"My mother gave me more than 100,000 taels of silver bills," Luo Yuxi didn't mean to conceal it. When he came, he didn't worry about the money, but he didn't dare to spend it all the way, and there was no time to spend it. When he came back, he was a pauper.

"My mother asked us to go to the military camp to give something to my grandfather. When I came back, I gave my grandfather all the cash on my body, but forgot to leave some travel expenses for myself. By coincidence, I passed by Aunt Mo, so I came to you Borrow some silver."

He also sighed in his heart. Sure enough, this is broken by the silver. Without the silver, he doesn't know how to go home now. It is impossible for them to beg for food.

In fact, it doesn't matter to him, but he always pays attention to face-saving, but he definitely doesn't.

"wait a moment."

Li Li stood up and walked out. When she came over again, she had one more thing in her hand, which was a small wooden box.

"It contains the income and expenditure of the shop for nearly half a year. As soon as the second son came, he sent these back to the princess."


Luo Yuxi hugged this wooden box, and didn't even want to open it. How many are there?

It doesn't matter how much there is, as long as it is enough for him to spend all the way.

"Right, Aunt Mo."

Luo Yuxi still has nothing to ask.

"In Snow Mountain, have you seen Xiao Hu?"

"En." Mo Li replied lightly. I have been there several times and gave them some things. There are not many things on the snow-capped mountains. Xiao Hu gave birth to several foxes, so he wanted to help.

When these fox cubs grow up, she will send less.

"But there is a snow fox?

Lao Yuxi heard that Xiao Hu had given birth to a few more litters, and then quickly asked, if there are snow foxes, he still wants to take home a few, and Lao Bai and Nian Nian are still too lonely.

Snow foxes are very clever, and they are also defenseless to raise a few more.

"So far."

Mo Li took a sip of the tea, and she went up several times. If there is a snow fox, Xiao Hu will show it to her. It now knows that if the snow fox is by his side, it will be difficult to feed it. Only with her can we find a way to survive.

And Xiao Hu has never caught a little fox, so he shouldn't either.

"Aunt Mo, I want to go up the mountain once in a few days."

When Luo Yu came over, in addition to borrowing some twists, he also wanted to see Xiao Hu. It was a pity that he was so anxious this time that he didn't bring the brand white. He believes that the fat white brand will definitely let him. Xiao Hu was very satisfied.


Li Li put down the tea cup in his hand, "You have been here for a few days to rest, and the snow will fall for three days, and you will be able to look at it.

"Aunt Mo, would you recognize the weather?

Luo Yuxi stared at Li Qi curiously. Is this the ability of the unexplored prophet? Can this be known?

"If you live for a long time, you will meet."

Li Qiye didn't feel that there was anything wrong with these. Everyone here would know how to predict some weather, especially the rain and snow here.


Luo Yu knew that he was a transparent person, so he didn't ask too much.

At this moment, his stomach groaned.

Li Qiye lowered his head and stared at his stomach, "Hungry?"


Luo Yu smiled and couldn't see his teeth. Along the way, he hadn't eaten well. He only ate half a fish just now, and he is still starving to death.

"I have someone prepare something for you to eat."

After that, she was going to get people to get something to eat. Forget it, she still stared at some of the things she made, and Luo Yu didn't like it.

Although she has a bit cold temperament, she is very good for the children of the Luo family.

In a short while, a table of sumptuous meals is also placed on the table. Naturally, there is also the most famous local frozen fish. Laoyu knows that he has been here, and naturally he has eaten a lot. The taste of fish has been unforgettable for him so far.

And this world is so big that he has eaten a lot of fish, but this Changlin frozen fish is what he likes most.

Less thorns, tender meat, and less fishy smell.

You will know the taste once you eat it, and then you will not forget it.

Xiao Shi touched his stomach with satisfaction, "This kind of fish is so delicious. I have long heard about the frozen fish, which is famous all over the world, but I have never seen it. If it were not for this time, I don’t know what kind of fish it tastes like. , Why is it so famous?"

And this fame is actually due to the first-grade incense of this place, and coupled with the explosion of the mountain, so these years, Chang Lin is not a place where few people came decades ago.

Of course, the taste of this frozen fish has gradually become famous. Of course, there are many people who came here, and Xiao Shi happened to be one of them.

"We'll stay here for a few more days," Luo Yuxi picked some fish for herself, and ate slowly.

"So, you can eat more, and the expiration date is not waiting."

The frozen fish in Changlin is only found in this place, and it is also a unique gift between the world, like a snow fox, only found in this place, but not elsewhere. The fish here, the water here, and the firewood fired. Fire is the only way to have such a taste. If you miss a taste, it is wrong. If you miss a taste, it is different.

"I know."

Xiao Shi's eyes were very bright, and he touched his round belly that he was eating. He really felt that life was like this, what kind of unevenness he needed.

He mostly eats some fish, and he eats enough of the fish here. It's best to get tired of it. Then he won't want to. When he goes back, he will hold a beautiful little snow fox. .

He slandered the two foxes in Lao Yuxi's family. Those two had recognized the Lord. Even if he wanted to raise them, he couldn't raise them, so he wanted to raise a little fox for himself.

He is white, well-behaved, and cute, and has a very beautiful tail. Of course, the snow fox is a treasure hunter. Maybe he can find some treasures.

The more he thought about it, the brighter his eyes became, and of course his heart was also happy.

Luo Yuxi was much calmer than him. Of course, he did not stop Xiao Shi from dreaming. He followed him hard along the way. After a few months of planting sweet potatoes, he did not eat less bitterness, and he did not suffer less from cold. So now If you can still dream, you can do more.

Isn’t there a saying that makes dreams come true? Maybe, it can be true.

Lao Yuxi was eating fish slowly. Unlike Xiao Shi, he would fill his stomach all at once. Now it's good, he can't eat even one thing.

What Xiao Shi really eats is rice.

And what he eats is taste.

Those are two completely different concepts.


The door outside rang.

"come in."

Luo Yuxi said something to the outside, but he never looked up. At this moment, he was sitting at the table, also holding a pen and writing something on the paper.

Niu Xin came in from outside with a plate of snacks in his hand.

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