Until her head suddenly became lighter, the pain was also lost in an instant.

Only the faint pain, the faint pain, is still there, but compared to the heart-cracking pain at a few stations just now, it seems that the faint pain is like a breeze. There is no more feeling.

She raised her hand and saw that in her hand, she was holding a silver nail about three inches long, and her blood was still stained on the silver nail. She trembling with her hands, stood up, and then moved her hand. Put it in the basin and wash it up. As for this silver nail, she won't let people know, and she won't ask others.

She faintly felt that everything here was a conspiracy to her.

Qi Yuan, Anan, and everything here are also untrustworthy.

She closed her eyes and let out a sigh of relief. This was the way she touched the back of her head, as if it was no longer bleeding. She took the veil and wiped the back of her head clean. Not much blood flowed out, otherwise, she won't get the care of others, nor is she nervous about others, but stunned.

And this night, she seemed to have not slept well, and her delicate eyebrows were tight to death until she opened her eyes again, the sky outside was also bright.

"Madam, are you awake?"

Anan asked in a low voice outside, now it's very late, madam, don't you want to be in the meeting for a while?

"No, I'm already awake."

Shen Qingci sat up, and then she let go of her fingers that had always been tightly held together, and a silver nail was lying on the center of her palm.

Anan came in quickly, holding a pot of hot water in his hand.

"Madam, do you want to freshen up now?"

"Well, put it down."

Shen Qingci stood up by himself and also stepped forward.

Anan put down the water basin, and then went out, Zhang Luo, Shen Qingci, and the breakfast that Shen Qingci was going to eat in the morning. The kitchen was prepared early in the morning, and he could serve it early, but it was because Shen Qingci woke up that day. It was a little late, so that she might have to cook these meals again.

"Madam, do you want to eat?"

Asked Anan's novel.

"Yeah," Shen Qingci said lightly, without any more words. At this time, her eyelashes were hanging down slightly, she didn't know what she was thinking.

Anan didn't dare to bother, how could the master's matter be something she could talk about with such a servant?

Soon after, all the food was served. In the past few days, Shen Qingci’s appetite has also increased. Of course, he ate a little more than before. Although it can’t be said to be hunting, it is really not like her. Compared with the appetite.

And after eating so much, she still doesn't get fat, which has become a problem.

Anan was still thinking whether or not to find a doctor for this lady. There was no reason. Suddenly, he ate so much, but he was still not fat.

But in the end, she still felt like it was over. After all, does Shen Qingci's face seem to be sick?

Such a ruddy face is really healthy.

"I'm going out for a walk," Shen Qingci stood up and walked out. Anan sighed clearly, and was about to find some work for herself. Such a master can't help but she can't figure it out. Her mind, especially today, how she always feels that she who is with her has been cut off for thousands of miles.

Then I couldn't get close.

Shen Qingci crawled out of the dog hole, still holding a bowl in his hand.

She came over and squatted down in front of Luo Hengsi, and then put the bowl in front of him.

Brando Hengsi just picked up his chopsticks, but his thick eyebrows that had been slightly flattened tightly.

"A Ning?"

He asked tentatively.

"En?" Shen Qingci sat down, ignoring his clothes, clothes, etc., washing them when they are dirty, anyway, she loves muddy things here, almost everyone knows.

Pao Hengsi again picked up the chopsticks and ate the meal, then stretched out his hand on top of Shen Qingci's head and let out a sigh of relief.

However, Shen Qingci couldn't help his nose sore, and he also held back the tears that fell from the bottom of his eyes.

"A Ning, stop crying."

Bro Hengsi put down the bowls and chopsticks. He is Shen Qingci's pillow. How could he not know what kind of temper his wife is? How could he not understand? When Shen Qingci came in, he knew that she remembered the past and also remembered who she was?

Shen Qingci held his hand, but he could feel it. When these chains were worn on human skin, it was painful.

"Don't do stupid things."

Brandon sank his face, he never wanted to watch her have an accident again.

Shen Qingci squeezed his fingers firmly, and her hands trembled from time to time. She quickly wiped her tears with her sleeve.

"eat first."

"Okay." Brandon picked up the bowl again and ate the rice in the bowl. Thanks to Shen Qingci who gave him water and food three times a day, otherwise, he was either starved to death or starved. The half-dead.

Don't think that Qi Yuan asked him to come over because he provided him with good wine and food.

Shen Qingci waited until Bau Hengsi had finished eating, but still did not leave. What should she do? She finally met him, but she was in such a situation.

"Let's go back."

Branding stretched out his hand and placed it on her face. Seeing her so healthy, his heart was more stable than ever. "Don't worry about me, I will go out."

"Okay," Shen Qingci nodded, and then he crawled out of the dog hole.

She hid again, and then looked at the people guarding the door. Although her eyes only saw so many people, she knew that there were other people hidden around here. Qi Yuan was so scheming. How can you not arrange everything in advance.

Therefore, what Luo Hengsi said is right. She can't act easily now, otherwise, if she stuns the snake, she is afraid that he will be killed.

Only they know how many sins they have suffered and what they have suffered along the way.

But now every step they take is like walking on thin ice, and they have to be more careful.

She took the bowl and washed it clean before hiding it, and then returned to her house.

Habitually, she touched her waist. What about her purse? When did she lose it? No, it was not lost. She bit her finger. Her purse was being caught by Shen Yueshu. When caught, it is gone.

Sure enough, this is the real couple.

One harmed her, the other harmed her.

If she had known this a long time ago, this woman Shen Yueshu would definitely not be able to stay.


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