Shen Qingci hugged Lao Bai again and pinched its small pointed ears, also warning.

The river here is very cold, not a place where you can swim. If you want to swim, when you return to the house, I will let the Baimei people boil a pot of hot water, and you can swim enough.

"If you fall, I won't let you go. If you are sick again, I won't care about you."

No one cares about foxes who make their own way.


Lao Bai screamed, and then shrank his small body into his master's arms.

"Let's go back and sit down."

Shen Qingci felt that she was a little tired from standing, so she was going to go back to drink some tea and eat some snacks. This kind of life was actually pretty good, but she might not come back tomorrow.

I've been here for a long time, I'm used to it, but I'm a little tired.

Just when she was about to leave, she heard a plop.

She turned her head and found that it seemed that someone had fallen into the river, and not far from her painting boat, I don’t know when, there was another smaller cruise ship, which seemed to be It was built with a lot of money, and it was much more gorgeous than the one she was sitting on. The light on it was so bright that you could see some treasures, especially under the direct sunlight at this time. Somewhat glaring.

The person in the river is still fluttering from time to time.

But the people on the boat seemed to be just watching the excitement, but they didn't mean to help.

I don't know when around, there is a lot of rouge gouache smell, and there are also a lot of fragrant things.

How could she not know the flavor of Yipinxiang's spice?

Those scents that follow the wind are also scattered around.

There is no lack of the extremely expensive spices in the fragrant fragrance, so it can be guessed that the people in the cruise ship should be rich or noble.

Otherwise, it is impossible to sit on this cruise ship and use the best spices of Yipinxiang.

The people in the cruise ship were still not moving, but they could hear their jokes and people crying, but still no one jumped into the river to save people.

If it is not saved, the person will drown.

Shen Qingci lowered his head and looked at Hezhong.

Is a woman.

"Susu, go down and get people up."

No matter what the people in that boat think, Shen Qingci can't do a living person drowning in front of him.

Even if there is a mistake, there are laws from the court.

Can't tolerate other people's private life.


Asu didn’t know where she came out. She put her sword aside, and jumped directly into the river. Branding white drilled out her small head. It might also feel that Asu’s jumping down looked handsome. He was also anxious to jump down, but Shen Qingci's embarrassment dragged a tail.

"What are you going to do?"

Shen Qingci pulled it back, "Who will jump down and save you?"

Lao Bai is still very unconvinced. He is a little fox who can swim and will swim back by himself.

"I want to swim back and find you a basin."

Shen Qingci coaxed the silly fox, "Baimei took some meat, you ask her to eat meat."


The white eyes lit up. For meat, even if there is no ideal, it wants to eat meat.

Shen Qingci leaned on the boat pillar again, and watched Asu swim to the woman, grabbed her, and then pulled the person toward the painting boat.

As for that woman, it seemed that she had not had much strength to struggle, and it could be seen that if it were any longer at night, she would really be drowned.

With the help of several boatmen, Asu pulled people aboard.

Shen Qingci walked over, and saw that Asu was putting his hand on the woman's belly, and the water she had drunk was all pressed down.

The woman coughed out some water suddenly, then shrank her body, coughing from time to time, or coughing while coughing. She wanted to come this time to be half-dead by the drowning, but also half-dead by fright.

"Do you see it?"

Shen Qingci also took the opportunity to teach the little fox who was about to jump into the lake just now, "If you just jumped down, your hair will be soaked like her, and you will spit out the water in the river."

Lao Bai drilled his little head into the owner's arms, this is also scared.

Hmph, don't be afraid of it being brave, just afraid that it won't understand people.

"Su Su, you go down and change your clothes before you come out." Shen Qingci asked Asu to go down first. By the way, he was also asked to make a bowl of **** soup for Asu to get rid of the cold. She drank the soup and wanted to cry, but it was. Like watching others cry.

Asu took her sword and was about to go back to change her clothes, but she stopped at this moment and looked towards the river.

"There is still something to catch."

She said that she was just looking at pulling people up, but she didn't have time to get things up, so she might have to go down again in a while.

"Once someone else will catch it, you don't have to worry about it."

Shen Qingci didn't want to let Asu go any further. She was a good master, she wouldn't let the people around her take risks, and of course she was also a master who cared about her subordinates.

The water is still cold, so it's better not to touch it too much as a woman.

When Asu saluted Shen Qingci, he was ready to go down and change into this wet suit.

Shen Qingci stepped forward and squatted down, then stretched out his hand and poke the shoulder of the falling woman.

This is alive. If it is alive, is it possible to respond? At least I should say that I am still alive.


She poked again, are you okay?

The woman's body twitched slightly, and she turned her head. She had a white face like a ghost, and her face was clean, but it was pale and very bleak and childish.

Shen Qingci has all lived to a certain age. It is impossible for her to be unclear about the things in these high-ranking families and those who are struggling. She doesn't need to guess, but also knows, what kind of drama is this sister fight. She also played the rest.

"are you OK?"

Shen Qingci took out his veil and wiped her face.

As a result, the woman's tears were the same as those in the river, and she fell down without money.

"Good sister..."

Shen Qingci "..."

Brand white "..."

Where does the chaos come from?

And she obviously can be her aunt.

Before Shen Qingci had asked much, he was hugged by the soaked girl.

The wind at this time was indeed very cold, and I still didn't notice it just now, but now there is such a wet person around, how could it be so cold?

She is so cold, is it not cold?

It’s still too young. I don’t know that the woman’s body can’t endure too much cold. Think about how long she took the medicine in that month’s dream that caused Lin A-duo’s picture of being thrown into the lake and hurt. The body has improved a lot.

That is, Shen Qingci really wanted to throw this woman who was hugging her and crying into the river again.

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