Wait, isn't this the sweet potato seedling just now?

Fortunately, he won't die in a catastrophe, and there must be a blessing. Look, even the sweet potato seedlings are saving him.

Just what he suddenly remembered was a shock.

Mother, he sat up suddenly, his face was also blue and white.

This raised his head and laughed terribly.

When he turned his head secretly, he saw that in the sweet potato field, he pressed out a humanoid imprint. Those sweet potato seedlings were also sloppy. To say nothing, they could destroy dozens of seedlings. In total, there is not much planted here, and as a result, his **** is overwhelming.

Xiao Shi turned his face unbearably.

Luo Yuxi also shook his head.


He sighed.

It is true that sins committed by heaven can be forgiven, and sins committed by yourself cannot live.

Shortly afterwards, Yu Wenyu's screams were heard in the barracks.

Luo Yuxi squatted down and also helped the sweet potato seedlings one by one.

"Can you save it?" Xiao Shi also helped him with it. It was all pressed down like this, can he really live?


Miaomiao is still small, even if it is crushed, it does not matter. This is a vine seedling, which can regenerate when it is broken.

"That's good," Xiao Shi couldn't help but patted his chest. "It's better to save your life. When it's saved, my second brother can also be beaten less."

"No wonder the second brother always said that he wants to go back, and he just can't live a day here."

"It's better to let him stay here."

Luo Yuxi helped up a small Miaomiao, but after a while, he lay down again, and he knew that this could not be saved.


Xiao Shi didn't understand, why didn't his second brother leave?

"Too stupid and too arrogant."

Luo Yuxi also knows something about this cousin’s temperament, "He is born with a lack of roots, there is no way, so what can I do? I can only put him here, and then do something, nothing more Just being beaten by my grandparents."

"But in that place in the capital, there is no day for peace. Whoever doesn't have a bit of pretense, a bit of calculation, and they are above this status, it is inevitable that they will be remembered, so it is inevitable. In this way, even though it is a bitter place, it is also a good place to hone your xinxing. Most of them will stay for a few years and cultivate your temperament."


Xiao Shi also agreed. If the second brother goes back, 80% of the time, the family will have to jump around. Although this is not fair to the second brother, after all, the second brother is also the second son of King Jun’s mansion, but he cannot stay in the capital. That prosperous place, but you can only suffer here.

Moreover, he has been here for a long time, and it seems that they are trying to forget him. Even his mother rarely mentions it. Although it is a bit unfair to the second brother, there is no way. The matter, who made them have ten brothers, the children in the mansion are not very valuable.

Luo Yuxi cleaned up the fallen sweet potato seedlings. Although they were crushed a lot, some of them were rescued, and some of them would grow out in the future. It hurts so badly, it's a bit piercing, but it's a bit too much.

When Shen Dingshan knew that this was still alive, he stopped beating his grandson, but it was strictly forbidden. Yuwenyu approached the young seedlings, but others continued to open the ground, and Yuwenyu picked up the fat water every day. In this way, at first, Yu Wenyu wanted to vomit as soon as he smelled the fat water, but now it smells like a stinking habit.

Those sweet potato seedlings grow very fast. Every day after Shen Dingshan finishes training, he will come over and take a look at these new sweet potato seedlings. When he sees a piece of fresh green, he will feel very comfortable. .

And it seems that this cold, hard state, and empty military camp has been injected with a kind of vitality, and this kind of vitality is also growing up day after day, day after day.

After a while, these sweet potato seedlings were transplanted to the foot of Beishan Mountain, which was also selected by Luo Yuxi. The soil is the best place.

Of course, this kind of soil is good, but compared to the other two mountains, the soil on those two mountains is even worse.

So he was also in the middle of the gap and chose a small one.

It is only after the sweet potato seedlings are planted that they are planted, which is worth less than half a mu of land.

Shen Dingshan used his own steps to measure three times in a row, and he was really disappointed.

He prepared dozens of acres of land, but in the end he only planted less than half an acre. Isn't the rest to be cleaned up for nothing?

Yu Wenyu stared at Lao Yuxi with resentment. I really felt that Lao Yuxi came to play with him. He was obviously just planting such a small piece, but it made him use dozens of acres of fat water every day. It's tired like a dog.

It's simply too bully, right?

"What are you looking at?"

Shen Dingshan squinted his eyes, and also warned Yu Wenxu, a young man who didn't know how to advance and retreat, but only complained. If he knew that he was this temperament, don't give birth to him.

Yu Wenyu narrowed his mouth, as pitiful as he is.

Can't he have a little complaint?

After all, he mentioned January's fat water, and the smell on his body couldn't be washed off even if he washed it again, but he only planted half an acre.

And how many sweet potatoes can be harvested in half an acre, is it enough for him to eat?

Shen Dingshan looked back again, looking at the half-acre of sweet potato fields that were not considered growing, but also remembered that Luo Yuxi said that the yield per mu was tens of thousands of catties. I really feel that this is a bit imaginary.

Half an acre can harvest thousands of catties. Obviously, that is impossible.

And Luo Yuxi is also different. They always explain more, because they will know soon.

Three days after the sweet potatoes were planted, there was a rain. It can be said that the rain was good. It was also because of the rain, so these sweet potato seedlings grew a lot in one day, more than a day. It grows well every day, and it grows stronger day by day, and the vines also grow out.

Luo Yuxi took a pair of scissors and cut it out, then placed it in front of his eyes to observe.

"The long one is really good!"

Xiao Shi squatted in front of Luo Yuxi, "What do you cut this for?"

He took out a section and turned it back and forth, "This is all long and good, why should I cut it?"

Luo Yuxi cut another one and put it away.

"Cut this is naturally to be planted."


Xiao Shi was still confused, "What kind of...what?"

"The sweet potato."

Luo Yuxi turned his face and asked a soldier next to him, "Did you see clearly?"

"See it clearly."

The little soldier nodded.

"That's for you."

Luo Xi also gave the scissors in his hand to the little soldier, "You do what I just said, last time."

"Yes," the soldier took the scissors with both hands, and then cut out a piece of the vine as he did just now. In fact, this is easy, but it is still very simple. As long as people with some vision, they can do it. Now, it may not be difficult for even a few years old to do this.

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