"My son, aren't you afraid that Lord Guo will beat you when he knows that you are stealing sweet potatoes?"

Niu Xin added some firewood to the fire. This roasted sweet potato in the middle of the night is something that only his son can make. This is a seed. If they eat it, they eat the seed. How come you dare to eat when you are on the land of Lord Guo Ye?

"My grandfather loved me, so he wouldn't beat me."

"Quickly," he urged Niu Xin to add more firewood, "it will be cooked soon."

But he urged him for a long time, and Niu Xin didn't move.

He was really getting more and more disobedient. Seeing that the command could not move Niu Xin, he directly took a firewood, split it in two from the middle, and threw it into the fire.

Yep? He suddenly turned around and saw a figure behind him at some point.

Then he suddenly smiled, "Grandfather, you think you scared Niu Xin."

"Humph!" In the dark place, there was also a cold snort, who was it not Shen Dingshan?

"You who eat alone don't even know that you are thinking of your grandfather."

Shen Dingshan came over, the dark energy of his body was also the tension of his body.

"Oh, what is it to bake?"

"The sweet potato."

Luo Yuxi is very generous, "I baked three of them."

Shen Dingshan raised his eyebrows, "Is there any of your grandparents?"

"It's there."

Luo Yuxi added firewood to the fire again, "I have a share for those who see it. It happens to be three, you and me, and Niu Xin."

Shen Dingshan snorted again, but this snoring sound is not as good as he used to be. A snorting can scare people's guts, but now there is a little pride in it.

Shen Dingshan walked over and squatted on the ground.

Then he stretched out his hand and squeezed his grandson's face forcefully. This face was so tender, but it was also related to his father's appearance, and he was worthy of being a royal child, with only two characters, handsome and noble.

Junya, handsome, noble, and noble.

No matter how beautiful this one is, it is like Young Master Yu, not like Yu Wenyu's sissy, which is really annoying.

"You stinky bastard, don't be afraid to finish eating the seeds. At that time, my grandparents won't peel your skin."

"will not."

Luo Yuxi wasn't an unreasonable person, but his mouth was just like his mother.

"Grandpa, I haven't eaten as much as my mother, she kept a lot for herself." So he really ate very little.

"That's what my Ning found, why can't my Ning eat more?"

Shen Dingshan snorted coldly, if anyone dares to say the first half, Lao Tzu's long knife will wait.

Shen Dingshan can’t tolerate others talking about his daughter, and half a sentence is not, that is Shen Dingshan’s most dear daughter in this life, even if she is married again, and then has a child, as long as he is here, that is a child, and no one can move. , Daring to move his daughter, first asked about his long knife.

He is in such good health now, and there is no problem in living for another fifty or sixty years, and he can definitely protect his daughter. Besides, what to do with so many children without protecting his mother and begging.

"Grandfather, come and taste it."

Luo Yuxi has long been accustomed to Shen Dingshan’s double standards. Anyway, he knows that since childhood, what her mother said is right or wrong, even if others say it’s wrong. Yes, he will match people up.

Lao Yuxi divided most of the roasted sweet potato he was holding and gave it to Shen Dingshan, saying, Grandpa, be careful.

Shen Dingshan bit it down in one bite, and it was really hot, but the taste was much better than steaming.

"This is so delicious!"

He had a big mouth and ate the sweet potatoes in his hand in a few bites, which also stunned Niu Xin on one side.

Is this still human? How can it be eaten like this?

Luo Yu was generous, and then he handed a sweet potato peeled off to Shen Dingshan.

Shen Dingshan took a bite unceremoniously, "Is it okay to eat the seeds like this?"

When he was eating, his heart began to lose ground.

"It's okay." Luo Yuxi never worried about this, otherwise, he wouldn't be able to eat this all the way.

"My mother used three or four, and she planted a bunch of them. She said, I'll come here this time and save them as seeds for the three achievements. The rest can be used for eating." But even so, he said Along the way, I didn't eat much, and still deliberately restrained myself, so at this point, the remaining 90%.

Can this really be grown here?

Shen Dingshan is still a little unbelieving. In this remote country, in addition to some unsophisticated people, within a few miles, apart from being able to grow trees, he has never seen anything that can grow?

If long grass is also considered, there is some grass anyway, it is also edible.

"It should be possible."

Luo Yuxi could not tell Shen Dingshan accurately, because he himself had never planted in the sand. The first successful seed retention was in the mansion, and it was also planted by his father and mother. The mother just said This is the most suitable for growing in the sand, so it is for him to bring it to his grandparents, and also to plant it here. As for what can it grow into? It’s still unclear whether it will be as good as the Fuzhong, or it will be a little worse. It’s still unclear, but if my mother said yes, then it will definitely be possible. At most, there may not be what you planted at home. Those who have a good harvest, after all, the land here is too barren to grow into crops.

Shen Dingshan didn't say anything, just stretched out his hand and patted Luo Yuxi's shoulder.

"You can do your best. If you can plant it, then it's the best. If you can't plant it, it doesn't matter. Anyway, it's difficult to grow roots in this place, let alone grow food."

"Grandfather, I will work hard."

Luo Yu learned that he was not digging the soil. He would definitely grow sweet potatoes. Such delicious sweet potatoes must be eaten by his grandparents and the soldiers.

"My grandparents know that you are a good boy."

Shen Dingshan is not at ease with others, but he is extremely at ease with these grandchildren. All of the few born in his family, A Ning, are among the dragons and phoenixes, and all of them are children who can be alone and come out of Si Xiu , How bad?

Shen Dingshan took the last roasted sweet potato and swaggered away.

And Luo Yu couldn't help but laughed out loud, and there was really no way for him, the maternal grandfather who became more and more like a child.

"Let's go," he stood up and patted the soil on his clothes. "We will go back first, and get up early tomorrow to plant sweet potatoes."

Niu Xin sighed and stepped on the fire on the ground. He picked up the firewood all night and smelled the sweet potatoes all night. But even if he didn't eat a bite, the son could sleep, but he couldn't sleep. Up.

And in the morning of the second day, just as it was lit up, there was already a lot of noise outside.

The people in the barracks got up very early. Shen Dingshan ruled the army strictly. He must train his army every morning. He has always been strictly disciplined.

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