Shen Qingci continued to play with his sleeves, thinking about how the man would kill her family, punish her Nine Clan, and also punish the Nine Clan, which is ridiculous.

At the time of the first emperor, these laws were abolished.

Because it's too cruel, it's against heaven and harmony.

Just one concubine dare to kill the whole family, and then the whole family of Zhuren, who has the ability to punish, the current emperor is also in her nine families, or is a relative, if there is a head who has the ability to kill the emperor, her head, Go and sit on her as a stool.

There is still the sound of silk and bamboo, and those Wu Nong soft words like Jiangnan small songs, and I don’t know which boudoir girl sang it. The song is good, but the lyrics are a little too exaggerated, and it seems that the little daughter is green. Like this, if you put it on weekdays, you can still hear it. It is a girl who is pregnant, but at this time, it is too erotic.

Sure enough, when she lifted it up, she saw that the expressions on everyone's faces were not very good, and even Shen Qingrong was impatient.

So, the brain is a good thing, really need to carry it.

She smiled at Shen Qingrong. When Shen Qingrong saw the girl's face of her sister, she couldn't help but bend her eyes.

Her family, A Ning, is still such a pleasing temperament, and she is also used to losing weight. She has always kept a heart for all these years, and she also hopes that her sister will do this for her entire life.

The age can be old, the body can be old, only the mind should not change.

Shen Qingci smiled at her sister again, and then sat here, looking bored at the poetry and dance in front of her. There were shocking and terrifying, and she would occasionally cheer.

Although, she really felt that there was nothing to see.

Finally, it was for the palace banquet to end, and everyone was scattered and left.

No matter what happened in the middle, it was a good thing for Emperor Wen Yuan and Da Zhou this time. Three good things were obtained in vain, and they were really not bad things. Especially the equestrian training was the most anticipated thing.

Shen Qingci didn't stay longer in the palace. This place was not what she liked. Besides, Emperor Wen Yuan was now defending her like a thief, fearing that she would sneak away Miaomiao.

Emperor Wen Yuan didn't know if others would take it away, but Shen Qingci just waved to Miao Miao, Miao Miao's cat with no conscience would definitely scar him away from the wall and never come back.

After Shen Qingci left, Emperor Wen Yuan breathed a sigh of relief. Not to mention that Shen Qingci didn’t want to enter the palace. In fact, even he didn’t want Shen Qingci to enter the palace. As long as she entered the palace, Miao Miao would deny her six relatives. .

"Your princess is gone?"

Emperor Wen Yuan asked Luo Hengsi, but he really left. Otherwise, he would kill him and return to the horse, right?

Then he took his cat away. This was the last pure land in his heart. His greatest kindness and initial heart were all given to Miaomiao.

"She has already gone back."

Lao Hengsi raised his eyes and glanced at Emperor Wen Yuan.

And this look made Emperor Wen Yuan a little inexplicable. He even touched his arm strangely. It felt strange, but when asked where the strangeness was, he couldn't say what he was born with.

When he wanted to figure it out again, he found that Brando Hengsi was focusing on the pot of tea, and Emperor Wen Yuan himself secretly took a deep breath.

But there is still something wrong, and my heart is also gross.

"Cousin Huang, are you okay?々

Finally, he couldn't help asking.

He grew up with Branding, and Branding was sent to the throne, and his world can be so stable, his dragon chair can sit so comfortable, Branding is the first person to take credit, he Regarding anyone, you can be a courtier, but you have to worry about it.

This is the existence of both father and brother, and Yi En is also the existence of teacher.

But today, there are also some things that brand the instinct, but he hasn't failed him yet. As for what it is, he doesn't say what it is. Emperor Wen Yuan doesn't know it, and he doesn't know it. There is no bottom in his heart.

Without a bottom, he will feel restless.

"It's nothing serious."

Branding took a bamboo stick and gently stirred the tea in the cup. The smell of tea also filled his eyes, making his eyelashes more misty, making his eyelashes more indistinct.

When Emperor Wen Yuan wanted to ask again, he heard the noise of someone outside, and it suddenly made him feel bad. He was a little irritable, but he was not beaten by anyone. It's strange to be in a good mood.

"What's the noise?"

Emperor Wen Yuan asked Hu Gonggong on one side.

Hu Gonggong hurriedly bowed back.

"Go to the saint..."

"It's Concubine Li, she has something to ask to see Shengyan."

"What is she doing here?"

Emperor Wen Yuan always didn't like women to disturb him when he was busy with national affairs.

He doesn’t have much enthusiasm for women, and of course he doesn’t have much attention. He loves his country the most. Women are dispensable. Therefore, Li Guifei or something, he can spoil him if he has nothing to do. If you can't be pet and spoiled, then you won't be cute, and of course he won't like it anymore.

"The minion will go out now."

Hu Gonggong saluted Emperor Wen Yuan again, and then turned around to persuade Concubine Li to go back.

Sure enough, women in the palace, as long as they get a little bit of favor, will be pampered and spoiled. Concubine Li is not a newcomer in the palace, so how can she be so ignorant?

As a result, he hadn't even gone out yet, and the knowing concubine Li Guifei directly broke in. The emperor's call was tender and soft. If it were those fourteen or five-year-old girls, they could be described as charming, anyway girls. The sound is so delicate.

It's soft and tender, and it's also pleasing.

But Li Guifei is all old. Although a face is also good for maintenance, but the age is there. An old person is still doing such childish movements and using such an enchanting voice. .

Even Father Hu touched his arm involuntarily.

There is also this Lord, who doesn't have a long mind. Just look at who else is there, and dare to make trouble like this. After such a long life in the palace, is it a waste of life? Isn't it a waste of etiquette?

Concubine Li used her pretentiously demon-soft voice, and then called to Emperor Wen Yuan, but also caused Emperor Wen Yuan to miss the tea cup in her hand to the ground.

Instinctively, he also looked at the brand, like a kid who did something wrong.

I think he is also a lot of age and the lord of the world, but he is partial, but he is afraid of being the same as the first emperor.

He was relieved when he saw the little change in the look of Branding Hengxu, but in his heart he was a little bit angry with Mrs. Li. If they talk about private matters, they secretly want to do whatever they want, but this What's the matter if the brain is kicked by a horse? His Royal Study Room can rush into it at will, and he uses this disgusting voice. It used to be considered useful.

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