Qiu Niangtu knelt down in front of Shen Qingci. She was neither a slave nor a slave servant. In order to redeem herself, they gave half of their wealth to the master's family. If she sells herself as a slave again, wouldn't she betray The original intention that she had always wanted to come out was that she didn't want to be a slave, she just wanted to live in peace, otherwise, how could she marry a cook in the first place, and then go to the village again.

"Did I make you sell yourself?"

Shen Qingci didn't feel that he had said these words before, and there was no shortage of slaves and maidservants around her, and when she took them back, there was naturally her way.

"Go back and prepare yourself. If you don't go back with me, you will return my gold."

She didn't have a hint of politeness, she could throw away the gold at any time, but if you let them pay it back, they have to pay it back.

Qiuniang wanted to say something more, but in the end she could only kneel aggrieved, unable to say a word.

"Can't you go down?"

Shen Qingci was playing with Miaomiao's rabbit ears. No, it was not Miaomiao. It was above this rabbit skin. She didn't even lift her eyelids and didn't look at people. It seemed inhumane and inaccessible.

In the end, Qiuniang could only stand up, but when she turned her head, she wiped her tears.

When Bor Hengsi came back, he saw Shen Qingci sitting at the table, waiting for him to eat together.

"Why not eat first?"

Boring Hengsi sat down and squeezed her hand tightly, and her hand was no longer as cold as before, and even more warmth, which made people feel happy and tight.

That medicine fruit is really a magical medicine. Although I don't know whether it can really live a hundred years, but in addition to prolonging life, it also has a good conditioning effect on the body.

"I'll wait for you to eat together." Shen Qingci put the chopsticks in his hand, and the two of them ate a lot. Although the dishes in this country are not as expensive as the capital, they are also the characteristics of these small places. If you get up, it will have another flavor.

Miao Miao was also eating her own dried fish. After arriving here, she ran around the house like a mad cat, and she has become better at it.

The night was fine, each of them went back to recuperate, and opened his eyes. He put his hands on his knees, and his skill increased a lot. Of course, the hidden injuries in the body were counted at this time. Gone.

This medicine is really good.

Shen Qingci was already asleep. Miaomiao lay down in her den, sleeping very peacefully, and sometimes snoring. She was obviously a lady-like cat, but she fell asleep. At that time, he became a silly cat.

Lao Hengsi came over, pulled the quilt for Shen Qingci, and just sat on the side guarding her.

Fortunately, I'm still here, fortunately, you never left today

Fortunately, we still have the remaining years.

And for the rest of the age, Xu is also God's compensation for them, the suffering of this life, in exchange for a hundred years of standing together, worthy, even if they are destined to have no children.

He watched her here all night, and when Shen Qingci opened his eyes, he met a pair of extremely clear black eyes. She sat up and threw herself into that person's arms.

Branding is like soothing a child, and the fingers are also gently shuttled on her hair, "The outside is all cleaned up, and we have to go back."

"Okay," Shen Qingci understood. This place is just a place she used to hide things. They couldn't have stayed here any longer. They could stay here for as many as five days.

And once those medicines are still in their hands, they won’t be able to rest for a day.

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