Ever since I was young, I don’t know how many times this mountain has been climbed up, and what will happen, and this is a snow-capped mountain.

And the beasts are usually in the deep mountains. Besides, he can’t go to the mountains that are too deep. There is no way to go there, and there is no way to find a direction. There are many beasts in it. I heard , There is also a thousand-year-old serpent, also guarded here.

So these people have been taught by their parents since they were young, that is, no matter what, they cannot go to the depths of the snow-capped mountains.

And he always remembered these words of his father's generation, this is also what they always know.

When the younger brother wanted to say something, the eldest brother beside him interrupted the younger brother's words that he was about to talk.

"Don't worry, I will be fine."

The younger brother held back for a long time, and finally he held a word.

"Then I will go with you."

No, the eldest brother sank his face and you can't go. Didn't you just say that going up the mountain is dangerous, why are you going again?

I'm just worried about my eldest brother. If they go together, they can take care of each other.

"I can go alone."

The eldest brother said without refusal, “I’m only going up the mountain for five days. After five days, I will come back. Although the weather in the mountains may be a little worse, but when I come back, the snow in the mountains can be much smaller, so it should be. It's also fine."

The younger brother had been talking for a long time, but his eldest brother had always refused, and in the end he flung his sleeves, and even stopped ignoring others.

Xiao Shi sat on the side and kept listening, until he heard something.

He picked up the fruit milk in his hand and took a sip. The sweet and warm taste also made his lips awkward.

It's really sweet, it's obviously warm water, but when you drink it in your mouth, there is a hint of coolness, and this coolness may be because there is always snow.

So even the water has the winter coolness of this place.

When the two brothers left, Xiao Shi also put down the cup in his hand, took out a small piece of silver from his body, put it on the table, and went out.

In the mansion, Luo Yuxi put down the pen in his hand, and stood up. At this time, his temper became calmer and calmer. Like a gentle jade, it is gentle and elegant, and it is also cool, but also has a trace of warmth. He came from the corner of his mouth.

He walked to the window and stood leaning there again, watching the snow outside, swelling and falling.

The snow here has been falling for about three days, and it seems that it will continue to fall.

Niu Xin walked in from the outside. Not surprisingly, he saw that he was still standing in front of the window. He must do the same every day. He didn't go anywhere, just sitting at the table and copying Buddhist scriptures.

It's been copied for two days, why? Is it still not finished?

He walked in, put the food basket he was carrying on the table, and then put the food inside on the table.

Luo Yuxi hugged his arm, and after Niu Xin had arranged the food, he put down his arm and walked over.

"What about him?"

Luo Yuxi asked Niu Xin.

"Why, it's crazy to play, why don't you stick to the house every day?"

"Little Ten Young Master left early in the morning."

Niu Xin put his chopsticks in front of Lao Yuxi, "Little ten sons have been out early and returned late in the past few days, and will bring back a lot of things."

Luo Yuxi knew that this would be the case. In fact, it is understandable. When he first came to Changlin, he was very curious about this place. After all, this is different from the capital, and there are other places, which are covered with snow and ice all year round. , Self also has its own characteristics, even if it is stepping on the snow, it is enough for people to play for a long time.

So it's not strange that Xiaoshi went out early and returned late.

"When he comes back, you tell me."

Luo Yuxi ate the rice in the bowl. He has always copied the Buddhist scriptures, so that his heart is calmer and quieter, so that when he is on the mountain, he can adjust his mood to the most suitable time. It's also good to go to the snow mountain once.

It's that Xiao Shi is really too curious about this place, he has stopped here, and has not seen him.

"My son, I know."

Niu Xin promised, but also thinking that he will be able to stop Xiaoshi Gongzi tonight.


"What else?"

Luo Yuxi put down his chopsticks, how did he feel that Niu Xin was hiding something from him, is it hard to say, or can't he say?

"It's okay."

Niu Xin shook his head, "When Young Master Ten went out today, he did not bring a guard."

"He already knows the way, and he doesn't like taking a guard."

Luo Yuxi didn't feel that there was anything wrong. In fact, let alone Xiao Shi, even he himself was the same. With a bunch of people around him, he always felt a little restrained, not as good as himself, and even more at ease.

Niu Xin opened his mouth again, but after thinking about it at the end, forget it...

It's just that he feels that Xiaoshi today is a bit strange. Not only did he go out by himself without any guards, but he also looked around. He always seemed to be a thief. How did he think, how did he feel strange?

But when he listened to Luo Yuxi's words, he felt the same. The son of his family didn't like to bring a guard on weekdays. Even his youngest son, he sometimes didn't want to bring it with him. Isn't he afraid of getting in the way? , But because he wants a person to be quiet and quiet, which is limited to this.

He didn’t think much anymore. Of course, Luo Yuxi didn’t think too much. He also thought that Xiao Shi, who was on the side of the street at this moment, was experiencing the local customs, eating and drinking The fruit milk here, buy some special furs, and good things that can only be found in the snow-capped mountains.

But they all didn't know. At this time, at the foot of the snow-capped mountain, there was a group of people heading up the mountain.

Xiao Shi tightened the cloak he was wearing again, and then walked forward. It can be said that he has been very satisfied since entering the mountain until now.

The road is easy to walk, and the snow is not too big.

Although the weather is cold and the wind is a bit biting, he has been so cold these days and days, and he is used to the cold here.

So the coldness now is not so sad for him. Looking at the few people before, they seem to be the same. They don't feel too much. The snow falls on their eyelashes, lightly. In the blink of an eye, it turned into water droplets, and the things in their eyes remained unchanged.

Xiao Shi tightened his clothes again, and once again affirmed that he did this thing right, which is also a rare opportunity. He had a chance to travel specially.

Although Luo Yuxi can bring him over, there is also an established path for him. Of course, there is certainly not much danger on the way, but such smoothness is not what he wants.

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