Shen Qingci put his hand on his waist.

"I kindly went to see that stinky boy, and I felt sorry for him to copy the Buddhist scriptures by himself, and he couldn't even eat the meat, so I have to help him stir-fry so that he can go home as soon as possible."

"It turned out that he was so good, but he actually disliked his mother's bad words."

She gave birth to her, and she knew her son. He was so careful about how she could hide her as a mother.

"Is my handwriting bad?" Shen Qingci is just mad at others saying her handwriting is not good. That stinky boy actually said her handwriting is bad, how bad her handwriting is, her handwriting Why is it not good? Not just to feed them, but to raise them all so well.

When the stinky boy came back, he insisted on letting him eat some meat.

What did you think it was? It turned out to be these things.

"I don't think you have time to help him copy the Buddhist scriptures," Lao Hengsi poured a cup of tea for her, but seeing her face ruddy and energetic with anger, she knew that her body was already well recovered.

"Tomorrow your elder sister will come over, do you say you are with the elder sister or copy the scriptures?"

How else could Shen Qingci choose? Of course it was the elder sister and the little dumpling. She just thought of the little dumpling. She couldn't help but think of the little Aqing and the little Apeng who was in her arms.

Life can’t go well.

It's luck to be able to walk so once.


Lao Bai got out of Lao Hengsi's arms and jumped onto the table, and then ran towards Shen Qingci. He was so smart that he knew he was going to find his master.

Shen Qingci picked up Lao Bai and threw the ruler aside.

"My brand is so beautiful."

Shen Qingci held up Lao Bai with his hands and placed it in front of him.

She had never seen such a beautiful little fox.

She hasn't seen each other for a year, and she feels more and more beautiful.


Laobai straightened his small chest. He was a pretty little fox. He was more beautiful than his brother. The hair on his body was white and shiny, and it was still waterproof.

"Let's go, Blanco, I'll take you to eat meat."

Shen Qingci went to the kitchen to find food with Laobai.

When she came out, she stopped in place.

That, she seems to have forgotten again, the original one year has really changed her habits.

She doesn’t need to go to the kitchen by herself. As long as she shouts, there will be a bunch of people helping her to do it. She is still rushing to do it. With these time, she can do other things, such as selling some blood and making some superb products. Xiang, is thousands of taels of silver, as long as she is willing, her whole body is silver, she is a person who uses gold to paste a piece of it, it is incredible.

She had to turn back again.


Laobai scratched her clothes with his small paws.

I don’t understand why the owner didn’t take it to eat meat. Didn’t he mean to eat meat? It needs to eat meat to maintain its chubby and small figure, so that it can become a handsome male fox like his brother.

And all the aesthetics of this young fox came from his brother.


Shen Qingci nodded its small forehead.

"In a while I will Baimei give you meat to eat. Most of them eat some meat, which makes you fat. It is too difficult for you to grow up. If you don’t grow fat, you will fall into any mouse hole in the future. Can't find it."

At the very least, this small round body can't fall into the mouse hole.


Lao Bai used his little head to rub his master's face. It knew what it wanted to eat, it wanted to eat a full belly, and it also wanted to eat fat.

He is very good, he is a good fox.

Shen Qingci touched her chubby body.

This feels really good, she hasn't touched the soft body of Burning White for a long time.

It's soft and warm. No matter how long the pear is, it can't grow.

There are still too many differences between cats and foxes.

Huali is a cat, but Laobai is a soft fox.

She was sitting at the table, holding the meat that Baimei took out, and feeding Lao Bai, who was sitting upright, waiting for the owner's feed.

Shen Qingci picked up the chopsticks, picked up a small piece, and placed it in front of Lao Bai.

Paobai ate it in one bite.

And after feeding Laobai a few mouthfuls, she felt a little hungry.

She took another piece of meat with chopsticks and placed it in front of her eyes, as if it tasted good.

But she didn't even think about it, so she ate it.


Lao Bai tilted his little head, and then used his little paws to push the plate towards Shen Qingci, thinking that the owner likes to eat its meat.

"Ah, forget it."

Shen Qingci nodded his white head in embarrassment.

"Come on, your ration."

Shen Qingci put the plate in front of Lao Bai again, you can eat it yourself, I will find something else.

Lao Bai tilted his head around without understanding. In the end, he couldn't figure out what happened to the owner, but he knew one thing, that is, the owner didn't eat its flesh.

So the fleshy meat belongs to a fox.

It stood on the plate happily and ate the meat on the plate into its stomach.

Your appetite is getting longer, Shen Qingci stretched out his finger and poked his white, white forehead.

It’s no wonder that the more you get fatter this month, that’s how you eat it.


Lao Bai called to her, and then happily ate the meat on the plate.

Shen Qing Cici is still sitting here, she is lying on the table, watching Laobai eating.

Until she sat across from someone.

The white ears moved, then ran to the person who came, jumped on the person's lap, and exposed his soft belly.

No wonder it can eat like this.

At the beginning, Shen Qingci had doubts about how he ate himself like this in one month, but he did not eat himself into a ball.

It turns out that the brand has always been in the Fuzhong. If this one is eating up, go to him, and he is not afraid of how much he eats. Anyway, the big master is there, and the big master helps it scratch his stomach, and it will be digested soon. La.

Biao Hengsi raised his hand and put his fingers on its belly, which also lost some of his internal energy.

And this little fox narrowed his eyes and screamed in his mouth.

And without a while, it had already shrunk its small body, and it became more and more like a white ball.

"I'm hungry."

Shen Qingci was all lying on the table. What if she feels hungry?

"What do you want to eat?"

Lao Hengsi stretched out his hand and placed it on her forehead. Why was he always shouting hungry when he woke up? Can his dignified King Shuo's mansion still have a bite to eat?

"I want to eat sweet potatoes."

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