Shen Qingci hugged Miao Miao, and then pinched Miao Miao's little ear.

Miao Miao has already put on a piece of clothing, which was made by the woman in the house, and it fits well. She also blocked her bare hairless body. It is also possible that the clothes cover the ugliness. Recently it has been lively. Some.

And she also knew how Miaomiao hurt, and Xu Jinxiu was really bored, and she could guess that Xu Jinxiu was helpless at the beginning, but she had already arranged everything.

Yinzi gave her, Fangzi gave her, even He Lishu, also personally handed over to her, an insignificant Wang Erlang, has made her exhausted, let alone other.

And Xu Jinxiu is actually inferior to a cat. The cat still knows to resist, but she is a little worse and has not been cheated anymore. Even the incense-dying technique will be cheated away.

And Xu Jinxiu can live so far, it is really blessed by the ancestors.

At this moment, in a secret room, the foreign race Gu master could say everything. He said that he was a Gu master from the Mi clan, and everyone in their clan was good at raising Gu, and The dead warriors Qi Yuan raised and the Gu worms in his body were all in his possession. As for what Qi Yuan did to Shen Qingci, this Gu Master had also explained that Qi Yuan himself wanted to use Gu worms to kill Shen Qing. The memory of Ci is completely obliterated.

As a result, they didn't expect that Shen Qingci's resignation was so weird that all Gu worms did not want to get her blood, so the matter of planting Gu in her body was not known.

However, they thought of another method, which is to directly seal the big acupoints behind Shen Qingci's head, and also to seal all her memories, and they also did what they thought, but they didn't think of it. Even so, Shen Qingci can finally unlock the memories of those who have been blocked.

Inside the house, Shen Qingci was playing with Miao Miao, and Miao Miao walked around his master from time to time. Really, she loved her master the most. Since the master came back, she didn’t want to go anywhere, but just liked it. Be with the master.

There was a sound of footsteps outside the door, and Shen Qingci raised his eyes and smiled at the person who came. Well, there was some inexplicable aura in him. Could it be that Gu Master was found by him.

Brando Hengsi walked over and put his hand behind Shen Qingci's head.

Shen Qingci blinked and hugged Miao Miao.

Pao Heng Si Yiyan checked the back of Shen Qingci's head, and also touched it for a long time, but did not find anything like a long needle.

"I pulled it out," Shen Qingci pulled down his hand. "If it hadn't been pulled out, I wouldn't be able to recover my memory."

Yes, that's the case. Her memory was restored after pulling out that long needle. If it weren't for this, I don't know how long it will be for Qi Yuanhu to use it?

She wasn't reluctant to die for Qi Yuan, but she was waiting for life to be better than death.

He also wanted to kill the emperor who could be said to be the previous life. She spent so much of her own blood and arranged such a big round. It is impossible for her to fall short because of a Qi Yuan.

"When shall we leave?"

Shen Qingci was still thinking about her own things. That thing was too expensive. She was afraid what if the rockery there fell down, and what if it was stolen by a thief? This is the miraculous medicine that is taken into one's stomach, and that which is taken away by others is aggrieved.

Brandon rubbed the top of her head, "Since you are so eager, how about we set out tomorrow?"

"Okay." Shen Qingci hugged his waist and buried his face on his chest. This may be the happiest time she has ever had in her life. He is still there, and he has not left yet. Did not leave.

As for the Gu Master, Shen Qingci didn't ask much.

Whether it is alive or dead, it has nothing to do with her.

In fact, she can guess the size of the Gu Master's voice. It will not be too good. Everything in this world is a causal cycle. He has done so many things that hurt the nature and reason. If the sky doesn't accept it, someone will accept it.

And early the next morning, they had already prepared two carriages and headed to the place Shen Qingci said. Shen Qingci walked over with his legs at the beginning. If they walked for about ten days and used the carriage, it would actually take two days. It's here.

Shen Qingci took Miaomiao into the carriage. In addition to the things they need to use daily, there is also the dried fish that Miaomiao wants to eat. With two masters, Miaomiao is now very proud. Even if it is not so good-looking now, it has become a bald cat, but it can still be faked by the owner's side.

They didn’t go fast, and they didn’t go on their way. They were only two days away. At night, they would find an inn on the road. They stayed overnight, and they could arrive at Shenqing in the afternoon. The place that Ci afraid of talking about.

Shen Qingci is not assured that it makes it difficult for others to take it. Although others don’t know what it is, she always feels uneasy in her heart. In fact, she may not be at ease when she takes it, so this For things, it’s best for branding to hold them, and there are not too many of those things. They also need to discuss how to distribute them.

At this time, she didn't even show her tone, but said she wanted to go there.

She didn't show anything all the way. If her mouth is tight, her mouth seems to be really tight. What's wrong with her being a woman, her concentration is better than that of ordinary men.

It's better to live in six years than to live, and everything can be practiced, and everything can be disguised.

They came along this way and it was considered comfortable and nothing happened. It was just that people were not as good as the sky, but it was only a two-day journey, but he did not arrive in the small village until the morning of the third day. .

There was still a cloud of rain around, and it was because of this heavy rain that it blocked their way, and when it took them, it also made them arrive here a day late.

And the carriage rushed all the way to the door of the house, and the air after the rain was refreshed a lot, but when they arrived, they saw the door of the house. At this time, there was a pair of mother and daughter. Is sweeping the floor.

A little girl about four or five years old, and a young mother.

"Are you both tired?"

The young mother asked her daughter.

The little girl shook her head at the woman.

"Mother, both of you are not tired. This is the benefactor's house. It must be cleaned up."

"Yes," the woman touched her daughter's hair. "If we hadn't had that benefactor, our mother and daughter would have long been in this world."

The woman turned her head and looked at a house like this. Although the girl who gave them the gold is no longer here, they still want to do some of their own meager efforts. Maybe they will never see it again in this life. A kind girl.

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