She has even seen people from the pre-Qin Dynasty, let alone from the Northern Qi Dynasty?

"What are you going to give?"

This is what Shen Qingci is worried about now.

Every year, the shameless old man wants to use his birthday banquet to get some money from the treasury. She has known for a long time what his life is, and he obviously wants the money. Given her so much talent, she was still not satisfied, and she had to make one more blood.

"What did you say to give away?"

BAO Hengsi pressed his forehead and knew that he knew what his emperor uncle was in Shen Qingci's heart.

"What else can I give?"

Shen Qingci had already grasped the emperor’s thoughts, "Giving money is his favorite, but I don’t want to give money." Shen Qingci would not use his money to contribute to the royal family, his third son Some will kill their husband and wife.

Yipinxiang still raises tens of thousands of sergeants. It is not for them. It is for the world of Dazhou and the people of Dazhou. What does it have to do with them?

"I thought about it."

Shen Qing's Ci Su was a spiritual light once, until he knew what he wanted to give to the emperor?

"What?" Lao Hengsi touched Miao Miao on his shoulder, and wanted to know what a brilliant trick Shen Qingci did?

"I'm going to give him a gift..."

She beat a big hit, "Well, it's big..."

"Send Child Guanyin."

The smile on Lao Hengsi's face stiffened, and then she couldn't laugh or cry and knocked her on the forehead again, "Trust me, if you really gave him a Guanyin, he will have to die of anger."

"So you can't deliver it?"

Shen Qingci still felt that the emperor should have given birth to a few more sons, or he passed the throne to the fourth prince early, or he abdicated after the third prince was poisoned. As long as the throne is not given to the third prince, he is a good one. emperor.

"Then pick one from the library."

Shen Qingci didn’t care, either. There were a lot of good things in the Shuo Palace’s private library. In addition to the expensive things she found when he was in various places in the past, she also found them one after another. Just save a bunch, just one piece, which can give the emperor a face.

In fact, they still have the most suitable and precious thing, that is the remaining Aventurine Secret Medicine. However, Bing Hengxiu never said that he would give it away. This is a **** that can make people live longer. Medicine, but if one is not careful, it may become a monster that harms the country.

Therefore, this matter has never been known to people from the beginning to the end. Of course, it is impossible to give this thing to the emperor, so that the emperor will have a long life.

And this is the case. Shen Qingci is going to choose one by himself, which is bigger, not high or low, just suitable.

They are not spearheads, and they have to let themselves stand on the cusp of those storms.

After finishing the meal, Shen Qingci asked people to open the door of the warehouse, and also found a jade Ruyi with excellent color from the inside. She watched for a long time, and she really felt good when she arrived. It's very transparent and bright, and such a large piece of jade is much more attractive than giving away jade pendants or jade cakes.

Therefore, she was going to take this thing as a birthday gift to the emperor.

She picked something in the private library and got dazzled, and at this time, Changqing had already left the house and rushed to Ning County.

And Changqing hurriedly hurried, and it was much faster than he thought. It took less than half a month to reach Ning County, and he was also a dusty and dusty all the way, his beard also grew messy. His clothes were wrinkled into pickles again. I don't know, but I thought he was from where he came from.

When he arrived, he didn't come and sort out himself, so he approached Mu Yang and asked about Yipinxiang.

Mu Yang also told Changqing about this matter.

As soon as Changqing heard it, Yipinxiang hadn't opened the door for several days, and he was angry with his toothache on the spot.

It's still painful.

At this level, you need to make a few taels of silver less a day, and the wages your wife gives them all come from it. If you don’t open the door, let them drink Northwest Wind? I don’t know if his current family is from a family. People, he still needs to support his family.

What is the difference between this cutoff of money and the murder of parents?

It is tolerable or unbearable.

He stood on the ground, but he didn't come and drank a cup of tea, so Mu Yang immediately let Yipinxiang open. As for the Yamen, he walked once by himself.


Mu Yang hurriedly responded, and he went out with people

Changqing’s tooth still hurts a lot. As long as he remembers that the door has been closed for a few days, he is more than uncomfortable. He is simply uncomfortable to death. Mu Yang has not dealt with this matter yet, so he doesn’t know how to deal with it. I have been waiting for Evergreen to come over.

Song Mingjiang, this beam is getting bigger.

Changqing touched his chin. If you don't have eyes, don't blame someone for doing your pain.

In recent days, Song Mingjiang has been a little proud of the spring breeze. He has handled several cases in a row, which also made him look at him. It turned out to be very tricky Ning County. Under his governance, it is also becoming more prosperous. I want to come. After a while, he can be transferred to the capital, and he can show his talents.

He finally let out a sigh of relief and leaned his back on the back of the chair. He has not been as relaxed for a long time. This is also the most relaxed after he has been a magistrate for so long. A few days ago.

He picked up the files on the table and looked through it again. It is also possible that he had just become a magistrate, and he was in charge of everything. He had forgotten the most important thing.

"Master, someone is playing the drum."

The master walked in hurriedly and said in a hurry.

"Drumming at this time?"

Looking at the sky outside, Song Mingjiang was about to reach the twilight quarter-tenth. At this time, he came to file a complaint. What kind of state did it rely on?

"Let him come over tomorrow."

At this time, it was past the time to handle the case, and he refused to take it in anger.

"From Jingli."

The master whispered to Song Mingjiang.

Song Mingjiang fought a cold war inexplicably and suddenly.

And as long as he mentions someone from Beijing, there will be a kind of fear in his heart, which has no reason, and how to explain this necessary fear, if he asks himself, he himself does not know.

It seems that as long as you come from Beijing, there must be nothing good?

"grown ups……"

The master asked Song Mingjiang again, is this going to be tried?

"Go to church."

Song Mingjiang tidyed up his clothes, and he knew that this hall must be a must.

Until he arrived at the county office, a lot of cold sweat shed on his forehead. He did not feel hot, but cold.

Evergreen came in from the door without kneeling Song Mingjiang. In terms of rank, Song Mingjiang was only a seventh-rank petty official, but he was a fifth-rank guard, and Song Mingjiang had lowered his second rank.

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