When Lin Yunniang saw the gloomy color on her son's face, her heart became even more unhappy.

What is your face, if people see it, they think you are unwilling.

Mother, I'm not reconciled, why do I still pretend?

Brother Hui didn't want to get married at all. This is not getting married. This is being forced. Marriage is a major event in his life. But what kind of relationship is he married this time? No grandfather, no father presided over, just let him marry so casually, and also married a woman he didn't like, he didn't love, and he was also annoying.

And he will have to face her every day, share the bed with her, and even have children.

He is not a pig, just find a sow, and you can make it up.

Seeing that the mother and son were about to break up again, Mrs. Lin hurried over and also grabbed Brother Hui.

"Good boy, how can you be angry with your mother at this time? Today is your good day. With so many people outside, do you want others to look at the jokes of Weiguo Gongfu?"

Brother Hui really wants to tear off his Xi suit.

This is not what he wants to marry, and the married woman is not what he wants to marry.

Since the mother wants to marry, then she will marry it herself, so why bother to force people to him.

If he didn't say something, it didn't mean that he didn't understand, he didn't understand, what happened on that day, the mother knew well, he was just calculated by two women.

As for the woman who calculated him in this way, how he would be with her in the future, how to respect her like a guest, and how to resonate with her, he does not ask for her identity, as long as she is sincere in her heart and is a good girl.

Just that Li Qianqian, what kind of vulgar thing she is, she doesn't know a few big characters, how can she be in line with him, and her temper is conscientious. How should he deal with this kind of woman?

And he doesn't like it, he really doesn't like it.

It's not that Mrs. Lin can't see the gloom on her grandson's face, but that the matter is over, it is useless to say more.

"You can bear some."

Mrs. Lin persuaded her grandson, "First marry this. If you meet someone you like, and then take it back, your mother will never object. It is common for men to have three wives and four concubines. Woman, which one is not up to you.

Brother Hui always felt uncomfortable after hearing this. He didn't want three wives and four concubines. He wanted to be like two aunts, only marrying one wife in his life, but there are groups of children, and the husband and wife are in harmony.

Mrs. Lin pulled Lin Yunniang's sleeve, and also winked at her, and also let her comfort her brother Hui, so that for a while, the child would be grumpy, so she just threw off her sleeve and didn't marry what should I do?

This is far more faceless than marrying a low-minded woman.

Lin Yunniang didn't want to lower her head, but when she saw Brother Hui's face getting darker, she was finally uncomfortable and she softened her voice.

"Brother Hui, what your grandmother said is right. Today's things have already become like this. This kiss must be a good birth for you. My mother promises you. If you meet a girl you like in the future, your mother will not stop you. You won't embarrass her, okay?"

And when she said so, she also added a sentence in her heart, even if you let the little princess of Shuo Palace be your concubine, I am willing, and she is eager to let Shen Qingci’s daughter be her son. Concubine, when she stepped on the dignified princess, it was like stepping on Shen Qingci.

It’s just that she seems to have forgotten that even if her son is willing to accept someone as a concubine, and the princess Lao Xiaopeng is also a concubine, she can’t help them. In this world, besides the Shuo Wang and his wife would not agree, they also There is a lofty Emperor Wen Yuan, the royal bloodline, how noble, can it be practiced by others, not to mention that the beloved daughter is like a mad Shen Dingshan, how can he let his granddaughter be a concubine, when he would rather kill his own grandson , It is impossible to wronged his granddaughter.

In this world, for him, there is no more important child than Shen Qingci, and the children born to his daughter are naturally favored by him. Is it comparable to ordinary people, even if it is a grandchild, they are not half the roots. hair.

Brother Hui still couldn't calm down, but after listening to the noise outside, he knew that he couldn't really be able to leave without thinking about everything.

So in the end, he had to gritted his teeth and gave him a smirk under the painstaking persuasion of Mrs. Lin Yunniang and Lin Yunniang's permission to accept him as a concubine, but who was it? Knowing that at this time, the helplessness and desire in his eyes were overflowing.

He is unwilling to marry, how can he smile beautifully, how ridiculously sincere?

"Mother, how come the two aunts will come?"

Brother Hui asked Lin Yunniang, how did his aunt give birth to him when he got married, but he didn't come. He knew that his aunt was angry with him, but on such an important occasion, two aunts would definitely come, right?


Lin Yunniang couldn't answer, because she didn't know if those two would come?

She talked with Mrs. Lin for a long time here, but until now, she still doesn't know if the two will come, and of course there is no way to answer the question of Brother Hui.

"They won't, won't they come?"

Brother Hui suddenly felt cold in his hands and feet, and even in the palm of his hand, he shook cold sweat from one hand.

If they don't come, then how do they let him be?

He will surely become the laughingstock of the entire capital. Even if he marries such a low-minded man, even if his two aunts are no longer in contact with him, then how will he gain a foothold in the capital and meet again? Those cousins.

Thinking of this, his eyes were flushed too.

"Mother, grandfather..."

He had red eyes and stared at them. Almost all of those eyes were red to tears, but he just held back them.

"If the two aunts don't come, I won't make this kiss."

He didn't want to offend his aunt because of a woman he didn't want, and he didn't like it in the first place. He also caused the two aunts to separate from him and break the relationship, and in the future, he would be even more shameless to see his father and grandparents.

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So why does he want to be a pro?

When it becomes a conviction, the people will be sentenced to leave.

When he was successful, he was scolded.

If it is done, it will also become a sinner of the entire Weiguo government.

"Hui'er, dare you!"

Lin Yunniang didn't expect that when Brother Hui didn't marry, he really said it, and his refusal to marry was not just talking casually, but that he would really not marry.

"Why don't I dare?"

Brother Hui didn't feel that there was something he wouldn't dare to. There are many people who escape marriage in this world.

"You child..." Mrs. Lin glared at Lin Yunniang, which also told her not to go head-to-head with Brother Hui as above. In the end, she made this child impulsive again, and it would be even more embarrassing when she left.

Could it be that you really don't know what kind of temper the child you have born?

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