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It is these things that a discerning person can see the clues at a glance, so this marriage is still a success and it is not very beautiful, and it is not a bit worse than Shen Qingrong's Shili Hongzhuang.

Who made this cousin not have a sister named Shen Qingci, and no sister Shen Qingci would prepare ten miles of red makeup for her, and there was no dividend of one million taels of silver a month, and even her family could not count on it.

Therefore, it is often said that the family is right, not only because of the family history, but because of the complicated relationships in each family. Sometimes marrying one person or several families will make the family stronger and more prosperous.

Only Lin Yunniang did the opposite. She didn't think of this at the time. It was just the rebellious mindset at the time. Who made Shen Qingrong actually the long hand, and it took care of her and her son's marriage.

That’s why I was angry, and immediately made such a plan. Her son was born and raised by her. Whoever she wants him to marry is who she wants to marry. Anyway, this was originally decided by her. It’s impossible to marry the princess of Shuo Palace, so I marry one, huh...

She is untitled, without the support of her natal family. It is impossible for her to salute the younger generation. If she dares to touch the girl’s hair, let alone Shen Qingci, Shen Wenhao will tear her first, let alone, she is a member of the royal family. , The emperor is guarding.

Even if she is a great burden, she is also afraid to be the county leader with a title.

But she didn't expect that she had counted a thousand calculations, but in the end she made a mistake. That is the family background. Without a certain good family background, even a decent betrothal gift would not be available.

At the beginning, she chose this cousin because she was soft-tempered and easy to handle. In the future, she will definitely be united with her instead of targeting her. As a result, what she liked the most at the beginning, and the one she cares the least, is now ruthless. She slapped her face fiercely.

For the sake of decency this time, how much money she put in, only she knows the distress of it.

But the matter has come to an end, even if she feels unhappy in her heart, she still wants to support this face.

Fortunately, because Shen Dingshan and Shen Wenhao are now working for the country and cannot come back, the emperor sent a bunch of rewards and a lot of things. Of course, this is what makes Lin Yunniang most satisfied.

She guessed that would be the case. No matter what, that person will definitely see the Shen family's loyalty and the pillar of the country, and will give something so that it will not lose the face of the Weiguo government. , It really is the case, and the things that are rewarded are all extremely exquisite things. Although these things cannot be easily sold, they can support the facade of a house.

The gift bestowed by everyone is also awe-inspiring and envious of everyone.

And now Lin Yunniang was not waiting for these imperial gifts. She knew that these things would be given by the sage. As for how much, she did not know, but she also understood that they would not be too few.

And, as she thought, it made her more satisfied.

Now she is waiting for Shen Qingrong and Shen Qingci. She doesn't have to worry. They won't come. If they are married to her nephew, they will be said to be ruthless and unjust.

Even if these two people don't want to see her anymore, she knows that for the sake of the prestige of the Weiguo Palace, they will not make her, the master mistress of the Weiguo Palace, too ugly.

That is, she was still waiting for some irritability, and seeing that it was about to be auspicious, why hasn't it come now, the more time passed, the more troubled her heart became.

She has to admit that in fact she is really afraid, afraid that they will not come, afraid that they will really make her faceless.

"Are those two here?"

Seeing that there was no one around, Mrs. Lin also pulled Lin Yunniang aside. This is almost the auspicious time, if they don't come, today our family will become the laughing stock of the world.

Maybe both of them will make people laugh, but those two, who dares to say, who dares to point, isn't the last person who scolded Lin Yunniang, but the Lin family who scolded her.

"Are you sure the post is sent?"

Mrs. Lin was worried whether the post hadn't been sent to the two people.

"It must have been given away," Lin Yunniang was sure, "I have sent them five or six times in a row, and they have to be handed over to them on a special trip. I did not send them these two times. It’s not delivered this time, that’s impossible."

"Unless they don't want to come."

When it came to this, Lin Yunniang's entire face was overcast.

"How can that be good?" After all, Mrs. Lin is only a lady in the deep house. If the two of them do not come, it will cool their faces. Although they can still be successful, people can still marry in, but tomorrow , I am afraid that everyone in the capital knows how much the two princesses who married out of the Weiguo Gongfu don’t want to see Lin Yunniang and their Lin family. They are not just the laughing stock in the capital, although , They actually don’t have much face, but they just want to use this time to save some of their lives. It is also known to the world that their Lin Mansion has not fallen yet, as long as Lin Yunniang is here and the Weiguo Mansion is there, even if The Lin Mansion didn't have Lin Shangshu, and there was no man who could glorify the lintel, but they still had Lin Yunniang, the eldest lady of the Weiguo Palace.

And if those two do not come, tomorrow morning, they will hear the rumors that they are really at odds with the two provinces. There are many people who are icing on the cake in this world, and there are few people who give charcoal in the snow, and there are most people who have fallen into trouble. .

In the past few years, the Lin family has dared to offend many people one after another. Those people may already be gearing up, just waiting for them to decline, and then they will take another bite instead of a piece of meat. I want to come. They will not be willing.

But the Lin family now is shaky and unbearable.

No matter how talented Lin Yunniang is, it is impossible to really take care of the Lin family completely. She always has to leave some decent for herself, so as not to be scolded by others behind her for eating in and out.

This time, she allowed her son to marry her cousin. In fact, many people are already talking gossip. For example, they are high-ranking ministers who are all going to marry a well-known woman. The current status of the Guardian And power, not to mention the noble ladies, even the princess princess can marry, how can you marry a small family, there is no official position in the family?

If there is still no one to support, 80% of them will turn into a new laughing stock.


Brother Hui walked over in a red suit. Except for the joy of this suit, he was completely happy. It seemed that he was not married today, but he was going to guillotine immediately.

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