And as long as he has the talent, if he really can't stay here anymore, if he wants to run away then, he can go back.

"Mother brought you?"

Xiao Shi sat up and thought about it seriously, but he didn't have any impression after thinking about it for a long time.

"Is it too much?"

Yu Wenyu fills up a lot of pictures for his brain. Maybe he has to take more than his grandparents. For how long his mother hasn’t seen him, naturally he is thinking about him, or is thinking about him every day. , Will also prepare a bunch of things for him.

So there must be a bunch, no, a bunch of good things, right?

"What's too much?"

Xiao Shi frowned again, "Too much, how can there be too much?"

"How much is that?"

Yu Wenyu was anxiously red-eyed, "You will hand those to me, and I have to go back to my camp. If my grandfather finds out that I haven't slept so late, do you want him to beat me to death?"


Xiao Shi lay down, pulled on the quilt, and was ready to sleep.

"Nothing, you get up quickly!"

Yu Wenyu directly pulled Xiao Shi up. This was greedy, and the thing that wanted him was right, but that thing belonged to him, and that was his. No one else could even take a thread.


Xiao Shi had a good temper and gave him another sentence, then pulled his hand away, and then shrank his body under the quilt, but Yu Wenyu was torn off again.

"Hurry up and give it to me, what do you do with such ink?"

Xiao Shi opened his eyes, and the bright light in these eyes also made Yu Wenyu withdraw his hand inexplicably.

I also thought in my heart, what kind of monsters did these four squats teach?

Xiao Shitu smiled.

"Why are you laughing?"

Yu Wenyu was so smiled, goose bumps came out.

It's okay, don't laugh like that, okay, it's too scary.

"Second brother, I didn't say it just now."

Xiao Shi yawned, and it was the little brother who was harmless to humans and animals, and simple and easy to talk.


Yu Wenyu didn't react for a while, what did Xiao Shi just say?

Besides, he just said a lot of things, who knows, which sentence did he say?

"I said no."

Xiao Shi Zai said seriously.

No, no, just no.

Don't you understand such an obvious sentence?

"No, what do you mean?"

Yu Wenyu asked dryly.

"It means literally."

Xiao Shi really feels that the second brother is too stupid. Among the few brothers in their family, the second brother is the most stupid. It is no wonder that he will eat dirt here. Not only is his head missing, he is simply stupid .

Yu Wenyu still looked dull.

"Still do not understand?"

Xiaoshi is about to roll his eyes.

Yu Wenyu nodded vigorously. If he didn't understand, he just didn't understand.


Xiao Shiming knew that his second brother had an intestine to the end. It seemed that if he didn't tell him clearly, he really couldn't guess it.

"I didn't say anything, just..."

His voice paused for a moment, and then continued to speak clearly and clearly.

"Mother didn't bring you anything, neither did others."

His memory is not bad, and his mother did not bring it. If he did, he would pick it out, put it in a box, and write his name on it, so that he won’t be caught. Give it a mess.

And without a box, there is nothing.

"How can it be?"

Yu Wen Yu raised his voice for a while.

"How could there not be me?" He didn't believe it, and he didn't believe it when he was killed. He is also his mother's son. He is suffering here, so how could his mother not bring him anything?

"it is true."

Xiao Shi squeezed his mouth, serious and innocent. If he didn't, he didn't. Can he lie to him? Besides, he has nothing, it is impossible to be greedy for his things, even more impossible for Luo Yuxi.

Yu Wenyu still didn't want to believe it, but Xiao Shi didn't appear to lie either. He felt that his heart was deeply hurt again, and his heart was broken into pieces.


Xiao Shi nodded and didn't believe it, "You can ask my cousin." After he finished speaking, he pulled up the quilt and wrapped himself tightly, even though he didn't want to move.

"Don't even have a pair of boots?"

Yu Wenyu remembered that Shen Qingrong had made such a big box of boots for Shen Dingshan. He didn't want a box, but gave him a few pairs. No way, just give him one pair. He didn't want to be a baby with no mother's pain.


Xiao Shi's voice came out of the quilt as well.


Yu Wenyu still reported a little hope, "Did you have a wrong memory, that one pair was forgotten by my grandfather?"

"Impossible," Xiao Shi opened the quilt and also revealed his face.

"My grandfather's feet are very big, a lot bigger than you. Are they worn by my grandparents, can't you tell them?"

Yu Wenyu really felt that he had become a baby that nobody wanted and loved. Whether it was his mother, father, or grandfather and grandmother who had always loved him, he had forgotten his existence.

He is an undesired baby, he is just a little pitiful.

And he walked back to his camp in despair, as much as he was lost, and as sad as he was.

Of course he didn't notice the two people standing not far away.

"My son, what's wrong with him?"

Niu Xin asked Luo Yuxi, what kind of excitement is this so depressing, and he is still downcast?

"He misses his mother."

Luo Yuxi smiled suddenly, leisurely, casually, but a little too vague and too illusory, and on the contrary, he lacked some sincerity.

"Does the son not want his mother?"

Niu Xin asked Luo Yuxi that his son-in-law likes to act like a baby to the princess and empress the most, and of course he also likes to act like a good girl.

"Of course I want," Luo Yuxi closed her chest, "My son is still a baby, how can I not want my mother?"

Niu Xin "..."

So shameless.

"Go, go back."

Luo Yuxi has blown enough, so he wants to rest, but he is actually sleepy.

Moreover, when there is war in the military camp, the place here is the most disturbed. Even sleeping needs to be a little awake. If there is no war, even the palace is not peaceful here, so he naturally You can sit back and relax here, just like at home.

And it's not that there are grandparents, their grandparents are always invincible generals.

That is, after walking a few steps, he turned back again.

"Niuxin, let's go roast sweet potatoes to eat? 々

Niu Xin "..."

But not long after, in an empty place, a fire started, Luo Yuxi closed his eyes and sniffed the familiar fragrance from the fire.

The smell is smelled all the way, still so sweet.

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