"Is your father called Yuanda Tie?"

Changgen asked again.

Qiuniang was also taken aback for a moment. Her father was called Yuan Datie, and the people in Murakami were named like this, because her grandfather was a ironman and gave birth to three sons. Her father is the eldest, called Datie, and her second uncle. It is called Ertie, and her third uncle is Santie.

If you continue to give birth, just take five irons and six irons. If there is no iron, you will have gold, silver and copper.

But it’s a pity that her grandfather didn’t give birth to ten irons, so people are no longer there. The younger brothers under her father have not lived to reach adulthood. Only his father survived to marry a biological child. That's it. Even though they are poorer, they can still eat and wear warmth. As long as the two sons grow up and can stand alone, the life at home will be better.

But I didn't expect that a flood washed away everything, including the lives of her father and several older brothers. She was rescued alone, but she has lived a life of displacement.

Then she could only sell herself. At that time, when she was young, she could only help in the kitchen. Later, she helped her to learn some good dishes, and then she also avoided serving those difficult masters. , And later, the young chef in the kitchen married her.

However, she found that she always seemed to have no good life. She lost her parents when she was a child, and then her husband. She could only take her daughter to live in her husband’s former village.

It's just that she doesn't have any great abilities, just a few acres of Susukino, barely survived. If it hadn't been for this kind girl who saved the lives of their mother and daughter, they would have followed her father. Up.

And now how does this person know He Xicun, how does he know her father's name?

Chang even tightened the corners of his lips, until he had forgotten where and where it was at this time. When he saw this woman, his eyes felt familiar, and it turned out to be her.

"Little Yuanzi."

He closed his eyes and then spit out three words quietly.

Qiuniang's eyes widened again, and what did she find from her face that was longer and colder?

"You are, Ergouzi?"

With a puff, Shen Qingci sprayed out the water that had just entered his mouth.

Then everything was quiet, Chang Qing and their eyes widened, and then their heads were twisted towards Changgen.

Longer, two dogs.

Ergouzi, grow longer.

Changqing grinned, enduring very hard, and then he bowed his mouth and bowed to Brando Hengsi and Shen Qingci. This was when he walked out, and in a no-man place, he patted his thigh and laughed wildly. Up.




"Ergouzi, Ergouzi."

"I'm a little tired," Shen Qingci pressed her forehead, and she was going back to rest. What kind of drama is this? Is it reunited after the farewell, or is it a stranger in the past.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that there must be women's love between Ergouzi and Xiaoyuanzi.

She walked up to Lao Hengsi and also pulled his sleeve.

They meet again after their goodbyes, what are they doing here, are they watching a good show, and they are not afraid that they will die because of this.

Lao Hengsi hugged the cat from her arms, and then touched the top of her head. Even without a word, he could feel the warmth between the two.

And in the hall at this time, only Chang Geng and Qiu Niang were there. The calmness on Chang Geng’s face was finally broken because of that two dog. It was not ashamed, nor was it. Ugly.

And like ordinary people, there is joy, anger, sorrow and happiness.

And how long hasn't anyone called him by this name?

Yes, Ergouzi, he is Ergouzi.

When he was in Hexi Village, he was an Ergouzi who grew up eating Baijiafan. He was also raised by the villagers of Hexi Village. Among them, Qiuniang was the best for him. In the home of Qiu Niang, he was also considered rich. , And only because there is only Qiuniang in the family, so although she is not responsive, she is not poor, and Qiuniang was always helping him at the time, and even more so when he was about to die, she was a little girl. He carried him to the doctor.

It can be said that if there is no Qiuniang, there will be no current long watch.

Later, Chang was fortunate enough to worship an expert from outside the world and left Hexi Village. At that time, he also swore in his heart that as long as he returned from his studies, he would definitely return to Hexi Village.

It was just a few years after the departure. When he came back again, there was no Hexi Village in this world. The flood of that year continuously destroyed the entire village, and no other villager was found. He So I had to go around for home, just to find the original villagers, but also to find Qiuniang.

Later, he rushed to the territory of Dazhou with the worry of the brand. Who knows how many places he looked for in private, from hope to disappointment, from disappointment to despair, and from despair to return Helpless.

But he didn't expect that today, he saw Qiuniang.

Back then, Qiuniang, who walked a lot of mountain roads with him on his back.

And her life didn't seem to be so good.

Yes, it’s not very good, alone, with nothing to do, she can only sell herself and live her life hard, and then she finally married someone, with the support, who knows it’s good fortune, she has become Widow, she lives alone with her daughter.

How difficult is it for a woman to feed a child, how could he not know? At the time Lou Xue was flying with Shen Qingci, she was like that, let alone Qiuniang who knew nothing.

Qiuniang was holding her face and was crying all the time. She never thought that she could see Ergouzi again. The girl back then was still ignorant of feelings. In fact, he was always there, even when she was married. , There are also the kind of heart-piercing pain.

Why do you marry, because you can't wait, because you can't live anymore.

But now, they have their own homes, and she is happy for him.

She wiped away the tears, and then touched the top of her daughter's head.

"Shuangshuang, called..."

And she was taken aback for a moment, but she didn't know what she wanted to call Changgeng, is it Ergouzi or, the name used by this villager doesn't seem to be the current name?

At the side of the nobles, this must be a change of name.

"My name is Chang Geng."

Changgong walked over, and also reached out and hugged Shuangshuang. Shuangshuang is a very thin child, four or five years old, but like two or three years old. And this child, has not yet been born, and his father is gone. People hugged her like this, and she looked at Chang Geng with admiration.


Her sudden voice made Chang even more stunned, and it also made Qiu Niang suddenly feel that her face started to get hot. What is this kid talking about?

"Daddy, are you my dad?"

Shuangshuang hugged the neck of Chang Geng, and buried their little face on the neck of Chang Geng. Other people's fathers are tall, and her fathers are also tall. The mother said so, so this must be It's his father's.

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