Because of this, all the things sold here are all weird and strange. They are also on Xiaoxi Road. I have never seen it before, and never knew it. He is different from several cousins, so he left Beijing. The travel is not too far, of course it is not too long, so when you encounter novel things, you have to be curious for a long time.

He walked around here, wandered around there, not to mention the others, although the things those people sell outside are not too valuable, but he has bought a lot.

A guard behind him was carrying it in his hand, holding it in his arms, and hanging from his neck. If he bought it like this, he would just bite his teeth.

"The front is Yipinxiang."

Coincidentally, Xiao Shi was also about to reach the door of Yipinxiang, "We will pass in a while, store the things there first, and then let the people return to the house."

The guard finally breathed a sigh of relief, and finally didn't have to hang his own like a peach tree.

"When it comes out, we will continue to buy."

Guard "..."

Can he refuse?

Xiao Shi is really the one who talks and counts. Of course, no one in this world can stop him. His urge to continue shopping, not to mention the snow, even if it is a knife, he will not go back and be killed. I won't go back either.

After putting those things in Yipinxiang, Xiaoshi continued walking as he said. He walked less than a half of this street, and there are five or so streets like this one, so Selling things are all different, so he can go shopping for a long time, and he can't be boring anymore.

And soon after, the body of the guard was covered again.

Most of the things Xiao Shi bought were furs, and there were some gadgets that looked pleasing to the eye and could not be put away. After all, he wanted to take these things back to the capital, which is also a few months away from the capital. It’s not easy to come here once. It’s a pity to buy more if it’s not easy to produce.


He touched his money bag, alas, there are not many, and it seems that he can't buy it anymore, or else this will be the first thing, and when he comes out, he will usually borrow some cash from his cousin.

It was precisely because he didn't have much money, so he didn't want to go shopping anymore. After shopping, he didn't have any money to buy. In fact, it was a waste of this great time.

He touched his money bag again, then looked up and looked at the very tall restaurant in front of him. This restaurant is also a major feature of the local area. Because the building is high, there are about four floors, so many people are Like to be here, order a pot of hot tea, sit at the table, and you can clearly see the snow-capped mountains covered by snow.

Even the heart is about to be shocked.

His stomach also screamed at the right time.

And he opened his mouth and smiled.

Alas, if you are hungry, then go eat

He strode in and went up to the fourth floor. This is where the snow mountain can be seen in the rumor.

When he arrived, he was stunned when he saw the icy snow scene.

The snow-capped mountains at this angle have a very peculiar beauty. The white snow that can be seen on the top is a misty and illusory state in the middle of the fairy, and the mountain that looks like a mountain. It is not a thing on earth, but Immortal family practice holy land.

It was the first time that Xiao Shi had encountered such a thing and saw such a scene. He hurried forward and lay down at the window, once again shocked by the magnificence of nature.

And he must go to the snow-capped mountains and find himself a snow fox, just like Nian Nian and Lao Bai, hunting for treasure.

It's just that he seems to have forgotten that even if he really got a snow fox, he might not be able to raise it well.

Little foxes that can grow up more than tens of years long need to eat rare birds and beasts, and most of the snow foxes born are weak and small, like every year, they are good, if they are like white, they have to feed , A genius doctor must be prepared at home.

People like them only saw the intelligence of the snow foxes, but they didn't know how much food the two foxes ate, but also how much food the two foxes had eaten.

Most people can't afford it.

Speaking of Xiao Shi, he admired the snow scene for a long time, then found a table for himself, and sat down. The fourth floor is the coldest place here. Usually there are few people, so now there are only a few people here. And Xiao Shi himself, finally ended up quietly.

He asked for a pot of local fruit milk, boiled with fruit and goat milk here. It has a fruity fragrance and a milky taste. Of course, there is also the cleanness of the local ice and snow. Drink it in your mouth. , Is an indescribable taste. When I first drank it, I was not used to it.

But after drinking a few sips, I felt a bit scented on my lips and teeth, and I got some likes. After eating the unique snacks here, I drank a sip of fruit milk and the snowy mountains here.

No matter how Xiaoshi feels, here is no worse than Beijing.

The capital has its own prosperous capital, but here it is rugged and simple, and the emperor is far away. At this time, if you have money, you can be called the king. Even the government will be wary of it. Of course, this place can be called the king. Yes, it's not Yipinxiang, but with the light of Yipinxiang, Xiaoshi also feels like he can fake it.

He rubbed his hands until he remembered the burning earth dragon where he lived. This kind of extreme weather was actually quite interesting.

Not long after, there was a table next to him, and there was a table of people. It hasn’t been long since they’ve been sitting down. They talked about the sky, and when they looked at their dresses, they seemed to be hunters. They were all dressed in fur clothes. , There is also a quiver on the ground.

One year is about thirty, but one is smaller.

"Brother, are you really going to go?"

The younger asked his elder brother.

"Yes," the eldest brother took a sip of fruit milk, "I'm about to enter the new year, I have to make some money, otherwise, I am afraid that this year will not pass."

"But brother, it's too dangerous there."

When the younger brother clenched his eyebrows, he was also persuading his elder brother.

In the past few days, the snow in the mountains has been a bit heavy. After a few days, the snow has become smaller. Is it okay to go up the mountain?

"No," the eldest brother took a sip of fruit milk, "I have agreed to someone who is urgently required to dig a ginseng, and the fixed money is also collected. There is no reason not to go."

At that time, he will not only lose faith in others, but still have to pay for the double silver taels. He has already spent all the fixed silver, and there is no silver taels at home. How can he still pay for the double silver taels?

So this mountain, he must also go up.

"But, eldest brother..." The younger brother still feels this wrong, and it is too dangerous to go up the mountain now.

"It's okay." The eldest brother stretched out his hand and patted his younger brother's shoulder soothingly. "I'll be fine. It's not my first time to go there." These hunters were born and raised in the mountains. .

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