Shen Qingci poured herself a glass again. She lowered her head and didn't know what the little fat man was eating. He grew so fat, and the flesh on his body grew a lot, but what about the head, it was not longer?

Have you seen the sign on the boat?

Shen Qingci asked the little fat man.

The little fat man secretly raised his head. From his angle, he happened to be able to clearly see that conspicuous sign with the three characters of Shuo Palace written on it.

They were all eager to get on this boat just now, so they had never noticed.

And these people, in the capital, are all decent figures, and their fathers are not ordinary people, so they have never put others in the eyes, but they never thought of killing them.

What they met was not someone else, but Shen Qingci.

It's someone they can't afford.

It is these people who add up, and they are all people who can't afford it.

"Little Fatty..." Shen Qingci's words about Little Fatty again made Young Master Chen cry.

Shen Qingci put his hand on his white belly and asked curiously.

"But your father knows that you are only twelve years old, and you have learned to find flowers and ask Liu, Cao Jian for life?"

The little fat man's head was dizzy.

He didn't, he didn't look for flowers and ask Liu, he was still young, he hadn't grown up, and he didn't have a life. They were just playing around. It was Ruyi's sister who said that Ruhuan would float on the water.

Shen Qingci slightly propped up her forehead on the table. Seeing these people now, she wanted to sleep, especially when the boat was swaying, and she became a little sleepy.

At this moment, Asu came over, standing beside Shen Qingci.

Shen Qingci looked up at her and saw that she had changed her clothes and her hair was dry, and she was very satisfied.

As a woman, you must be careful.

"There is something underwater."

Asu looked at the river and thought that she might have to jump again in a while. If she jumped again, then she really didn’t know why she had to change her clothes again, or after a while. If you want to take it off, you don't need to wring your hair, anyway, it must be soaked.

This is not superfluous, what is this?


Shen Qingci raised his eyebrows, "What's there?"

"One thing."

Aso was still ambiguous.

And Shen Qingci didn't ask in detail either. Anyway, everything is good, and it will be fine after a while.

As for who is going to fish.

"Which of you knows water?"

Shen Qingci asked these hairy children, she really wanted to know how cruel these hairy children really were, whether they really couldn't be saved or didn't want to save.

When most of these Mao children stood out, Shen Qingci was still disappointed.

This is the future of Da Zhou. Thanks to them, she thought that the first emperor could jump out of the coffin and cry.

Taking the lives of others as a joke, the life of nine deaths underwater, there is no way to the sky, no way to enter the earth, and can only be filled with the cold water from time to time in my mouth, lungs, and stomach. In the end, he couldn't breathe even a single breath.

How cruel it must be to allow a living person to die in front of him like this.

Shen Qingci thought that he was already as hard as iron, but he was not like them. He could really watch that other people's lives were lost in front of him.

Lao Bai seemed to know that his master was not in a good mood right now, so he quickly jumped into the arms of the master and licked the back of his master's hand.

Shen Qingci picked up Lao Bai and also stood up.

Then he instructed Bai Asu, "You let those who know the water go down to find something. If you can't find it, don't come up. You also let them know how cold the water is?" And they felt it. There is only cold, but the little girl is not only cold, but also fear and despair.


Asu responded, and then walked to the side of the boat. She turned her head and scanned the little furry children one by one.

"The girl is fine." After a while, Shen Qingci, who was originally going to enter the cabin, stopped, and added a sentence, mixed men and women, it is really not proper.

Those who are disobedient are being disciplined.

After saying this, she went into the cabin, and she was out of sight and worried.

Then with a bang, she also closed the door, but with that sound, these young hairy children turned pale again in shock, even the timid, they all cried.

And the one who cried the most fierce was not that Fatty Chen.

If you want to come to Chen Xiao Fatty at home, he is also the kind that is liked by the elders, and because of this, he has developed an overlord temper, thinking that everyone in this world should also be around him.

But I don't know that besides those who revolve around him in this world, there are others who will kill him.

Bai Mei didn't want to care about it at first, but when he saw that Xiao Fatty Chen cried hopelessly, it was angry and funny again. Whose family gave birth to the bear child?

When her son is so old, he should be more obedient. The younger sons entered Sixi before they were three years old. By the time they were twelve, thirty-four, they had already read ten thousand books, and the second son had a good hand. Excellent medical skills, so now at a young age, he is already a genius doctor.

How a kind mother defeated her only son.

What kind of children have been taught.

She walked over, also squatting in front of Little Fatty Chen, then took out her own reason, and also clasped it on Little Fatty's face.

"Okay, don't cry. You can't see water in this wound. You should be thankful that this is the little one catching you. If the big one catches you, you must be disfigured."

Fatty Chen quickly covered his face with his hands.


He yelled weakly, and he had to say that this elder sister still made Bai Mei listen quite useful.

"When I go back, I usually buy some jade balm to wipe. Don't worry, the fox's paws are not poisonous, and you can't ruin it. After a few months, you can be sure that you will have a white and fat face again."

And Fatty Chen wanted to cry even more.

Can he not have this white and fat face, he wants to be black and thin, can he, so that the person won't remember his appearance.

"Sister, is that really Princess Shuo?"

Fatty Chen still didn't believe it very much, it was too unacceptable, it seemed to be smaller than his elder sister.

What is going on in this world?

How come someone is as big as his mother, but is smaller than his sister. If she didn’t grow up like this, he wouldn’t know what’s good or bad and said those things.

"She is not, is it possible that you are?"

Bai Mei stretched out her hand and poked Chen Xiao Fatty's forehead hard.

"Could your mother not tell you that the capital is young and beautiful, but it doesn't look young everywhere, can't you see it more?"

"My mother didn't say."

Little Fatty Chen dropped his face, and then grinned again. This face hurts. Fortunately, he has a lot of flesh. The little fox just scratched his flesh. If he is thinner, maybe Can catch the bones.

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