The carriage outside the mansion is already ready. When the door is locked again, it is returned to the place to be clean again. As for whether they will come back in the future, no one knows?

"What are you looking at?"

Changqing bumped Changgeng's shoulder.

"It's nothing," Chang felt more soothing and touched the horse, with a face that had always been cold, but now it was a little stranger, even he himself hadn't noticed it.

And where are those suddenly, who is he thinking of?

It wasn't until the carriage had gone a few miles that Changgeng turned his head and looked behind him unconsciously, his thick eyebrows tightened a bit without noticing it, and he didn't seem to have left anything for her, because the son and the wife were really walking. It was too sudden. When he came back from working for the son, the carriage outside was all ready, and she and he had no chance.

And when everything is done, he will definitely come over again, as for why?

Because he wanted to repay her a favor, but also because he was worried about Xiao Shuangshuang.

With a sound of driving, the carriage moved forward quickly.

Shen Qingci played with Miaomiao's little paws, and the arc of the red lips was a strange smile.

"What did you do again?"

When he passed this glance, he knew that she might be hiding something from him again?

"You'll know in the future," Shen Qingci still wants to sell her, because she doesn't know if she can succeed. As for whether she can succeed, then it depends on someone's good fortune. There is fate, part, and fate. No part, just look at personal fate.

She slept on the legs of Burning Anxie, and closed her eyes. She was going to sleep for a while. When they woke up, they might have already left this world.

"Do you want to go back and see Xu Jinxiu?"

Branding knew that she was not asleep. If they were to go to Ning County, they would have to take another route. If they did not go, they would take the nearest route, and the short route would miss Ning County.

"No need," Shen Qingci turned over and hugged Miao Miao in his arms. "All I can teach is to teach. As for her to die, it is her own business."

To put it a bit ugly, Xu Jinxiu is not one of hers. She helped her once, and Bronze helped her once. If she really did die again, then only said she deserved it.

She just wanted to return to the capital now, and she wanted to give the medicine to her father, so that he could live a hundred years, and could see too many seas in this world passing by him.

She curled her lips, and she couldn't help but tighten Miaomiao, who was still quite warm, especially after adding this rabbit fur, she felt more comfortable warmth.

And Miao Miao is also a good cat, and he is very competent when he is a hand warmer for his owner, and he doesn't even bark.

After doing this, they finally arrived in the capital after the end of the month.

Things are different, but they have been in the situation for nearly half a year. It turns out that they have experienced so many things.

From life to death, from death to life.

Heaven and **** are actually in the front line.

The two carriages also entered the Shuo Palace without knowing it. Unlike the village, the inside of the Palace was also cleaned, almost without a trace of dust.

Shen Qingci walked forward holding Miaomiao, all the faces they met on the road were familiar faces, and when they saw her, tears filled their eyes. In fact, she was also the same, although her face was not obvious, but Who knows, at this moment, what kind of sorrow is in her heart?

long time no see.

Yes, long time no see.

"Let’s sleep for a while, and I’m going to enter the palace once." After he settled down, Shen Qingci was also preparing to enter the palace once. There are some things, even if he doesn’t talk about it now, I’m afraid that there will be in the palace soon. People come.

"Okay," Shen Qing replied, but in his heart he felt that the emperor was shameless and scolded a dog-blood sprinkler, knowing that there must be no good this time. If that person can be fairer and more convincing, maybe this The medicine can give him a little bit of foam, but I am sorry, without his share, he did everything possible to calculate the two of them and protect the three princes.

Between Shen Qingci and the royal family, she would no longer have extra feelings.

She put Miaomiao down, and then patted its head. You go find someone to eat.


Miaomiao yelled, and then ran outside to find something to eat. Anyway, it knew where its dried fish was, and as soon as it passed, those people would feed it dried fish on their own initiative. of.

As soon as Shen Qing lied down, before squinting for a while, he heard the servant outside the door saying that Duke Wei Guo was here.

"It's you here." Shen Qingci stood up quickly, changed her clothes, and was about to go out. When she opened the door, she saw Sanxi shrinking her head, as if she couldn't see anyone.

Shen Qingci walked over, then stretched out his hand, Sanxi shrank his neck again, but in the end he narrowed his mouth and stretched out his face. However, Shen Qingci squeezed her fleshy face vigorously.

"What did you eat? Why do you get so much fat? Be careful no one wants it in the future."

Sanxi's mouth became more and more flat, and in the end he went to find someone to say that he was wronged.

How can there be such a master, she is obviously thinner, but she is fatter.

How can I say that to a girl who is like a flower, this mouth is too poisonous.

Shen Qingci eased his eyebrows and walked towards the hall holding Miaomiao. Before she arrived, she saw a person rushing over. The wind that was blowing also scattered her clothes a little.

"A Ning, A Ning..."

Shen Dingshan ran over, and when he saw his daughter, his eyes were as red as blood.

He quickly put his hand on his daughter's shoulder, but you came back, but something happened, are these arms and legs fake?


Shen Qingci happily pulled Shen Dingshan's sleeves, and it was great to see his father, but she discovered that Shen Dingshan was really old, her father, she was like a mountain-like father, and his hair was mostly white. There are even more wrinkles on the face, especially the vertical line in the middle of the eyebrows, which is obviously caused by overthinking.

Mo Fei said that people's thinking must not be too much, otherwise it will have some influence on the confidant.

And how Shen Qingci didn't know, all Shen Dingshan's worries were caused by her daughter.

"It's all right, it's all right." Shen Dingshan turned his face and wiped his tears secretly. The daughter and son-in-law were all fine. That's great. His Ning finally doesn't need to be a widow.

"Daddy sit down," Shen Qingci pulled Shen Dingshan down, "I'm going to make tea for you. Recently I learned to make a kind of tea and give Daddy a taste."

"Okay, okay."

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