Shen Qingci just wants to eat sweet potatoes now, she doesn't want to eat anything else.

"There are no sweet potatoes here."

Luo Hengxu is really helpless to her, this sweet potato has been saying since she woke up, what kind of dream she had.

"I have made people look for this kind of thing."

Bro Hengsi tried everything to help her find this kind of sweet potato.

As for whether it can be found, it is still not easy to say. If it can be found, it is the best, but if it can't be found, she has to admit her fate. If she wants other things, he can help her get it.

It’s just that this sweet potato doesn’t work. It’s not something that exists in Da Zhou. No, not only Da Zhou, but even other countries don’t have it. If it does exist, it will undoubtedly not become another snow vegetable. .

wrong. This is more tempting than Xuecai. After all, according to Shen Qingci's meaning, this is something that can solve the people's food and clothing. As long as it is planted, then it can be said that there will be no people starving to death after the Great Week.

He naturally wants such a good thing, but he doesn't. Where can he find it?

Shen Qingci was still lying on the table, also listless.

Bro Hengsi sighed softly again, lowered his head, and saw the little white ball on his lap. It was really asleep, so heartless, but it was much simpler than the one in every year. Up.

In Xiangjue Temple, no matter when it is, the place is full of incense, and there is a constant flow of people. In addition to this is the largest monastery in Dazhou, there is also the Master Jingkong here, who is also a famous monk in Dazhou.

Legend has it that Master Jingkong, who was about sixty years old, had a fifteen or sixteen-year-old face. He was born so young that he really wanted to be an eminent monk.

It can be said that most of the pilgrims here came to Master Jingkong's face, but there are not many people who can see his face in this world.

In a small courtyard, there is a faint strand of sandalwood lingering everywhere, and from time to time, you can hear the chanting of the monks.

Lao Yu was sitting at the table, copying the scriptures stroke by stroke. There was a small incense burner on the table, and a light incense was also lit in the incense burner.

This kind of incense is calming and reassuring.

This is indeed a place for rest and recuperation. As long as you stay here, no matter how irritable you are, you can calm your mind, without waves and emotions, and without sorrow or joy.

The outside door opened with a creak.

Luo Yuxi thought it was Niu Xin, but he didn't even care.

"I'm not too hungry yet, so I will wait for some time to eat."

He didn't stop writing, just said in his mouth.

As a result, when his words fell, he heard a squeaky voice.


Luo Yuxi raised his face quickly, and saw the little dumpling flying towards him.

He hurriedly reached out his hand, but also took it.

"Laobai, why are you here, do you miss me?"

Lao Bai drilled into his arms happily, and rubbed his face with his little head.


Lao Bai called again, but this sound made Lao Yuxi sit up straight. He also seems to know who the person is?

And he stood up quickly, and also gently trimmed the corner of his clothes.

Father, he bends slightly.

Well, Lao Hengsi put a hand on his back and walked over, and then sat on the stone bench on one side, and reached out to take the scripture that Lao Yuxi was copying.

The handwriting is very regular, one stroke by one stroke, and the handwriting is also very clear and can be seen. This is a waste of time.

"You have been quieter recently."

Brandon put the scripture in his hand on the table.

It seems that the scriptures have not been copied in vain this time, and of course this temperament is not bad.

"Trouble my father to worry."

Luo Yuxi's whole person is extremely respectful.

Now, what is in front of him is not someone else, but his Lao Tzu. No matter who he is disrespectful to anyone, he is also a Lao Tzu who dare not disrespect him.

"I didn't worry about you so far."

Branding is really not too worried about Branding.

He is already an adult man, and he has traveled many times. He can know what he wants to do, and he is not a child anymore, he can take the responsibility and take on everything.

Luo Yuxi "..."

He felt a little miserable.

No matter what, there is a kind of grievance that the father does not hurt and the mother does not love.

"You stay here for good."

Lao Hengsi stretched out his hand, and also sorted out Li Lao Yuxi's clothes, "Your mother has already prepared the meat for you."


When Luo Yuxi's eyes lit up, it was also a ruinous thought, of course, it was more moved.

"Mother made me meat?"

"Yes." Branding has never lied to them.

"She made it herself."

"What kind of meat?"

Luo Yu Xibian began to speak, then can he go down the mountain today, first after eating the meat made by his mother, and then come back to copy the scriptures.

Anyway, he copied about half of these scriptures, and the rest is nothing more than some time, and he still has a lot of time to spend.

Uncle said.

He would have to stay here at least for the first half of the year to make his blood calm again, and half a year was enough for him to copy the scriptures three times.

Branding raised his eyes and glanced at him lightly.

"She hits the table with a ruler every day."

Luo Yuxi "..."

"That, fried pork with bamboo shoots?"

Luo Hengxu did not deny it, because Luo Yu had guessed right.

"Father, I didn't do anything bad."

Luo Yuxi really couldn't think of what bad things he did, why did his mother want to beat him?

"Do you dislike her ugliness?"

I opened the censer on the table and added some spices to it, so you can stay here for a while. The longer you stay, the better.

"Father, son knows."

Lao Yuxi was not exaggerating in the slightest, and wiped the sweat from his face with his sleeve.

Don't go back if he is killed.

Isn't he afraid of being beaten, how can a man not be able to bear the suffering of these flesh and blood, and if he flinches, he is not Luo Yuxi, the second son of Shuo Palace.

But he was afraid of shame.

He is so old, if he is still beaten by his mother and passed to the ears of several brothers, what face will he have to see them in the future?

"Just know."

Branding weighed the corners of his clothes and stood up.

"Baobai!" He shouted by his name.

Lao Bai was about to jump over, but was caught by Lao Yuxi.


Unable to understand, Lao Bai moved her small body, and then leaned her head against Lao Yuxi's body.

"Father, can you leave the brand to me?"

Luo Yuxi hugged the little white fox in his arms tightly.

"There isn't even a person who speaks here, so can you let Lao Bai stay and be a company with me?"

Niu Xin, who was on the side, shed two lines of tears.


Is it possible that he is not alive?

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