He still likes to get in touch with things he has never seen before, those he has seen, or others have seen, so not fun, so meaningless, what is the point of his coming?

So, he came, also at the foot of the snow-capped mountains.

He wants to catch himself a fox to play with.

The few people walking in the front are the pair of Orion brothers he met Shan last time in the restaurant, but his brother's name is Zuo Nan, his younger brother is Zuo Bei, his name is easy to remember, and his home is simple.

Just as they said, their ancestors lived in the snow-capped mountains, and they were also hunters. Their good hunting skills came from their parents.

However, as hunters, sometimes the silver is earned by their lives. They have never hit the valuables, all of which are pheasant rabbits. It is the New Year right away, but the two do not have much silver, so Zuo Nan He wanted to take the risk. He promised a young man named He in the city to go to the snow mountain to dig ginseng. The young man rushed to use ginseng and couldn't wait for the snow to stop by himself, so he wanted to venture up the mountain. He gave Zuo Nan five taels. The silver was used for reward, and he was also asked to take him to the mountains to find ginseng.

For Zuo Nan, these fifty taels of silver really made him very tempted. As long as they had fifty taels of silver, their family could get up. There was no problem in An Sheng for a few years.

He was really short of money. Although he knew that the mountains were indeed dangerous at this time, but in the end he agreed to this matter. Originally, he wanted to come alone and didn't want his brother to take risks. Thinking that he would not let him come, but in the end Zuo Bei still followed by himself, and kept walking behind him.

Later, Zuo Nan saw that he couldn't drive people away, so he could only take his younger brother with him, and they saw that the snow in the mountains was not as big as they expected, the more they went up the mountain, the smaller they became. , And then slowly put it down.

As for Xiaoshi, that is purely extra.

He gave Zuo Nan ten taels of silver, and asked him to add him alone.

Don’t talk about ten taels of silver, even fifty taels of silver. Zuo Nan is taking risks. For ten taels of silver, that’s not to mention. Anyway, Xiao Shi said, he just followed them up to the snow-capped mountains. Nothing.

No, a few people set off early in the morning, and now they are halfway up the mountain.

And along the way, no one spoke, just thinking about keeping some energy so that they can get to the next place to rest. After nightfall, they must rush there to rest. If they can’t make it, they must be. To freeze to death here.

Xiao Shi is considered to be a martial artist, and his strength is also considered to be great. Of course, he is not the kind of pampering person, so for him, there is not much reluctance to go up the mountain. On the contrary, it is the son He who wants to dig ginseng, and It didn't take long to go, and I couldn't hold it anymore.

"Young Master Yuwen is very strong."

Zuo Nan really felt that he had missed his eyes. When he first saw Xiao Shi, he found that this young man was very handsome, even beautiful. Although he was slender, he was still unsuccessful. It is also the sons of everyone.

He couldn't pick up his shoulders, and couldn't lift his hands. He had made up his mind to carry him up the mountain. For the sake of ten taels of silver, not to mention carrying people, even if people were to ride on his shoulders, he was willing.

As a result, Xiao Shi seemed to be more relaxed than he was. They were all on the mountain for most of the day, and there was no change in his aura. Compared with the Orion who stayed in the mountains for years and years, it was nothing. It's not inferior.

"It's fine."

Xiao Shi took a big step forward, still very relaxed.

“I’ve been practicing martial arts since I was a child, and I have been a little stronger, and it’s not a problem to climb the mountain.” I thought he could still lift water and climb the mountain when I was in Sixiu. This is the best way to practice foot strength. With several cousins, they all grew up like this.

It can be seen that there was no vain learning to learn these at the time. Look, it is also used now.

Therefore, even if this mountain is a snowy mountain, he can climb very easily. Of course, this snowy mountain does not seem to be as dangerous as what Luo Yuxi said. It is quite calm, and of course it is quite easy to climb.

"I'll just say how it is so different." Zuo Nan smiled honestly, "It turned out to be Lianjiazi."

This martial arts person is different, and his hands and feet are also neat. Don't look like a weak scholar, but since he is a martial artist, he will certainly not be dragged down.

"We'll get on some soon."

Zuo Nan quickened his pace and walked in the forefront, "Time is running out. We have to rush to the first hill before dark, where there will be things we need to spend the night."

"Can you take a break?" The ginseng digger He was already unable to walk. He put his hand on his waist. Now he really didn't want to walk, but wanted to lie on his stomach. He really couldn't walk.

"Master He, it's impossible."

Zuo Nan pointed to the front, "We must climb that mountain. If we can't climb, we may not be able to survive the night. There is no fire in the evening, and there is nothing to eat or drink. It will kill people."

He Gongzi originally wanted to say something, but seeing that Xiao Shi had all walked in front of him, he was a little weak at once, so all of them were faster than his feet.

Everyone else left, and in the end he couldn't help but gritted his teeth, dragged two heavy legs, and walked forward laboriously.

The snow in the mountains is very heavy, and there are no roads everywhere, so when walking, not only have to bear the drowsiness of the feet, but also have to be cut from time to time by the wind and snow.

It hurts, dry, and cold.

When they reached a cave halfway up the mountain, the few people were relieved. At this time, the sky outside was already a little dark. Of course, you could hear the cry of some wild beasts in the snow-capped mountains. .

Such as wolf barking.

He Gongzi was taken aback, and he was holding a bundle of firewood, wishing to shrink his whole person.

"Do not worry."

Xiao Shi broke the firewood in his hand and threw it into the fire, then stretched out his hand and patted He Gongzi on the shoulder.

"You hear the sound very close, but it's actually far away."


How do you hear this? He feels that he is close at hand, maybe he is on the top of the cave, so should he take a stone to block the entrance of the cave, so that the wolves cannot come in?

They shouldn't be smart either, so don't move the stone first.

There was another wolf cry.

He Gongzi shrank his neck again, his face was pale and his teeth clenched.

Xiao Shi continued to add a lot of firewood to the fire, and the light at this time was also bigger. Those warm lights fell on his face, Qingnuan was also childish, but exceptionally handsome.

Even his complexion is ruddy, not red, not white, or green.

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