Shen Qingci also sat down and watched him eat. Now he doesn't need her to feed him anymore. The iron chain ring that doesn't know how many catties is above his wrist can also be lifted.

"I have eaten a lot recently."

She squeezed her face, "Do you think I'm fat?"

"It's fine."

Branding has tried his best to get her to eat more, but Naihe’s Shen Qingci is not picky, but he does not like to eat, and eats very little for a meal, so they are married. How long had it been, he was stunned that he hadn't raised any meat from her.

This time it was clear again. Fortunately, his complexion was not bad, otherwise, he would really worry about her.

Shen Qingci frowned, "I have been eating very hard."

Yes, she really worked very hard. She tried very hard to eat. She wanted to support herself. Could it be that she didn't get fat a little?

"When do you say I can eat fat?"

Shen Qingci squeezed his face again.

"Why do you want to eat fat?"

I don’t understand. Most women in Beijing regard thinness as their beauty. If they are fat, they don’t dare to drink more soup. Why, is she going to gain weight?

"When he gets fat, he won't bother me."

Shen Qingci was still worried about how to make herself fat.

"Then you have to wait," Pao Hengli shook his head. Shen Qingci is not a physique that is easy to eat. No matter how much he eats, he can only support himself, but he is far from eating fat.

Shen Qingci touched her belly. What should I do? I still don't want to eat dinner for the evening. Actually, let alone the evening, she doesn't even want to eat tomorrow's food.

But she has to eat again. If she doesn't eat anymore, where does his meal come from?

After finishing the bowl, Shen Qingci was about to leave, but suddenly, she raised her face and stared at the brand seriously.

"Do you know who I am?"

She asked about Branding, and her instinct was telling her like this.

He knows him, for sure, right?


Branding is not concealed.

"What is my name?"

Shen Qingci wants to know her own name. Qingqing is not her name. She can be sure that she has no memory, but she will not be so unfamiliar with her name, so there is only one explanation, that is, she His name is not Qingqing.

"Your name……"

Brand Hengsi's voice paused slightly, and this was the continuation.

"Your name is Shen Qingci."

"Shen Qingci?"

Shen Qingci repeated this name. Really, it was different from Qingqing. The feeling Qingqing gave him was very strange, but when she read the three words Shen Qingci, she had an inexplicable familiarity. Read it.

So this is her name.

She can be sure at last.

"Then am I his concubine?"

She asked again, and the speed of her speech was also a little uneasy. She didn't want this. She didn't want to be someone else's concubine, but if she really became someone else's concubine, she felt that she could die.

What do you still have to do while you're still alive?

Pao Hengsi smiled as warm as a pear.

"Naturally not, no matter if you have no memory, you will not be concubines with others."

Shen Qing suddenly felt her eyes hot, she squeezed the corner of her clothes,

She got it.

Climbing out of the dog hole, she was about to go back, but she heard a sound of footsteps, and she hid not far away, watching a guard with a long face took out a key from her body. Then the door was opened.

Well, she remembered this person's face.

And she must have the key in her hand.

It was not a few days since Qi Yuan came back, and she must have done it within these few days, otherwise, when Qi Yuan came back, she felt that the person inside would have left half his life even if he did not die.

For some reason, she just didn't want the people inside to have an accident, or nothing happened.

But what can she do to get the key, and what can she do to rescue him?

And because of the burden of her mind at this time, she slammed her head against a tree. Suddenly, there was a burst of severe pain from her head. She couldn't help but touch her aching head. It just hurts, but it's not stupid. Unconsciously, she patted her head comfortably, but when she touched the back of her head, she seemed to have touched something?

She didn't believe it and touched it again. This kind of coldness seemed to grow on her head, but when did her head grow this kind of thing? No, it's not what grew out of her head, but it is impossible for people to grow such a thing.

She didn't believe that she touched it again, or touched this kind of thing that shouldn't grow out of a person, and what does this thing look like?

It seems to be a nail.

Yes, it feels like a nail.

And such iron needles actually grew behind her head.

Who did this, who pinned this thing behind her head?

She squeezed her lips tightly. She would definitely find out about this matter. If she let her know who persecuted her, even if it was the reincarnation century, she would still remember the hatred in her heart.

"Madam, what's the matter with you?" When Anan saw Shen Qingci coming back, he hurriedly greeted her, but she also found her a little overcast face.

"Nothing," Shen Qingci rubbed his hair, then walked in calmly.

When she reached the side of the bed, she lay down. As usual, she didn’t like to go out, especially when it was night, she didn’t even want to take one step, and the most thing she did was lying. This bed collapsed, and when I lay down, it was dawn.

And this kind of her can't be served anymore.

Anan closed the door clearly and walked out, and then guarded outside, not even daring to make too many noises.

While the candlelight on the table was extinguished, the flame also jumped up a few points.

Shen Qingci sat up, then walked to the table, and then took the small scissors on one side and cut off the heart of the lamp, and then he sat down.

She reached out and touched the back of her head.

Then he squeezed his fingers hard, and this was the beginning of the nails.

Just as soon as she moved, a lot of cold sweat oozes out of her forehead.

She squeezed the table and gritted her teeth, letting the cold sweat above her forehead fall drop by drop.

Such pain and desire are unbearable.

And this kind of pain is unbearable.

She was still pulling outwards. It felt like something was abandoned by her alive. The pain was so painful that she wanted to give up.

At this time, almost all of her clothes were going to be soaked, and even her hands were unable to grasp the table top, but she still calmed her eyes and pulled out the iron needles bit by bit.

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