Shen Qingci stood up and bowed to Master Jingkong. When she looked back, she seemed to see the Buddha statue and smiled at him, saving sentient beings with such generosity.


The sudden voice of Master Jingkong also made Shen Qingci stop.

"What else is the master?"

Shen Qingci is waiting. If it can be done, she will definitely refuse, but if it can’t be done, she will also find a way to do it. If she can’t even do it, it’s not because there is a branding worry, if it can’t even be done. When he arrives, then he can only go to the one in the palace, that is the emperor, and the world is in his hands, so there is no change.

"Can the poor monk ask, what is the wish of the donor to dream?"

Master Jingkong kept staring at her, and that glance was as quiet as the sea, but it was like looking at flowers in the mist, and even he himself was indistinct.


Shen Qingci Wang raised his finger. I want a mother and a younger brother.

So she got it.

"What else can the master ask?"

Shen Qingci asked Master Jingkong, and she answered all he asked, but still have any questions?

"Thank you donor."

Master Jingkong made another Buddhist ceremony, which made Shen Qingci somewhat inexplicable.

When she wanted to ask again, she found that Master Kong had closed her eyes and knocked the wooden fish on the table again.

And this kind of muyu sound, now in my ears, doesn't make people feel annoying anymore.

She turned around and left here, letting the little novice take her to the room where Luo Yuxi lived.

When she entered, Luo Yuxi was sitting in front of the stone table, copying Buddhist scriptures and wearing plain clothes, but he still couldn't conceal the air of his body. There were not many rules, but he was casual and free.

This is like his temperament.

However, he has always disliked being restrained by others. Now he can stay quietly in the temple. Every crystal can't eat even a slice of meat. Although the children in her family grew up in Sixiu, But it's also finely raised.

Luo Yuxi felt something too. As soon as he looked up, he saw Shen Qingci standing in front of him.


Luo Yuxi put down the pen quickly, and also ran to Shen Qingci, kneeling on the ground with her knees bent, "Mother is fine, my son is not filial, so I can't always do my filial piety under my mother's knees."

Luo Yuxi also complained very much about himself, but his hostility was too heavy. Uncle said that if he didn't let the violence go down, he would have to smash King Shuo's mansion. That's why he is here to cultivate his character so that he can Go back home as soon as possible to reunite with your mother.

Shen Qingci squatted down, also touching the top of Yuxi's hair.

Suddenly, she felt that if she were to give her a chance, she would still choose to be Shen Qing, because this is her home and her family.

Lin A-duo is a young man, and also has a mother and a brother, but after Shen Qing's death, even if she is a girl, she can't pretend to be a girl. She is a mother. She misses her mother, but her child also needs her mother.

"Why did you lose weight?"

Shen Qingci squeezed Lao Yuxi's face, "But the food here is not good, go back with my mother, and my mother will let me give you some delicious food, OK?"

Luo Yuxi thought too, but he couldn't.

"Mother, I still have not finished copying the Buddhist scriptures."

He said embarrassingly, isn't it necessary to have a beginning and an end? He promised his uncle that he would finish copying these sutras. These sutras were the last time. The sutras obtained from Lou's family were very important.

Uncle had never thought about selling a thousand dollars, but his uncle was not worried about other people because of the transcripts of Buddhist scriptures, so he left the matter to him. On the one hand, he can rest assured, on the other hand, he can be well-trained. A quick look at his character will prevent him from accidentally hurting someone by then. Even if he doesn't hurt him, he will hurt two foxes.

So, Shen Qingci thought for a while, still thinking very seriously.

"How about mother copy it for you?"

Anyway, when she is at home, she can be considered leisurely. Recently, she wants to have a good rest for some time. The spices also need to be temporarily let go. In fact, Yipinxiang doesn't need her very much. Even if she doesn't do it for a few years, Yipinxiang cannot fall.

It took her nearly thirty years to make Yipinxiang the No. 1 fragrance in the world. Of course, she didn't need to be a little donkey anymore, doing coolies every day.

and so……

She rolled up her sleeves and was ready to help her son copy the scriptures. It was also possible for her son to go home earlier. Every day she saved was a vegetarian, and people were hungry and thin.

It's not Si Xiu here, she can still smuggle something to him, and eating meat in the temple is a big disrespect to the Buddha, and he can't be beaten to death by his old man.

"Mother, mother..."

Luo Yuxi was frightened, he ran over quickly, and also blocked the table behind him.

"The meaning of these Buddhist scriptures is difficult to understand, and you must be careful when copying them, so that you can show piousness. The son will be dizzy after copying it for a long time. The mother should not copy it."

"Don't be afraid, I just read the words."

Shen Qingci only came here to copy Buddhist scriptures, not as a monk.

Luo Yuxi quickly picked up the Buddhist scriptures with his hands behind his back.

"My mother's body is just getting better. It's better to take more time to rest. Although this copying of the Buddhist scriptures is not a heavy life, if it takes a long time, it will definitely be tired for the mother, so it is better to come with the son."

Shen Qingci thought that what Luo Yuxi said was right, and she quickly put down her sleeves.

She stretched out her hand and squeezed her son's face. Then you can copy the Buddhist scriptures for your uncle with peace of mind, "Wait for you to go back, my mother will let you cook meat for you."

"it is good."

Luo Yuxi's smiled eyes narrowed, which was very pleasing.

Even the flesh on his face couldn't help but twitched. Mother's hand is quite strong.

At night, when Brandon came back, he knew that Shen Qingci had returned from Xiangjue Temple and shut himself in the room. Then it seemed that from time to time, there would be some noises inside, which scared Bai Mei and the others. Life and death also dare not go in.

Bold Hengsi opened the door, and saw Shen Qingci holding a ruler and knocking on the table, this time and again, as if he was knocking on something to relieve his hatred.

"A Ning, what are you doing?"

Lao Hengsi walked over and hugged Lao Bai who had shrunk the corner of the wall. He was audacious every year, and fell asleep on the collapse.

Even if the brand is too small, maybe he has never seen Shen Qingci's chance to get such a nerve, so he was scared of this little boy.

He comforted Lao Bai, who also used his small paws to scratch his clothes. With round eyes, he also stared at Shen Qingci from time to time.

Shen Qingci took the table a few more times.

"I'm practicing cooking."

"What dish?"

Pao Hengsi walked over and took away the ruler from Shen Qingci's hand. What can this be done?

"Fried pork with bamboo shoots."

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