"You are so bold!"

Li Gongzi rolled up his sleeves, and saw that she looked good and wanted to make friends, but who knew she was such a wild girl who didn't know how to do it.

In addition, there are so many friends and classmates here, and there are several young girls, he must not let others lose face, so he has to come and talk with Shen Qingci.

And now Shen Qingci is not a pretty girl at all in his eyes, but a spoiler.

As a result, he took a step forward. Before passing the boatman's level, he saw a white light coming, and Li Gongzi covered his face with a scream, and the white light disappeared in an instant, and at this time, No one knew that in Shen Qingci's arms, there was a little white fox licking his own claws.

Its claws have grown very well, and they are also very sharp. My brother said that to catch people is to scratch the face, and to catch the fox is to scratch the face. How can those foolish people avoid it? It is a snow fox, and it is the best with its brother. Where's the precious snow fox.

Shen Qingci took another peanut and placed it in the palm of his hand, then placed his hand in front of Lao Bai.

Lao Bai hurried over, picked up the peanut with two small paws, and then squatted there and ate it.

And that Young Master Li was still screaming. As for the boatmen, they were still standing in the same place, their complexion never changed.

"You, how dare you hurt someone?"

Xiao Baihua stretched out her finger and pointed at Shen Qingci. As a result, Shen Qingci passed by with a cold eye. It also made Xiao Baihua inexplicable. She felt like a cold wind was blowing in her heart. Xiao Baihua immediately recognized each other and hurried herself Putting his fingers back, he might have discovered something. He might have wanted to get ahead, but now he just hides behind the crowd, lowering his sense of existence.

Shen Qingci glanced lightly at these half-old children.

I really don't want to be angry with them?

She is an adult, and these are all small children. What if she is an adult with some small children, if the premise is that these children, somehow they have to wink?

Such a lack of wintry, I don't know how it grew so big.

"What do you do?"

Suddenly, Bai Mei walked out of the boat carrying a pot of tea, but when he saw the crowd of people outside, he was shocked. Where did these people come from and why did they get on the boat?

Don't you want to live anymore, or don't you want to mix?

She came over quickly and put the teapot on the table, then poured a cup, and put her hands in front of the master.

"Madam, a cup of tea first."

As for the two madams, even though she said lightly, she still let these hairy children hear them.

Madam, madam?

What kind of lady is this?

He's only fifteen or sixteen years old, so why doesn't it become a kiss?

"What else to watch?"

Bai Mei really wanted to smoke these children, and she didn't know who was the bear child who was taught by his family. What was it, she didn't wink at all. This is a painting of Shuo Palace.

Is the three-character Shuo Palace with the size of the bow a decoration? Is it possible that their Lao Tzu never told them that if they meet people from the Shuo Palace in Beijing, they must hide, especially the kind of girls in the fifteenth and sixties appearance.

Because that might be the little princess of Shuo Palace, but it might also be Shuo Palace's Shen Qingci.

And are their eyes blind? I didn't notice what happened. Shen Qingci seemed to be young, but she looked young.

She is so clear that she pretends to be a pig and eat a tiger.

"Don't kneel down yet!"

Seeing that these hairy children did not move, Bai Mei's teeth were about to bite.

"Have you not seen Princess Shuo here?"

The three words of Princess Shuo also changed the complexion of all these children. Now, without Bai Meiduo's words, they are already kneeling on the ground with a wink, especially the son of Chen, now with cold sweat on his forehead. Even the fan fell to the ground, so I didn't dare to pick it up.

And now he is more than crying, he wants to go home, OK?

This is Princess Shuo.

His mother said that Princess Shuo was born young, but no one said that she would be so young. No matter how young, she would be about the same as his aunts. I heard that Princess Shuo was older than his mother. He must be old, and it is impossible to go where he is young, but now tell him that Shuo Palace is the one in front of him?

What kind of Princess Shuo is this? This is a female monster that doesn't know where it comes from.


Shen Qingci lifted the cup and put it to his lips, and then shouted.

Young Master Chen shrank and even the goose bumps on his arms rose.

"Call you, call you."

The person behind him kindly poked Master Chen's **** with his finger.

Master Chen really wanted to cry.

This is not nonsense. He is the fattest here. It is not called him or whom he is called, but he does not know whether he is good or not.

"Call you."

The person behind poked again.

Another drop of cold sweat fell on the little fat man's forehead.

He secretly raised his head, and when he saw those boatmen who were not angry and majestic, his body trembled again, and he said what was strange just now.

It turned out that these boatmen were all the same length and the same height, and their movements were similar.

From beginning to end, even the expression has not changed more than half.

This is not a boatman at all, this is a guard wearing a boatman's clothes.

It can also be said that it is a rigorously trained guard.

Young Master Chen looked at this, and then at that, and finally stood up, but almost ran to Shen Qingci with a plop, and knelt on the ground with a plop.

"Chen Junsheng see Princess Shuo Empress!"

He squatted his head hastily, so he tried hard to show his sincerity.

With that bang, you know how painful he is under this knock?

Shen Qingci put down the cup in his hand.

"Little fat man, how old are you?"

When Shen Qingci saw his face, he knew that there was still no grown-up bear child.

Little Fatty Chen shrank his shoulders.

"I...I, no, Caomin, I just passed my twenty-year-old birthday last month.

Twelve years old!

Shen Qingci raised the teapot again, filled himself with a cup, and then put the cup on the table.

And at this moment, a small white fox with a slap came out of her arms. The small white fox jumped onto the table and drank water from the cup. Young Master Chen couldn't help but hurt his face. Do you know, what had scratched his face just now?

But now, he didn't dare to doubt at all, the man in front of him about the same age was not Shen Qingci, and who was it?

This is what Shen Qingci said, and it is no doubt Princess Shuo.

In the capital, everyone knows.

There are two white foxes in Princess Shuo's mansion, one big and one small, very clever, and of course extremely fierce. If you catch someone, you will definitely catch it in the face.

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