
Miaomiao walked in from outside and jumped on her leg too.

This master is full. Of course, as a cat, how could Miaomiao become hungry. He has already eaten his stomach and can no longer be full. Under this touch, he can be touched. The belly is bulging.

Coincidentally, a woman walked in, who came to clean up the table.

Shen Qingci passed this glance, and finally recognized the person.

is her!

"Madam, this is the cook that the village chief found for us. The craftsmanship is pretty good."

Evergreen was not aware of it, and was touching his own belly. It was a long time since he hadn't let go of his belly to eat. He had always been worried and frightened, and finally had a good meal.

Shen Qingci picked up the tea cup on the table, took a sip, and when she put the cup down, she seemed to think of something?

Soon after.

A woman dressed as a farmer walked in.

Maybe it was because she was a little scared when she saw such an expensive person for the first time. She had never seen so many people around her, and she was always in that kind of superior aura. Make her thorns on the back.

And now she is also in the mood, thinking that her own food is not doing well, so she is here, and she doesn't know, if these people punish their mother and daughter, what will she do?

"what's your name?"

Shen Qingci asked the woman who bowed her head.

"My name is...no..." Qiuniang said nervously incoherently.

"Expensive... Noble, the little woman's surname is Yuan, and her name is Qiuniang."

And she didn't know that when she said her name at this time, the long one on one side frowned inexplicably.

"Your last name is Yuan?"

Shen Qingci put down the cup, and then played with Miao Miao's ears. Miao Miao was also playing with her master, and she was sleeping lazily on her master's lap without even lifting her eyelids.


Qiuniang replied, although she was not as nervous as before, she still didn't dare to look up.

"do you still remember me?"

Shen Qingci asked him, thinking about her original disguise, it was very successful and could deceive many people, but some people have never deceived, otherwise, she would not fall into Qi Yuan's hands. .

Qiuniang glanced secretly, then lowered her head, and then she glanced again, and she saw a picture she had never seen in her entire life, which made her feel ashamed of her appearance. Even if she has seen a woman like a fairy in the painting, she will have seen it in a dream.

"I gave you some gold," Shen Qingci reminded her.

Qiuniang raised her head suddenly with a shocked look on her face, but now she discovered that apart from her appearance, the facial features familiar to her are just like the girl at the beginning.

It's her, it's really her.

Suddenly, she felt that her eye sockets were hot, and she knelt on the ground, Qiu Niang thanked Mrs. Qiu Niang for her bounty.

Shen Qingci is playing with Miaomiao's little ear again, where is your daughter?

She asked Qiuniang until she wanted to know, where is that little one?

In the kitchen, Qiuniang was busy responding. For this benefactor, there was a lot of gratitude in her chest. Without her, there would be no two mothers and daughters.

"Bring it here."

Shen Qingci took the cup of tea on the table again, but instead of drinking it, he set it aside.

Soon after, Qiuniang’s daughter was brought here. The little girl was a little older than her sister, and she was very shy, but when she saw people, she smiled carefully, her delicate eyebrows were quite tricky. People like it.

"Come here," Shen Qingci reached out to Shuangshuang.

Shuangshuang walked over obediently, then raised his face and stared at Shen Qingci's face.

"Are you the sister who gave us Jinjin?"


Shen Qingci stretched out his hand and touched the top of Shuangshuang's head, and Shuangshuang cracked her mouth and smiled, "Thank you, elder sister, when Shuangshuang was sick, if she didn't have sister Jinjin, she would have died."

And this dead word, so heavy, has already appeared on such a young child, and how can such a small child understand what death means.

Shen Qingci still remembered that when her mother was gone, those people had a dead word on the left and a dead word on the right. Although she didn't understand, they plunged into her heart fiercely. At that time, she was still thinking Now, my mother fell asleep. After she woke up, she would crawl out of the underground. If the mother really crawled out, she would not be afraid of her. No matter what the mother became, it was hers. Mother, is the mother who loves her beloved.

It wasn't until she gradually became aware that she knew that she had no mother in that year.

At this time, her fingers warmed, but when she turned her head, he shook her hand. His fingers were very dry, and he passed the warmth of his body to her.

Both of them are motherless children.

Shen Qingci eased her emotions and forced the tears in her eyes to seep back. She picked up the candy on the table and placed it in front of both sides.

"Take it yourself."

Shuangshuang watched Qiuniang for a long time, and finally she nodded. Shuangshuang took one of them. She is not a greedy child, just take one.

Shen Qingci doesn't actually eat these, she doesn't eat sweets, but this time, she bought some, in fact, for these children.

"Take it."

Shen Qingci put the plates in front of Shuangshuang all the way.

"Thank you sister."

Shuangshuang took it and bowed to Shen Qingci very obediently.

Shen Qingci touched the top of her head again, then raised the cup, and put it between his lips.

Shuangshuang ran to Qiuniang, and also grabbed Qiuniang's clothes. Qiuniang held her daughter's little hand. Everyone can know that this affection for mother and daughter is very good, and they depend on each other for life.

Apart from them, there is no second relative in this world.

They are each other's relatives and depend on each other.

Qiuniang suddenly felt a strange gaze, which was always falling on her, and when she looked up, she saw a man with a solemn face staring at her unblinkingly, also looking at her inexplicably.

She touched her face unsinkably, thinking that her face was dirty, or something, why this person would stare at her with such eyes.

Even between men, there is no such blatant look.

What's more, for a woman, no, she is a widow.

Just when she was seen inexplicably, and when she was sitting still hard, the man spoke.

"Are you from Hexi Village?"

Qiuniang raised her head fiercely, "How do you know Hexi?" Hexi is a small village, and there are not many people in the village. In Dazhou, there are also small villages with no names and no names. She once told others about Hexi Village. The name, but no one knows.

Hexi's long-lasting memories, sometimes she can't remember those far away, what was it like back then?

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