Shen Qingci weighed the road here, and this road should not tolerate her and these people passing each other.

And she glanced behind her, and finally chose to take a step back, her figure also shifted to one side, also giving way to a complete path so that these women could pass.

She doesn't like staying in the palace. Of course, she doesn't like to have much contact with the people in the palace because she is afraid of trouble.

Therefore, when encountering these things, she usually chooses to give in, which is to save time and waste her time here, adding more things to others after dinner.

And she saw this group of people, of course this group of women naturally found her too.

Among them was a woman in a red dress, who also looked at Shen Qingci a few more times, and she was obviously satisfied with Shen Qingci's retreat. The corners of her lips were slightly raised, obviously, there was also a little more triumphant color in her eyes. .

Shen Qingci still kept his eyelashes down slightly, thinking about when she could leave, saying that there are three women in one play, so thirty women is a lot of play.

Especially the mottled and messy scent on their bodies, and Shen Qingci's nose is really uncomfortable. She resisted the urge to sneeze, but the nose was itchy, there was really no way.

The woman in red stopped in front of her.

"Which palace are you from?"

She asked arrogantly, why, I have never seen you in the palace, when did I enter the palace?

Shen Qingci covered his nose with his hand, and there seemed to be a smell on this woman.

It was body odor, but it was covered with medicine, but if it was covered again, there was still the body odor. Shen Qingci has a method to treat body odor. It was also cured at the beginning, and of course it was cured.

The cured occlusion is two different concepts.

The cure is tasteless.

As for the occlusion, there is still a smell on the body, nothing more than a bit of concealment. People who may be close to it can't find it, but as a perfumer with excellent smell, she smells it.

And Shen Qingci's appearance, and the disgust in her eyes, also made the woman in red realize what? In an instant it made her feel ashamed.

"you wanna die!"

The woman in red couldn't help but drew a whip from her body. Without thinking, she drew it to Shen Qingci.

The others were also frightened, and they didn’t even have time to stop them. Although they had seen this man slap someone with a whip, they also relied on being Li Gui’s niece and his natural beauty. Her temperament is like fire, and she has the emperor's heart, so she is somewhat defiant, and can even be lawless, but the emperor likes her temperament.

It is also true temperament.

But this arrogance and true temperament are two different things, right?

This is all about pulling a whip and smoking a person. Is it a cat or a dog?

No, in this palace, cats can't smoke randomly. If a cat is smoked, it will have to peel off without dying.

Shen Qingci was also stunned there. Of course, he didn't expect that someone would slap her with a whip, and he would still come to her face.

This is the palace. She has never worried about her safety, so although she is not too happy about this place, she is not too worried, but tell her.

She just stood here, and didn't provoke anyone, and in the end a whip was drawn at her.

Did this palace violate her?

Seeing that the whip was drawn towards her, it was about to hit her face.

The whip is not for girls to play with, but a real whip, made of high-quality buffalo leather, and you can see some barbs on the top of the whip.

If this is drawn on the body, the skin that must be drawn is broken, and even these barbs will bring out some flesh.

If her beautiful face was touched lightly, she would have to lose a layer of skin.

And just when the whip was about to fall, the sword that did not know where it came from greeted the whip, and the moment the sword collided with the whip, the blade of the sword spun around, causing the whip to wrap around the sword. , And then I heard the sound of Ka, the whip wrapped around the sword was all broken, broken into pieces.

The woman in red also rushed forward because of the sudden break of the whip. She threw her five bodies directly on the ground, and rushed to Shen Qingci

Shen Qingci took a step back, and the woman's forehead hit the ground, and her scream cut through the sky.

Others were obviously frightened.

The red-dressed beauty raised her face, a delicately portrayed face, instantly bearded with blood, and even her eyes were red.

"I want you to die!" She opened her mouth, spouting blood, and a white tooth.

Shen Qingci turned his face and looked at Asu. Asu waved the sword. This was the first time she had used the sword.

Well, it's no match for those famous swords.

Sure enough, the sword made of Xuan Tie was different, and it was very easy to use.


Shen Qingci stretched out his finger and pointed at the woman on the ground with a **** face.

"She wants me to die."

"Let her go!"

Asu retracted his sword and stretched out his foot to kick someone.

Forget it, Shen Qingci raised his wrist, and also pulled Aso's sleeve, not to mention the matter, wait for the palace banquet.

She was not trying to calm things down, nor was she showing others face, others would destroy her precious face, but also want her life, she lived a long time, has always been very wanton.

She was about to be a grandmother, but she was bullied.

She let it go just because she still knew what day it was. It didn't matter if she was laughed at by others, but she couldn't be laughed at by people from other countries, especially Cangtao people.

She and Cang Tao had a great feud that couldn't be solved. Saving her, humiliating her, and hurting her at the beginning also made her a life of nine deaths. She still remembered this grudge, or remembered it for so many years, and no day was forgotten.

If it were not for the innocence of the people, she really wanted to blow Cang Tao directly.

After taking care of her clothes and hair, she felt okay.

But messed up? She asked Asu, when she entered the palace, the **** did not come, but took care of the two foxes in the house, and only brought Asu with him. Now that there is no mirror, she cannot go back to dress up. Once, time was too late, so I asked Aso.

I'm not embarrassed like this now, is it not messy, is it not like a crazy woman?

But she felt that even if she was a mad woman, she was a very beautiful mad woman.

"No." Asu feels okay, everything is just like before entering the palace, impeccable, anyway, Shen Qingci doesn't have too many things on his head, so it's impossible to mess up. Besides, she is just As a foil, not many people want to look at her.

They are all old, and they are not shameless.

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