And all they can do is to clean the front door of the house every day. If they can go in, she is willing to come and clean every day. Unfortunately, the door of the house is always closed, so she can only Taking her daughter, sweeping the fallen leaves is also helping to wipe the door.

She remembered that kindness. If it were not for the gold, the life of the mother and daughter would not have been so good. Now the house at home has been repaired, and there is excess silver. The days are getting better day by day. Nowadays, they are the same as ordinary people. Even her daughter's complexion is much better than before. For the gold, they bought some fields and asked others to help them grow them. Every year, they were given some grain, which was enough. The mother and daughter both ate.

And she will never forget in her entire life, why such a day came, all because of that kind girl.

"Mother, car!"

The little girl pulled the woman's sleeve. When the woman looked back, she saw two carriages with tall horses. She couldn't help but feel a little scared, and then pulled her daughter to one side.

The carriage door opened, and a young man walked out from inside, with a demeanor-like demeanor, he was beyond ordinary people's reach, his cold eyes were like ink, and his temperament was like ice. Even one more glance would be a blasphemy against him.

The woman lowered her head, she felt a little more uneasy. She didn't know when such a big figure came to the village.

The man stretched out his hand, and then helped out a woman from the inside. The woman's eyebrows were extremely delicate, especially the ink-stained pupils, which were darker and brighter than the top gems.

And she seems to be very young, about 14 or 15 years old.

If Shen Qingci heard others say that to her, he would really laugh and cry.

However, this is also true.

When she arrives, she is a girl, even if she grows up, she is still like this. Now she only has a change in body shape, but this face is the same as when she was fourteen or five years old. Big difference.

In addition, after taking those secret medicines, she will maintain her current appearance for a long time. Just looking at the appearance of the people from Tanglin, even the old village head is more than 100 years old. But except for the hair and beard are all whiter, the body is still very young. At first sight, he is like an old man of about five or six. For fear of working in the field, he will not lose to those young men. .

And she feels it all now, she has no memory of being tortured by that long needle, the heart-piercing pain when the needle is pulled out, she hasn’t endured it, she doesn’t know at all, but now, Her spirit is very good, and the strength of her body is full of blood, and the doctor is amazed.

Such a ruddy complexion was something she had never had before.

So I have to say that this is a blessing in disguise, and it is just like what Master Jingkong said, God blesses good people.

The mother and daughter could not recognize Shen Qingci, but Shen Qingci recognized them at a glance. She took one of the keys to this house, but she lost it with her baggage, and the other one, It was placed at the village head.

When she went to ask for the key, the village chief had said that it was the mother and daughter who remembered her kindness, so they had always helped her to clean the outside of the house, as far as the gate, and no one had ever entered.

Changqing took out the key and stepped forward to open the door. After a while, he heard the sound of the card, and the door was already opened.

A lot of fallen leaves have fallen in the courtyard, and even the dust has fallen on a layer, but it is precisely because of this that it is to let them know that this house is indeed a long time without people.

A few sparrows fell on the ground. When they saw someone, they flapped their wings and flew away instantly.

"Let's go."

Lao Hengsi took Shen Qingci's hand and walked in, but Shen Qingci couldn't help but glanced back at the mother and daughter. The curvature of the red lips was more curved.

Changqing and the others went in first, and they got water. First they arranged a stone table, and then they looked for some villagers to clean the house. The house is not big, but it is better than the quietness. The wood inside. Everything is considered new, so it can live in people.

It's just that when Chang Geng was passing by the mother and daughter, he couldn't help but stop, and he didn't know how close his thick eyebrows were?

"What are you looking at?" Changqing poked Changgeng's arm. "What's the matter, do you want a wife?"

Chang Geng gave a warning glance at Chang Yi.

Changqing shrank his neck, okay, he didn't say anything anymore, and he said to a wood about the marriage. What is it not to play the piano to a cow?

Eight grows more in this lifetime can only be an old bachelor.

After a few people walked in, the woman standing outside picked up her daughter.

"Shuangshuang, go, go home with my mother."

"Okay," the little girl said obediently, but her eyes were always looking into the big house, thinking, this place is really big, much bigger than their home, but she still If you like your home, even if your home is broken, as long as you have a mother, it is your home.

When their mother and daughter hadn't been away for long, Changgian came out again, but when they saw the door, the corners of their mouths were flattened a bit.

He went to the village chief’s house, and took out a silver coin from his body and put it on the table, asking the village chief to help find a woman who was neat and clean to clean the house and wash the clothes.

When they came, because they came too hurriedly, they didn't bring other people with them. There was not even a maid, only their elders and two masters.

I can't let the master do these rough jobs, and in such a big village, it is impossible to find a few women who can cook rice, wash clothes.

When the village chief saw this big ingot, he blushed with excitement and his neck was thick. Of course, he was really excited, and nothing else.

With so much money, even if a mature man goes outside to work and dare not take a rest this day, he will not be able to earn 1% of it. But now so much money is just cleaning a house. Then there is washing clothes.

How could the village chief be unhappy with such a good thing? This is obviously to give money to the village.

This shot was really generous. He gave him one hundred taels at the beginning, but he didn't use the hundred taels himself. Instead, he rushed to the public to build Murakami's ancestral hall. This benefited his descendants. The things of future generations are also great things that have been remembered for generations, and he never thought of using this silver on himself. If he really used it, he would be unable to sleep at night.

Coincidentally, those silvers were used up, and with so much money, maybe the most difficult road in Murakami could be repaired.

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