
Lao Bai finally squeezed out, and then quickly jumped to the side, screaming aggrievedly.

It was barely crushed into fox pancake.

"Um, you get up first."

It was hard for Shen Qingci to pull away the drowning woman who strangled her to death.

Don't underestimate someone who treats you as a life-saving straw, even if it is such a little girl, but at some point, this energy is really not too small.

Shen Qingci tried several times, but no matter what, he couldn't push the woman away. In the end, Baimei pulled the person away, and the woman did not tore Shen Qingci's clothes.

Fortunately, Shen Qing sorted out the clothes on her body, and the clothes were not torn.

And that woman was obviously shocked by such a big formation.

"Sister, you..."

The woman shed tears again, and she looked pitiful. If she was a man, she would definitely be a little bit reluctant to give up the rain, but Shen Qingci was not a man, she really didn't have much pity for Xiangyuyu.

Shen Qingci was caught by this sentence again by his sister.

What a little girl, what a little girl.

First get her a dress to wear, Shen Qingci feels that he has to change the dress too, it is really uncomfortable to wear it so crumpled.

Bai Mei quickly got people in, and Shen Qingci stretched out his hand to Lao Bai.

"Let's go, Laobai, we will also go back."

Lao Bai jumped into her arms and became a cute and cute little fox in a vase.

Shen Qingci entered the house and immediately changed his clothes. By the way, he woke up a few more foxes. Just when he was about to eat something with the brand white, he heard a few noises outside.

She usually likes to be clean or not to make noise. Any noisy sound is forbidden, and she has been on a boat for a month, and she has never heard such a messy sound. Where did it come from?

Lao Bai jumped into Shen Qingci's arms.

"Want to watch the excitement?"

Shen Qingci squeezed its little ear.


Lao Bai scratched her clothes.

"Then let's check it out."

Shen Qingci walked out holding Lao Bai, the wind blowing on her body, until she was also blocked by the cloak, not as cold as she had imagined.

On the ship, there are already many more people at this time, and the clothes you look at are not ordinary people, there are men and women, and there are people like guards.

Hand over the people quickly, otherwise, let's not blame us for being impolite.

Several boatmen were blocking people with weapons.

Although these boatmen are ordinary in appearance, they are all first-class masters. The Shuo Palace is good at guarding and guarding, the more inconspicuous, the more powerful, even such an ordinary coachman, they are all selected by the Shuo Palace. of.

Shen Qingci found a chair for herself to sit down, and listened to what these people were talking about with the boatman. It was noisy, and she understood a little bit.

It turned out that the weak little white flower that was crying like a white lotus was the sister of the woman who was picked up by Aso. See how pitiful, soft, and pitiful the cry was.

Such a style, she has seen a lot in her life.

As far as Xiao Baihua is concerned, no one is as perfect as the woman Shen Yueshu.

Shen Qingci yawned, and even the burnt white lying on her lap performed the same action. He leaned his small mouth against the owner's lap, and his tail wagged from time to time.

Until Shen Qingci took out a peanut and placed it in front of it.

This little one grabbed the peanut with its small paws and gnawed it.

Shen Qingci raised his eyes again and found that several pairs of eyes had been staring at her.

There are also men and women.

Shen Qingci leaned back lazily on the back of the chair, and then took the peanuts and fed the white.

Just look at it, she grew up like this, all of them are a group of hairy children with no full hair.

"Girl, please hand over Ms. Liu Yiliu."

At this time, a young man stepped forward. He closed his fan, and then bowed to Shen Qing's farewell. We were very worried about Miss Liu's safety.

"Yes, girl."

Little white flowers are also coming forward.

"I am also very worried about my sister."

"who are you?"

Shen Qingci interrupted Xiao Baihua's words. She was so contrived that she would rather be hugged by the drenched woman than stared at by these shy and timid eyes. She touched her arm, which was really oozing. Of panic.

Xiao Baihua froze for a long time before she understood what Shen Qingci was asking?

The prime minister today is my uncle.


Shen Qingci smiled suddenly, the relatives of Bai Xiang's family, it was strange, why she slept for a month, Bai Xiang's family has so many relatives.

Under Li Shilang's son, Li Chengjun, the young man with the fan stepped forward again and wanted to express himself.

"Li Shilang, Li Zihou?"

Shen Qingci didn't go too deliberately to get to know the officials in the court, but there were only a few officials in the capital. It took her more than ten years to recognize a familiar face.

Li Shilang, there is only one servant named Li in this dynasty.

That son, that one can be considered upright, and of course he has a nice face. Emperor Wen Yuan is an emperor who looks at his face. This is just a talented and learned official, but an official who does not have a good looks will not stay in Beijing. of.

After all, he has to face it every day. This long one is too disgusting, and he is afraid that his eyes will hurt.

Therefore, people who can be Beijing officials are not too ugly.

Li Zihou, she has also met several times, although she is not close, she can probably see what the person looks like.

It can be regarded as a good-looking person, but it can give birth to such a thing that is not a thing.

Not only is he long and fat, but he also has a short stature.

Could it be that the standard for a man to be chic is to take a fan, is it all right?

The most annoying thing about Shen Qingci is the person holding the fan. She feels that holding a brick is much more handsome than shaking a fan.

This son of Li changed his face when Shen Qingci mentioned his father's name.

"Which girl are you from, how can you be so bold and dare to mention my father's name?"

Shen Qingci took another peanut and placed it in front of Lao Bai.

As for asking which girl she is from, she is not a girl, she is just an old woman.

And Shen Qingci's ignorance was like slapped Li Gongzi's face, instantly swelling his face into a bun.

Of course it also made this young man lose face in front of so many people.

This boat meeting, but he advocated holding it, who knew it was such a thing, she was a little shameless at first, but now she is even more faceless.

It is to let others scorn him so much, not only ignoring him, even his Lao Tzu has not let go.

This is a son of man, how can he tolerate others saying this to his own father, his face flushed instantly, and his eyes were staring.

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