"How did you know?" Shen Qingci blinked his eyes, what? He knew everything she thought? Qi Yuan couldn't guess how, if he could guess, there would be no need to move closer to her. In fact, she really wanted to say something, she was really disgusting to him.

The more you get together, the more disgusting.

"You will know later."

Branding didn't worry about saying much. For her today, in fact, everyone's words are just stories. The detour is not his, and the memory is not hers.

"From now on, when is that?"

Shen Qingci has been in a mess now, so there is no need to say anything about the future.

"Everything will be known when you think about it."

The ambiguous answer of Branding is the most depressing. For example, the current Shen Qingci is extremely depressed.

Thinking of it, when will she remember it? She doesn't even know who she is, how can she think about it?

Therefore, this possibility is the most illusory and the most invisible, no matter what, she must get the key in hand when Qi Yuan returns, and save him.

She crawled out of the dog hole again, washed the bowls while there was no one, and then secretly hid them under her sleeves and took them into the house.

On the morning of the second day, she hid another two bowls of rice. When she was about to leave, she remembered something, and then she took a comb from her dressing table and applied it to her body. Yizang, then crawled in again from the dog hole.

After she had fed the food, she took out the comb and said, "I will comb your hair for you."

She doesn't know why she thinks so, but she just feels that he should be clean, should be Qingchen's son, rather than being so sloppy and unable to see people.

"Okay," Brandon sat upright and looked at her with a faint smile.

And his smile was completely different from Qi Yuan.

In Qi Yuan's smile, there are always some calculations hidden, but he smiles entirely from the heart.

Shen Qingci took out the comb from his body, then helped him to comb his hair, and then helped him to insert the hosta, only to find that the hosta was held in his hand, but it felt a bit strange.

The kind that looked like Qi Yuan disgusted, disliked, and even disgusted her.

"Do you like it?"

Brandon asked her.

What does Shen Qingci want to say, if she says she doesn't like it, what does she mean by holding it now? If she likes it, she obviously wants to smash it.

"If you like it, it's for you."

Branding smiles like a warm sun, especially the curvature of the corners of the lips is so clean and natural. This hosta was actually hers, he just used it by the way, and now it's back to her, but the thing is returned to its original owner.

Still no longer, Shen Qingci finally loosened the hosta, no merit and no gain, she could not take other people's things, although she had no memory, but etiquette and shame, this kind of thing rooted in the soul, how could she not know, how May not know.

"What do you think about these meals?"

"OK then."

Shen Qingci clenched the hosta in her hand again, and it still felt better to hold this hosta in her own hand. Whether she buried it or dropped it, the next time she saw it, she was in a bad mood.

"I'm leaving now," she took the bowls and chopsticks on the floor and waited until the afternoon to give you something to eat.

"By the way, what are you going to eat?"

Shen Qingci doesn’t matter, anyway, she can eat anything, and she can eat whatever she wants. No matter what her identity is now, it is a lady, a word for lady, for the people here, that’s not The other is the master.

The master just asks for some meals, which is no longer normal.


Shen Qingci didn’t pick it, and he naturally didn’t pick it. He came here because of her, and now that she is fine now, his heart is relieved for most. As for the lost memory, he will wait a few days. After recovering a few times, he can take her away, and Qi Yuan owes them to their husband and wife.

As for Shen Qingci's memory, he didn't worry about it either. Mo Fei should have returned. In the end, what Qi Yuan did to A Ning, Mo Fei should have a solution.

Of course, Shen Qingci didn't think so much. She had already taken the hosta, crawled out of the dog hole, and blocked the hole with straw, and then went back on time according to her previous temperament, and she couldn't help it too. Pay attention to the guards outside.

In fact, it doesn't matter if the door here can't be opened, it doesn't matter if she digs the hole bigger, then let him follow it.

It’s the iron chains on his body. Although she still doesn’t understand what the material is, she has tried it. It seems to be much harder than what she knows, so it should be difficult to cut. It can only be done by getting the key, but how to get the key back is troublesome, because she doesn't even know whose hand the key is in?

She held the hosta tightly in her hand. When she returned, she was going to smash it, but she remembered that no matter how this thing was, it was not her thing.

Even if someone else gave it to her, she still didn't have it, as if she couldn't break it.

She had to leave the hosta in the cupboard, thinking about what to eat at noon?

"Madam, your taste is good these days."

Anan is also really relieved, as long as she doesn’t have an appetite like that like a bird, even if Shen Qingci really becomes a pig, she will clap her hands and smile.

It’s an honor for them to fatten up the master, but if the master is hungry and thin, then just say that the master’s taste is really useless. I can't control it.

"Do you think I eat too much?"

Shen Qingci asked Anan with the chopsticks, um, she has a good taste and eats a lot recently, and is gradually developing towards the pig land.

"No, no," How dare Anan say yes, "Madam still wants to eat some. When Lord Hou comes back, she will definitely like her with such a good taste."


Shen Qingci gave the bowl to Anan again, "You help me add a bowl of rice again."

And now she was thinking about whether to eat her own big fat man, after that one came back, and seeing that she became so fat, would she be clean.

Anan took the bowl and hurried to help Shen Qingci with the rice, and Shen Qingci also took the opportunity to pull some of the food on the table, and then some grilled them, and put them in the bowl under the table. There were chicken and fish. Meaty.

They are all delicious things, and they are the best for him.

"Today there are many dishes."

Branding thought that in these recent days, he has not been as weak as before, and of course his complexion is much better than before.

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