Well, she thought about it again, as if she also thought of something?

Her memory is restored, so some places are broken, and it needs to be straightened out little by little.

By the way, how did she forget that matter.

Shen Yueshu was like a poisonous person now, she didn't believe it, this time Qi Yuan would not see Shen Yueshu once, nor would he share the same bed with Shen Yueshu.

And when Qi Yuan returned to Beijing this time, he would definitely meet that one. The two were embarrassed again, and they didn't know much about it, but they didn't know that there was something short-lived in their bodies.

Regardless of his organization, he died in the hands of women in the end, and it was considered a good way for them to die. Although they could not let their fame go through the ages, they could still be stinking for thousands of years.

Anan from outside walked in, holding a vase in his hand.

"Looking at the flowers blooming outside, the maidservant looks at Zhengyan, and cut a few for the lady. Does the lady like it?"

Shen Qingci raised his eyes, and when he saw the vase, the corners of his lips were slightly raised.

And Anan knew that she liked it.

There is no woman who dislikes flowers or incense. Otherwise, the first-grade incense in Beijing will not be able to make money every day. It has been open for more than ten years and has long been firmly established as the world's first incense.

If it weren't for only these two families, would it be possible that it was the wealth of this world that would not make them all?

Anan quickly put down the flowers.

"If the madam really likes it, tomorrow the servant girl will pick a few branches for the wife."

"Okay," Shen Qingci lightly sniffed the fragrance of these flowers, and really liked it, even a little bit of smile was dyed in his eyes.

When Anan saw her smile, he felt relieved.

This master is really too cold, he doesn’t like to talk too much, and he doesn’t care about people. He didn’t see her a few more words for a day, so that the person who was serving her would be suffocated every day. Panic

Now that she finally smiled, it was not easy.

After Anan left, Shen Qingci's hands were still on those flowers, her fingers moved slightly, but they were picking the flowers on them. She picked off the flowers one by one, and put them on again. On the table.

When Anan wanted to take away the vase the next day, he found that the flower seemed to be missing a lot.

This is what was cut out, she shook her head and sighed. It hasn't been a day yet, and it seems that she will have to cut it several times in the future.

After cutting it several times, she realized that the flower seemed to be bald too quickly. She had to change it twice a day, but it was really bald too fast. If this continues, she It was all about cutting the tree up.

"Why are you less today?" Shen Qingci propped up his face in front of the table, looking at the vase on the table. The few branches that were lost were not as stunning as they were at the beginning, but they were so innocent and mediocre. A little bit.

"Madam, the tree will be bald."

Anan also didn't want to cut these flowers that were not energetic and twisted, but there was really nothing to look good, because the tree was really going to be bald.


Shen Qingci understood.

"We go for a walk, I see where the flowers look good, you cut some for me every day, this room is a bit too monotonous, I don't like it too much, I still need more things with life."

In fact, there is no life here, when it is the branch that leaves, it is already dead.

Anan is naturally also happy, as long as she doesn't let her harm the tree anymore, and if the harm continues, where can she find fresh ones for her?

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