Even in the mansion, even if there is no war, and I have not seen how lazy he can be, otherwise it is impossible to have such skills. These are not born of him, but are his skills that he has cultivated over many months of adulthood, martial arts. , Listening, and methods of military governance.

After Lao Yuxi freshened up, he brought Xiao Shi and Niu Xin together, looking for the most suitable method for growing sweet potatoes.

The army here is so blessed that it is surrounded by mountains on three sides, and there is only one small exit. As long as you can hold this place, you can guard Da Zhou’s portal, and here are all Da Zhou’s elite soldiers, and there are two The artillery is here. The average Xiaojun dare not come over to provoke Shen Dingshan. If one can't do it well, he won't be able to ask for a favor. It's really a bit of a loss to lose the army here.

Therefore, in these years, those people have become much smarter, knowing that they can't compete with Da Zhou's army, they can't beat Da Zhou, Da Zhou is not weak, even very strong.

Therefore, the place that Luo Yuxi wants to choose is under the foot of the mountain. There are three foothills here. In fact, they can be planted. There is a lot of land. They can also be observed and taken care of nearby. Make a special trip to take care of these fields.

Luo Yuxi lifted the hem of his clothes and squatted down. He grabbed a handful of soil from the ground.

This is sandy land with fine sand and a certain amount of humidity, so it is not too dry.

Let’s just do it here. He also calculated it roughly. There is about one acre of land. If you cut down the trees at the foot of the mountain, you can make up about three acres. If you cut a little more, five acres are fine. This place is also the closest to the water source and can be used to irrigate the land nearby. It can also be said that the location of the land he picked is the best, and the soil quality is also good. Of course, no matter how good it is, this is all sandy land, so You can't plant other things, otherwise you won't be so idle, not because you don't want to plant it, but because you can't plant it.

After picking the land, Shen Dingshan personally took his soldiers and cut down a few trees, and he just made about eight acres of land. Although the brand only said that he could plant about three acres, but more In some places, there is no difference.

Even if you don't need it now, it doesn't matter, the best can be useful.

Yu Wenyu wrapped up his nose with a cloth strip, and also disliked it and walked forward carrying two loads of feces, fanning the wind while walking, because it was too smelly.

The second son of his dignified mansion is actually picking dung. Why did he do such a thing, why did he encounter this, and what did he come here for?

"Go faster!"

Shen Dingshan disliked him for raising it for so long, and he was still falling down when the wind blows. He could pick up just two loads for such a long time. Others had enough for three loads, and you didn't even have one. .

This is both disgusting and heart-wrenching.

Yu Wenyu blushed with shame.

However, the movements of his feet did not stop. After picking it all down for a day, even if he washed himself in the last river and was about to peel off, there was always an unspeakable smell on his body. It was so stinky. He was about to be sickened.

He wasn't satisfied at all. He really wanted to escape from this place and return to any place in the capital. He didn't want to come out in this life. Even if he was crying on the carriage in the capital, he didn't want to laugh on the chariot here.

He was not satisfied, but Shen Dingshan was satisfied.

There are not many things in the army, but there are too many people. People eat grains and they want to go to the latrine. Sometimes the latrines in the army will smell bad if it is too late to clean them. Now they are used as fertilizer, but they are also used as best. The latrine can be cleaned.

Yu Wenyu mentioned the bucket and poured the contents of the bucket into the soil.

So dirty.

He was nauseous and wanted to vomit, and he would not eat the things grown in this place.

After half a month, the three fields here have been cleaned up. The sweet potato seedlings raised by Luo Yuxi are also growing very well, and they are all grown out of sand, and they are also green. Don't Speaking of others, even Shen Dingshan was very happy to see it.

This proves that they can grow things from the land here. Maybe they can actually grow sweet potatoes. As long as they have sweet potatoes, they will never be hungry anymore.

He touched this one, and also touched the other one, and he couldn't put it down for these green little Miao Miao.

It's so green. There are no green things in the border area. Most of them are gray, and there is gray everywhere. Even the grass is not very long. The mountains are mostly long trees, or else It is yellow sand.

So green, so tender, he feels his eyes feel comfortable.

Yu Wenyu likes it too. He can't help but want to touch these little green sprouts. How does this look so delicious? What is it like? Can he eat one?

As a result, before his hand touched these seedlings, he suddenly slapped the back of his hand with a slap, and the back of his hand was red.

"do not move!"

Shen Dingshan warned Yu Wenxu, "If you dare to break a seedling, I will break your leg!"

Yu Wenyu "..."

He is eloquent, not as good as a blade of grass.

Shen Dingshan glared at his grandson again. From now on, stay away from my little seedlings. Don't be rude and break the sweet potato seedlings. This is food for the army.

Yu Wenyu was really heartbroken.

Why do so many people just scold him?

Is he so ignorant?

He was wronged and stood up pitifully, and prepared to stay far away from these little seedlings, as Shen Dingshan said.

But soon, he knew, why did Shen Dingshan say this?

It was not that Shen Dingshan really disliked him, nor was it that Shen Dingshan deliberately targeted him, but because he seemed to be born with the ability to cause trouble, and also to cause trouble.

He was going to go, but his feet slipped and people fell backwards, and he fell hard and anxiously. Of course, he was shocked. His hands were in mid-air and grabbed. For half a day, and other people want to pull him, it is too late.

With a bang, his back was smashed down fiercely, and he closed his eyes, ready to wait for the pain, but as soon as his back touched the ground, it was soft.

Hey, he opened his eyes, it doesn't hurt.

It really doesn't hurt, not at all.

And not only is it not painful, but also has a fragrance, which is the fragrance of young seedlings.

When he turned his head, some small seedlings also touched his face. The green, tender, and infinitely vigorous seedlings were still fragrant and sweet.

Why is this Xiao Miao Miao so familiar?

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