Shen Qingci opened his eyes and looked at the clear blue sky in front of him, as well as the green leaves that were already growing.

She smiled suddenly and thought of a good place.



Bai Mei hurriedly cheered up.

"Let's go to a place."

Baimei "..."

Soon after, they were already sitting in a painting boat, and in front of them, it was sparkling, and it was a calm lake.

The painting boat drove smoothly on the lake.

Shen Qingci was leaning against the boat, looking at the almost boundless lake in the distance.

She still didn’t know if it was a dream, or a life of her dream. What she said day and night in the great cold was that she could leave by boat, but until the end, she still failed to get on the boat, of course. Failed to leave Daliang by boat.

To wake up like her dream.

When dreaming, people are in the Great Cold, but when they wake up, they are in the Great Zhou.

"Madam, what are you looking at?"

Bai Mei brought a cloak over, and the wind on the boat was really strong. Although it was gentle and warm today, it was still ten kilometers cold today.

"I'm looking for a jar."

Shen Qingci wrapped her cloak tightly, but after being blocked by the cloak, she was not as cold as that.

"The jar?"

Bai Mei wondered.

I really don't know, what kind of jar did Shen Qingci look for?

"Gray jar, ordinary."

Shen Qingci stretched out his finger and pointed to the end of the river.

"I lost some in the river, it may flow through here, or it may not."

"When did the madam lose it?"

Bai Mei is even more puzzled. She has always been with Shen Qingci. She also knows most of the things Shen Qingci does, and there is no reason why she is not clear about the things that are lost.

Especially in recent days, all of them are in the house, and they have never been out. Then where did these things come from, and when did the madam throw them away?

She wanted to ask more clearly, but when she saw that Shen Qingci didn't want to mention too much, she could only shut her mouth. Of course, she didn't have to break the casserole and ask.

Shen Qingci knows what Baimei is thinking?

There are just some things that she can't explain clearly.

Even she herself couldn't figure out how to explain it to others.

The wind blowing on her face from time to time also made her hair a little messy.


Suddenly, she sneezed, which also wrapped her clothes tighter.

The wind here is really cold, and it gets colder as it blows.

"Madam, why don't you go to the cabin to take a rest, and the slave servant will help you guard here, if there is a jar floating over, can I let someone fish it up?"


Shen Qingci stood up straight, and walked towards the cabin, but after walking a few steps, she turned her head again, and then looked at the calm river in front of her, not to mention floating a jar, even if it was. The bark of grass roots can also be found easily.

In fact, she knew that doing this by herself was completely useless, but she always wanted to try it, and she still didn't give up.

She opened the curtains and walked into the cabin. It was indeed a lot warmer inside, without the cold wind blowing on her body. In an instant, the whole person was warmed up, even the fingertips were the same.

She lifted the pot and poured herself a cup of tea. Sitting here, she also drank a cup of tea, until the three cups of tea were down. It seemed that there was a kind of warmth, coming from her heart, and even her The whole person, like stepping on the soft cotton, swayed like this, also coming with the hull of the boat.

And she actually became a flat boat, and then followed the crowd.

Of course, I have to say that her mood is much better than before, and of course it's a lot wider than before. One day, she will definitely get on a huge boat, and she will see it with her own eyes. To witness the vastness of the sea, I also want to know if there are really such wonderful small countries in the sea.

And whether, there is a big cool one inside.

"Madam, shall we go today?"

Baimei asked Shen Qingci with a pale face.

This is a boat for January. I go every day. I set off early in the morning and only come back at night. What she has to do every day is to get on the boat to watch the water. She wants to vomit. .

So can we not go, can we stop letting her watch the water?

"You better stay at home."

Shen Qingci also feels distressed for Bai Mei's face, which is all bloodless. If she continues, Bai Mei can't make a boat in the future, what should be done.

"It's not possible."

Bai Mei is very stubborn.

"Where the madam goes, Baimei will go."

She is the most profitable maid beside her, and the old man beside her. There is no reason why she left her behind.

Anyway, wherever the lady goes, she will go.

Even if it is going up to the knife and down to the pan, as long as Baimei is there, she will definitely walk in front of the wife.

"It's up to you."

Shen Qingci knew that persuasion was impossible.

Bai Mei has been with her for two lives, how could she not know Bai Mei's temperament?

So it's up to her, can't help her, so what can it be?

She walked on the front foot, and her back heel.

It's okay if it can't be thrown away. Waiting to come back, she flooded the palace of Shuo.

But when Shen Qingci was about to leave, a fat fox ran towards her, she stretched out her hand and took the fox in her arms

Go out with me today?

Shen Qingci pinched the fat fox's small ears. He was not quite lazy. Anyway, he just didn't go out of the house, or he would go to the palace with Brando Hengsi and get a good meal. What happened today, did he want to follow her?


Lao Bai scratched her clothes with his paws.

Shen Qingci knows what this action represents, that is, it has decided to swim the lake with her.

"Let's go."

Shen Qing did not worry that the little fox would drown. He could swim very well, so he could not drown, as long as he was okay to jump into the river.

It was within the huge painting boat again. At this time, Shen Qingci was sitting alone. A little fox jumped off the table, and then ran to Shen Qingci’s feet, then followed her clothes and crawled. Sit on her shoulders.

Shen Qingci still likes to lean on a boat pillar, and then stares forward in a dream.

She tightened the cloak tightly on her body, and then held Lao Bai into her arms.

"Doesn't it look good?"

She asked Lao Bai.

"This is our country. There are mountains, water, and sea, but I haven't seen it before. Dazhou is in the middle of the Central Plains, and the place with sea is very close to Baichu."

So Baichu will have huge fishing boats, but Dazhou will not.

Lao Bai leaned his little head on the back of Shen Qingci's hand. He didn't understand what the master said. He felt that the water here was so big that it could wash the fox for nothing.

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