Even Xiao Shi was lying on the window of the carriage, as if he was infected, and now he didn't know it was cold.

Although this place is farther away from the capital, it is also a bit colder, but its customs and customs are special, and it also has local characteristics. The most important thing is that there are many fur sellers here.

Xiao Shi also decided. In these days when he is coming, he must buy more fur to go back. His mother should like it. There are people on one side of the water and soil, and even the fur of the animals is covered here. The cold color like ice is quite different from those outside.

The carriage didn’t go fast. In addition to the snowy roads and avoiding pedestrians, Xiao Shi wanted to look at the streets on both sides, so it took about half an hour before they arrived in Changlin. Inside Yipinxiang Bieyuan.

Xiao Shi followed the other men into the room, and the oncoming heat pounced towards his face. He closed his eyes and exhaled the heat, and the heat also entered from his nose and mouth. It also warmed his limbs and every drop of his blood.

It's too warm.

This ice is warm, and it is really very happy.

It’s cold, but it’s warm. It’s like the place in the capital. It’s never been so cold or hot. Although it’s calmer, there are always no such big ups and downs. So in addition to the bustling city, it’s Plain, but also boring, which is like this place, you can experience the weather for two seasons at a time.

Can't this be said to be happy?

"I'm so tired."

Xiao Shi lay down on his collapse, even the bed collapsed so warm, he wanted to sleep.

From time to time, his bed collapsed and rolled on it, and Luo Yuxi also let him go.

Anyway, when it's nightfall, Li Qiye will come back, and they will have to rest here for a few days, and wait until the wind and snow are a little lighter before they can find a fairly good weather, and then they will mention the mountain.

After he was bathed, he was also washed away from his exhaustion, and the people outside brought meals.

Luo Yuxi picked up the chopsticks and took a bite. The taste was good, but there was no frozen fish.

"My son, do you want them to prepare more."

Niu Xin asked, standing aside, the meal preparation was a bit hasty, so it was a bit simpler.

"No, these will do."

Lao Yuxi is not too picky either, there are still long days to eat, and it will be left to the belly later, these will do.

He will eat a little bit and feel that his stomach is full. Of course, he is not so hungry before he walks to the bed and is ready to take a rest. The boat and cart all the way, he is now Some have backaches and legs, so they want to lie down here, and then stretch their limbs.

Ge Beng's voice seemed to be a voice that could come from his own bones, of course it was comfortable.

And unconsciously, he actually didn't know when he fell asleep. When he opened his eyes, the sky outside was already dark.

"How long did I sleep?"

He sat up, knowing that Niu Xin was in the house.

"The son has slept for more than two hours."

Niu Xin has always counted time, almost like that.

"My cousin wakes up?"

Luo Yuxi took his own clothes and put them on casually.

"Little Ten Young Master hasn't woken up yet, maybe he's too tired."

While Niu Xin returned, he also drew wash water for Luo Yuxi.

"My son, the shopkeeper has returned to the house, but I heard that the son is still not awake, so I didn't bother him, saying that it was the son who woke up, and he just asked her.

"I see." Luo Yuxi washed his face, straightened the corners of his clothes, and then walked out. Of course he didn't call Xiaoshi, let him go to sleep, his cousin, but Without his good body, self-recovery is slower.

Walking outside, Lao Yuxi saw Mo Li sitting in the hall at a glance. She still looks like this. She sits very straight and her hair is simply combed. If she looks like her, she is not as good as his mother. She has a look against the sky, but she is also very young, and think about it, in fact, his aunt Mo is not very old at her original age. She is several years younger than his mother~www. wuxiaspot.com~Get cash] Follow vx public. Public number [Book Friends Base Camp~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You can also get cash!

"Aunt Mo..." He walked over and smiled, and even his eyes became softer.

Li Qi turned around, then stood up and nodded lightly to Luo Yuxi.

"The second son is here."

Aunt Mo, please don’t be so polite. You are a little bit uncomfortable with this gift. You are my elder, and there are no elders who carry luggage to the younger ones. Besides, his temperament is not like that of the older brother. In mind, he likes to be casual and simple.

Otherwise, it would feel so boring that the two sons and the little princes said each other.

"The courtesy can't be abandoned," Li Li sat down and asked Lao Yuxi to serve tea, but she stayed here for a little too long. Her temperament is passionate, and passion can melt ice. The enthusiasm can also melt the snow.

But how to get to Li Li, with such a good temper, she couldn't learn anything.

Luo Yuxi smiled at Mo Li again, this smile was like an innocent child, those crystal-like eyes—the pitch black is shiny, and coupled with his extremely handsome looks, it is a bit of a life. If you don't deserve it, even if you make a mistake, no one will blame him.

"Aunt Mo, you are beautiful again."

Luo Yu said sweetly, with a serious face, who would dare to say what he said was false.

The cup that Li Li held in his hand tightened uncontrollably, and the corners of his lips were very small, with a slight curve of joy.

"Why did you get here?"

Mo Li asked Luo Yuxi that people who were used to the capital would definitely not come here and would freeze to death.

What's the matter, Luo Yu knew he was here?

Li Li put down the tea cup in his hand and asked again.

"But is there something wrong with your mother?"

"No." Luo Yuxi shook his head lightly, "They are all fine, it's me."

"En," Li Li looked up and down Lao Yuxi, "what's the matter with you?"

Lao Yuxi touched her nose with embarrassment, "Aunt Mo, I have no money."

"Did she not give it to you?"

To be honest, Mo Li didn't believe what Luo Yuxi said. She knew the woman's temperament. If her son was going on a trip, she would have liked to put the bank notes all over them, just not wanting them to suffer.

And silver is a must-have when traveling.

Only with money can travel and travel.

But if he has no silver, what would he eat and drink, would he be like a beggar, begging for food every day?

Of course, they all knew the girl in Li Li's mouth, who was that referring to?

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