"What happened?"

When Piao Hengsi walked in, he saw that Shen Qingci's complexion was not very good. What was he angry with?


Miaomiao ran over and asked the host to hug him. The hostess is now angry because she is afraid that the host will hit the cat.

Biao Hengsu picked up Miao Miao with one hand, and let Miao Miao lie on his shoulder, and then he sat down. But what happened?

Evergreen will talk about Ning Qing again.

"in this way……"

Bro Hengsi stretched out his hand and tapped on the tabletop, "For him, Yipinxiang is the fastest and most worry-free thing for him to add an official. Was his head kicked by the donkey or bitten by the bastard?"

Seeing Lao Hengsi describing a person like this, Shen Qingci couldn't stand it and laughed out loud.

Brando Hengsi touched the top of her hair. This is the way to Changqing. You ran for the last time, and then he took out the same token from himself and gave it to Changqing. He taught the Lord Song well. How did you become an official?

They have all changed from the official residence of the capital to the county magistrate in a small place. Could it be that you still can’t learn how to be a small official, then, don’t go down the road of being an official, otherwise one day be careful. Even his life is lost on it.

"Yes," Changqing held the token, and replied respectfully.

"Right," he said again.

"My son, by coincidence, the account of Yipinxiang was also sent over there. Is my son going to check it?"

"Come here."

Brando Hengsi touched Miao Miao's small body, Miao Miao was so accustomed to lying on his master's shoulders, the tail wagging very well.

"Yes," Changqing finished, and went out in a hurry. Before a moment's effort, he had already brought in another account book. These were all brought back by the eagle of Fengfeng. If they had gone on a horse, It takes half a month and a month to go back and forth, and the bird of Zhanfeng flies so fast, usually it can fly back in five days, and it is much easier to use than the homing pigeon, and it will be much safer than the homing pigeon.

The most important thing is that it can back a lot of things, but the carrier pigeon can only bring back some small notes.

Cultivate the eagle for a while, use the eagle for a while.

The vulture was flying on both sides recently, and it was also used by the master. Of course, the figure was better, unlike the current Miaomiao, it was fat and couldn't walk anymore.

Miaomiao doesn't need to catch mice. If you get fatter, you get fatter. The master uses it as a heater to raise it. People have skins.

What use are you carving?

It's ugly, lazy, and picky. Now if you don't let it do anything, you will have to take care of your own food in the future.

Branding opened the books. This is just a half-month account of Yipinxiang in Ningxian County, and from this half of the month, you can probably see how much Ningxian Yipinxiang has earned in the year?

"not bad."

Brando Hengsi handed the book to Shen Qingci, and Shen Qingci glanced at it, which was more than seven hundred thousand taels in half a month.

When she saw this number, her eyes lighted up unconsciously.

She has to have some money again. Really, she has a very good vision. The place she chooses is where she makes a lot of money. Whenever she opens, she always makes the most money in the first month. This month, there will be one. One million taels can be obtained. For the remaining eleven months, as long as you earn 300,000 taels a month, you will have four hundred taels in this year.

Except for military expenditures, each of their several prefectures can be divided into one million taels, and in addition to the remaining livelihoods, it is really not a problem for this government to earn one million taels every year.

She looked at her hand, and then placed her hand in front of Brando.

"Made of gold."

"Well," Beng Heng anxiously knocked her forehead with a finger, "You can't make money, just take it easy, and don't make yourself sick again."

"No, no."

Shen Qingci shook his head hastily, and also promised that I would never tire myself out again.

Living such a healthy life is her greatest desire since her two lives, having hands and feet, being able to be free, comfortable and peaceful. This is the best life for a person to live in this world.

Besides, her energy is very good now, and she also has energy that can't be used up. The dark diseases in the past have been cured. Now even if she doesn't sleep for a few days, she will not lose her strength. .

And she won’t fight like before. She has been making these spices for more than ten years and she is very proficient. At one time, she was also changing her recipe. Now she only has to work for a few days. , Is enough for the three stores in January.

What's more, even if she is really lazy and reluctant to do it, there is nothing to worry about. Don't forget, she still has spices for more than ten years. Even if she doesn't use them for a few years, these spices are enough to sell.

And the figures on this account book made her very happy. Well, when the situation in the capital is stable again, she will add a family of first-grade incense, and she will eventually earn money that is not the people of Da Zhou. It is the money of other countries.

As for when the situation was stable, she knew that it was after the third and fourth princes struggled for reserve.

If the four princes get this emperor's pull, then it is even better, if it is the third prince.

Then, she will turn off Yipinxiang and ask her father to resign.

When not sure, he will bite them in turn.

Even more, when he sat on the throne, they were the first to deal with.

"What did you think of?"

The sudden sound of Brando Hengsi also made Shen Qingci stunned for a moment. She touched her face. What, was her expression very hideous?

"Nothing?" Shen Qingci still didn't dare to enter into his own thoughts with Lao Heng. Such things are a bit rebellious. After all, Lao Heng is a member of the royal family. The emperor is still him. His uncle is also a close relative, she has not been so bold yet.

She quickly picked up the cup and drank the tea in it.

"Right," she seemed to have thought of something, but she had forgotten about being so badly beaten by Changqing, and now she remembered it.

"Next month seems to be the 50th birthday of the holy."

Shen Qingci counted the time. She would never forget the emperor’s birthday. However, she had never participated. This time, if she wanted to come, she should show her face. She was like she would not go, she always needed Let others know that she is still alive.

No amount of explanation was given directly to everyone she appeared in front of.

"Yes." In fact, this is what Biao Heng is planning to arrange recently. This time several small affiliated countries will also come over, and it will be a little lively to watch then.

"That's it..." Shen Qing said that he didn't care about who would pass by. Everyone used to be the same. In her opinion, whether it is Dazhou, Beiqi, or other countries, it is nothing more than two eyes and one nose. Open mouth.

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