Emperor Wen Yuan finally finished talking about what he wanted to say, and that was to let the envoys of several countries sit down. As for the handover of those things, someone would handle it later.

As for the sweet potato planting technology, they can naturally also take home, of course, they can also take some sweet potato by the way.

As an equivalent exchange, the things they used to exchange must also be here, and everything is left to them.

Change the same.

Regardless of fairness and unfairness, they didn't feel a loss if they fought each other, and Emperor Wen Yuan didn't lose much.

This time, it had something to do with face. They could use these things in exchange, which was already out of Emperor Wen Yuan's expectations.

His mood is not bad now, of course not bad. There are also these people who go to the banquet. Such occasions are always indispensable for singing, dancing and talents.

Those young women wanted to refute the best opportunity to show their faces, and I was afraid that they had been preparing for this a long time ago.

Song and dance, poetry and painting are what young women like to compare here.

There is no young woman who does not want to get ahead, nor does she want to refute a good reputation. This is of vital importance to herself, her family, and her future husband-in-law.

Shen Qing resigned to see that she was a little interested. She hadn't asked the crime for a long time, and of course she hadn't noticed it. Of course, she didn't know what kind of changes happened in the capital. It turned out that there were so many outstanding women in the capital.

And the energetic faces in front of her, the surging vitality, and the things in the eyes of these young women, made her truly feel that she was old.

The old ones can't appreciate their dance and art.

Why do you feel that some demons are dancing?

Maybe it's because she is getting old, so she doesn't like the tenderness of these women too much, especially the kind of three-step fall.

Women are not inferior to men

If you have always been imaginary, how can you be as good as a man?

She played with the purse around her waist, and watched these women singing and dancing with a bored expression.

"I heard that Li Meiren has a dance city, why didn't she come?"

When Shen Qingci was boring, she heard someone talking. She didn't like these songs and dances. Now she is boring anyway, and she is also listening to some gossip in the palace.

This beauty is not the one in the palace, otherwise, who else has the name Beauty?

How shameless it takes to get such a name.

"She, I'm afraid there is no way to come." A beauty in blue smiled.

Quite also a little bit of happiness.

"That's not a shame," the beauty in yellow robes shook her head when she heard it. "She has been practicing for half a year, but she hasn't danced in front of others, just wanting an amazing dance. , Such a good time."

"Then why can't I jump?" The yellow-clothed beauty asked curiously again, her eyes widened, and when she noticed that someone noticed her, she asked in a low voice.

Everyone knows curiosity. She is so curious, right?

"Ha ha......"

The beauty in blue covered her mouth with a veil, "She, I met a murderer."

The beauty in the yellow dress was all scared. Why did she kill the gods? Why did she not know?

"You didn't see it then..."

"Tsk..." The blue-clothed beauty stroked the corner of her sleeve, but the smile in her eyes had not changed by half. "She thinks that someone else has robbed her of her way, so she uses a whip to slap her in the face."

The beauty in the yellow dress turned pale, and she had a whip again. Who is so unlucky, why did you run into her?

Li Meiren is self-willed, she is famous in the palace, and she is partial. The saint has always indulged her. He always said that she is a person of true temperament, so in the palace, no one dares to provoke, even if If she really suffered some losses in her hands, she would be able to admit that she was unlucky, and then remember that next time, she must walk around her.

Anyone who doesn't have eyes fell into her hands without being beaten to death by a whip. The last time she was beaten by a court lady, she lost half of her life.

"What happened behind?"

The yellow-clothed women were all anxious, and pulled the blue-clothed beauty by the sleeves, "Good sister, tell me soon, did she hurt someone again, right?"

"What are you in a hurry?"

When the blue-clothed woman's eyes rolled, Sudden also approached the yellow-clothed beauty.

"I'm telling you, this time she has suffered a lot."


The beauty in yellow covered her chest again, as if she was frightened again.

The red lips of the beauty in blue curled up, and her eyes were quite contented.

"She used a whip to slap people, but the female guard was like falling from the sky. She cut off her whip with a single sword. She didn’t draw anyone. When the whip was broken, she leaped forward and lay down. When I got on the ground, my face touched the ground first. I heard that my face was full of blood when I fell, and my front tooth was also lost. Now my words are still leaking."

"Who is so bold?"

The beauty in yellow was shocked, her small face was red and red, and her mouth was open and unable to close.

This is not just courage. Li Meiren's temperament is well known in the palace. She is not ignorant, and she does not circumvent people. If it is reasonable, she must be cut off.

She was still thrown like this now, didn't she want to kill the whole family?

As for asking the beauty in blue, who is the bold woman, the beauty in blue does not know, but she knows that she has a very good birth. Otherwise, Li Meiren will not be able to find someone else’s affairs and want to ruin them. Isn’t it just because of jealousy?

While the two of them were still muttering, it felt as if someone had been paying attention to them all the time. This line of sight was too straightforward, even if they were dull, they would feel it.

But when they lifted their faces, they met a pair of extremely quiet eyes, their faces were like girls, and even more tender. Only these eyes, as if they had experienced worldly conditions, had some vicissitudes of life. It can be owned by young people.

They have less time, less experience, and less suffering.

The two beauties quickly sat up, thinking about knowing who this person was. Even if they didn't know this person, they knew that they were Wang Shuo and his wife.

Both of them were stiff, and even had a cold sweat on their backs.

"looking at what?"

Lao Hengsi turned his head and saw how much Shen Qingci paid attention to the two beauties of Emperor Wen Yuan.

What's wrong, what's wrong with the two of them, the thoughts that caused her to run off were all placed on them.

Shen Qingci cupped the cup with both hands, "Someone is going to kill my whole family."

The smile on Lao Hengsi's face cooled slightly. Although there was no killing intent, the person sitting next to him felt an inexplicable coldness.

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