The difficulty lies in the difficulty. If you use the scissors for a long time, your hands will wear out.

After the soldier cut a section, he put his hands in front of Luo Yuxi and asked Luo Yuxi to check.

"That's it, keep working hard." Luo Yuxi was very satisfied with the vines cut out by the soldier.

Very well, after I understood what he meant, I did the right thing. It's rare to pay great attention when cutting, and only cut this one without hurting the others.

My grandfather said that there are many good farmers in the barracks, and they are all true. If you think about it again, this is actually the case. Most of the people who can be requisitioned are also villagers. Min, how could you not know how to do farm work?

Luo Yuxi called out a few more people again, and asked them to do the same thing, and he and Xiao Shi put all these cut vines out neatly.

They cut three baskets of vine branches on this half acre of land.

Xiao Shi has always been confused, and I really don't know, what kind of medicine is sold in this gourd, why does it have to cut a good sweet potato vine into such a small piece.

Luo Yuxi let these sweet potatoes and vines rest well, and then called a few people.

When Shen Dingshan hurried over, he was standing there, and there was no sound for a long time.

"My grandparents are here."

Luo Yuxi stood up and washed his hands clean in the water on one side.

"Xier, what are you doing?"

Shen Dingshan pointed to these people who were working in the fields and what they planted. What was that?

"I'm planting sweet potatoes." Luo Yuxi smiled. "Sprouted sweet potatoes are seeds, and so are vine branches."

And if that’s not the case, relying on so few sweet potatoes, his mother and father, how could it be possible to plant half an acre of sweet potatoes at once? This time they took more than just a few, but hundreds of them. One, planting more than ten acres, isn’t that very righteous?

It took a long time for Shen Dingshan to react.

It turns out that this can also be planted.

At first, he thought he had planted half an acre and it was over. Although Luo Yuxi still had a confident look, it made him feel strange, but he didn't ask much.

I thought it was enough to plant half an acre. After all, being able to grow green things in this place, even grass, was already a huge success.

At the very least, grass can be used to feed horses.

Nearly 20 acres of land was planted in three days, and looking at the foothills of the fresh green everywhere, Shen Dingshan felt really happy. Of course, after such a happy life, he began to worry again.

What to do if it doesn't live long, what to do if it doesn't rain, and the stupid grandson whom Yu Wen said, and step on a few feet.

If that was the case, he immediately kicked him back to the capital to harm others.

After these sweet potato seedlings were planted in the soil, two days later, it rained again, and this rain was also auspicious. In fact, Luo Yu knew the reason why he chose to plant sweet potato at this time, he waited. It’s nothing but such a rain.

As long as it rains, these sweet potato seedlings will surely be able to lie down.

The rain was not too big and not too small, and it lasted for about two days. By the third day, the sun came out, and the entire barracks was filled with a fragrance of vegetation.

This place is located between three mountains, and there are many trees in the mountains, so it is not surprising that there will be a tree smell here, besides, on weekdays, after the rain, or the first clear, most of them have this taste .

Shen Dingshan walked in strode, followed by three grandsons behind him. He just heard that the sweet potato seedlings are growing well, and he left the soldiers he was training and came over quickly. He also wanted to see them in person. What happened to the sweet potato seedlings? The cut vine planting method is really unprecedented and unheard of?

But whether he can say it, he must have seen it with his own eyes.

When he arrived, when he saw the big piece of sweet potato seedlings with new leaves, the whole old face was red.

"Live, live!"

Yeah, it's all alive.

This place can actually be planted.

That is, the smile on his face slowly fell down again. Just now I was worried that these little seedlings would not survive, but now I am worried about it. For example, can this really produce sweet potatoes? ?

"Xier, can it really grow out?"

Shen Dingshan asked Luo Yuxi.

"Grandfather, we can only wait."

Luo Yuxi could only say this to him. No matter how much, he couldn't answer. Of course, he couldn't be sure, because he was also planting it for the first time.

This kind of new thing is only known after planting it. Anyway, in that piece of land in their mansion, it has grown very well, but it is not easy to say here, after all, there is no food growing here.

As for the final result, it can only be known after a hundred or eight days.

"Okay, my grandparents know."

Shen Dingshan is an open-minded person. Whether this can be eaten or not is not something manpower can do. He can only be resigned to his fate. However, he can grow a living, and that is half of the time, even if he is given some sweet potatoes. If there are fewer knots, they will plant some more. Anyway, the three mountains here are not empty. When the time comes, they will be fully planted. He still doesn't believe it and can't plant them?

Let’s take a step back and say that the sweet potato leaves can also be eaten. People can’t eat them. There are still pigs and sheep.

And thinking of this, he is no longer entangled in superfluous, still training troops step by step, but also to strengthen these recruits, the soldiers must be trained.

As for the sweet potato field, he went to take a look from time to time. For the first time, when he saw the green and green field, he was in a good mood.

Lao Yuxi and Xiao Shi have been in charge of this sweet potato field. When there is no water, they will be lifted and watered, and the fertilizer has never fallen. With these sweet potato fields, let’s not talk about the others. At least, the latrines in the barracks are much cleaner than before, and of course they are not so stinking.

Time has passed like this, like a white horse passing through a gap, like the leaves on this sweet potato field, and the ever-growing vines.

Luo Yuxi took a shovel and walked over, also squatting on the ground.

He touched the leaves of these wonderfully growing sweet potatoes.

"The leaves are long enough."

"My fat water is nourished."

Yu Wenyu has been picking fat water for a few months, and it has become a lot stronger, and of course it has also become a lot darker. It seems that he still has that stinky smell on his body, but he doesn't feel half-feeling.

And now his face, even if it is Shen Qingrong here, may not be recognized. This is his son who is whiter and more squeamish than a woman. What is such a rough man? Which hill came from?

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