"That's good." Shen Qingci trimmed her hair again, and she herself didn't feel too bad. She was not too moved just now.

After walking a few steps, she stopped again, and then asked one of the women.

"Who is she?"

She pointed to the beauty in red who was still lying on the ground howling.

The young woman blinked.

"She is Li Meiren, and Li Guifei's niece, she is very pampered."


Shen Qingci got it.

Li Meiren and Li Guifei are on the same account. As for the names, she feels that the women in this palace do not deserve names, and they are all called beauties, concubines, and queens.

The women in these palaces are not as good as a cat.

At least Miao Miao still has his own name, but these people, not only have no name, but also their nature.

"Let's go."

Shen Qingci said to Aso.

As for this palace, she really didn't want to come again in the future. The people here didn't know what color they were dyed in. They were young, and they all learned something.

The fifteen-year-old girl has not grown up, but her mind is more than one.

Shen Qingci walked into the hall, and then almost all became dumb.

These are very common things, and every time she appears in such a place, it will cause silence here.

They are not looking at her beauty, but her slowness.

I've seen it all, but I'm still a little shocked in my eyes.

The ones that have not been seen are really like seeing the old monsters.

Shen Qingci stared at the front, and walked over calmly and sat on her own position, and she also discovered that since she came, except for the lack of voice, even some young people are His head lowered, as if he was about to eat that table.

Shen Qingci recognized one of them. The little fat man who was on the painting boat last time is not fat anymore. The person is also dark, but no matter how dark, his face remains unchanged.

It seems that she should listen more to her elder sister in the future. She often goes out and walks around, so that no one knows him. The younger one knows that he is disrespectful to the elders, and the women are not self-reliant.

She picked up the cup on the table and placed it on her lips. Although she had never spoken or expressed anything, she could feel a slight depression from her body.

"Who messed with you?"

Brando Hengsi took down her cup, and then poured her a cup. Others didn't know her temperament. How could he not know that this was all about to bite the cup, why, but what happened?

He had been discussing with Emperor Wen Yuan just now. Even the two children were with the prince, so he didn't care about her. It was only a few quarters of an hour, but what really happened?

"I will tell you later."

Shen Qingci sat up straight, showing his standard smirk.

It seems unpredictable, but in fact she is not smiling.

Who wouldn't know this end, anyway, she just held it like this, it's definitely impossible to make mistakes.

Brandon raised the pot again, poured a cup of tea and placed it in front of Shen Qingci.

Shen Qingci brought his hands over. Although he was holding a shelf, his eyes turned from time to time. When he saw Princess Jun and his wife who were sitting opposite, he grinned and smiled.

Shen Qingrong, who was also holding her, broke her strength when she saw her younger sister, and couldn't help but laughed.

"What are you laughing at?"

Seeing the smile on his beloved wife's face, Yu Wenxu wondered what had happened to her, and asked curiously.

"Laughing at my sister."

Shen Qing Ci Rong pointed to the opposite Shen Qing Ci, "Look, how tender her face is." There are so many women, old and young, but no one has such a prominence, my sister. She was born well. She has a bright face as an eldest sister. Unfortunately, she has no life to give birth to a girl, so she can only raise her younger sister as a daughter. She hopes that her sister can stay young and stay young. Beauty goes down.

"You have a good birth too."

Yu Wenxu didn’t even look at Shen Qingci for a few more times. He just felt too enchanting. Most people really can’t afford to marry, not as good as his clean appearance. Now they are all grandmothers, but they are still like a twenty-year-old woman. Generally, with her, he himself is not old-fashioned, and the Shen family is really strange, he really feels it.

Of course it's too enchanting. He doesn't like it. Every day, he is like facing his younger generation. He is afraid, so it is best to have a clear face. Compare, um, how to put it, like a human.

Shen Qingci was not a human being at all, just a monster, and even the children she gave birth to were more difficult to raise than other children.

A cold one, like a piece of wood, has exactly the same temperament when he was young and not cute at all.

The one who smiles is like a child, but his heart is black, and he loves money.

The other is not to mention, they are more beautiful than women, and 80% of them will not be willing to marry in the future.

Shen Qingrong listened, covered her mouth and smiled, I am compared with her, but it is far worse. The child has been born well since childhood, but now it is a evildoer, she herself is old.

Of course, she is not jealous at all. Who makes that her own sister? It is too late for her to like it, so why should she be jealous? The child has suffered hard since he was a child, and this good color may have been compensated by God.

In my eyes, you are the best.

Yu Wenxu squeezed Shen Qingrong's hand under the table. He has been married to him for more than 20 years, and he still likes her as before, especially now, even if he is a grandfather and grandmother, he does not care about it. It's still the body, it keeps the feeling of the year.

He is not old with her.

She didn’t know how thankful he was that he had married her at the beginning, and he was just thinking about her, otherwise, he now would have to follow those colleagues, three wives and four concubines in the family. After doing all the blessings of the people, the house will be restless, and the children and grandchildren will be restless. Outside, there is nothing wrong with the dog blood spray head scolded by Emperor Wen Yuan. Inside, he still needs to listen to the loud noises of those women like ducks, facing every day I also measure some false feelings, conspiracy and calculations, and I will never get the sincerity of others in my life. Even Zeng Jin’s initials, but afterwards, too many things have been mixed, and the changes are no longer pure. .

More likely, she will be strangled to death by a woman.

So it's better for him. He has a wife like this. He wouldn't even look at those other women. How could he be moved?

And look at these young women, in addition to being childish, what are the points compared with his clear face, beauty is easy to grow old, and even beautiful women, after a few years, they will become ugly and old, and will be far inferior to his. Qingrong.

"What are you talking about?"

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