang saw that face, A-niang thought it was you."

"She treated my mother well. She built a house. She let your dad enter the genealogy. She helped your dad build a college. She also gave me A Peng."

"So A-niang has been protecting her."

A'duo smiled, but she was not jealous at all. If she had such a sister, she would protect her.

Maybe that person never knew, and thought that no one knew her identity, but there was someone who always knew that she was not the real Lin Aduo, so she used her own way to protect her and guard her , So no one has ever doubted it, it's nothing else, just because she has a mother.

It was also this weak, no woman who seemed to have avoided all those dangers for her, and also helped her avoid it.

At this time, A Peng who was asleep was humming again, he was about to wake up.

It's that when the child woke up, he immediately squashed his mouth, which was about to cry.

"Come on, sister hug."

Lin A Duo picked up A Peng.

But Ah Peng turned his face away and stretched out his little hand to take his own wave drum.

Adoniang covered her face again, but not only did she recognize it, but also A Peng.

Peng, there is no longer your sister in this world, but this is also your sister. She will definitely replace that sister, love you more, love you more, and will protect you when you grow up.


A Duoniang shouted A-Nu's name and told her seriously.

"Don't let people know, what happened to you? You are her, she is you, you have never changed."

"Otherwise you will burn to death."

The power of ghosts is very taboo for the villagers. She has used so many lies to realize her identity.

"Nangong, don't worry."

Lin Aduuo held Aduoniang's hand, but found that Aduoniang's hand was a bit cold.

"Aniang, I won't be recognized. She comforts Aduoniang again. I have been with her for more than a year, and sometimes I am thinking, what will happen if I become her?"

"I may not be able to learn her temperament in my life, but I have been able to learn about three points of her temperament after being with her for so long."

"A few years later, who will know how I have become?"

Adonang nodded, but her heart still hurts.

"Aniang, it's just like this..."

A'duo looked back at the clear blue sky outside the window.

"Maybe no one knows that there was a sister in the world, I will erase everything from A sister, mother, sorry."

A Duo Niang put her hand on the top of Lin A Duo's hair, "She was going to leave. Instead of letting her have no purpose, she would die for a lifetime. It's better to be like this, where she came from and where she went. , Good people will be rewarded."

"And she..."

She reached out and put her hand on her chest.

"It hasn't disappeared either, she is here, in our hearts, she has always been with us."

Lin Aduo also nodded lightly, and she held A Peng's little hand carefully.

"A-niang, although I am better than A-si, I will work hard and grow up hard. I will also try to learn A-niang, for A-niang, for A-peng, and the people in the village, to live a good life."

A Duo Niang wiped her tears. She believed that her A Duo was originally a dexterous child. His father said that she just didn't want not to learn, but if she learns, she might even be a man. It's incomparable.

Just when she wanted to say something, A Qing ran in from outside, and when she saw Lin A-duo, she threw herself happy and hugged her leg.

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