Shen Qingci sat down again and did Xinxiang.

And since she came back, a few new scents came out, not a few very good peach blossoms, these are all ideas she got from her Tanglin.

There are also several colors of rouge, all of which sell very well.

These things do not lie in many, but in one essence.

The things she made with her own hands would not be sold cheaply, but the people who bought them would rush to buy them.

Besides, Mo Li had already rode a horse to the Palace of Weiguo. Today, the Weapon Department had a day off. Shen Wenhao invited Yu Wenxu to come to the Palace as a guest. It was also because Lin Yun’s house brought a few jars of good wine. ,and so,

Shen Wenhao also borrowed flowers to present the Buddha, and invited his brother-in-law to come together. The two had grown up together, and now they are also in-laws. Now this relationship is more like before.

Even when they were talking freely, they would still remember the comfort of the three of them when they were young, making tea and discussing poems together, but in the end Song Mingjiang was farther and farther away.

Don't know how he lived in Ning County? Shen Wenhao shook the cup in his hand, sighing.

They must be people in Beijing, and no matter how good they are outside, they are not as prosperous as Beijing.

"Find a chance and get him out." Yu Wenxu picked up Sayu and took a sip. The wine smells good, not bad, but it tastes great.

"I think so too," Shen Wenhao actually thought about it, "No matter what, he always grew up with us, and he saved A Ning's life." This kind of grace is enough for them to remember for a lifetime. If it weren't for him at the beginning, maybe A Ning would not live today.

"You just think too much," Yu Wenxu disagreed. "If it's kind, don't mention my mother's help to their Song family. It was the last time he was impeached, or it wasn't that you asked his father-in-law to help. With a few good words, how could he be as simple as losing his official position? I am afraid that he will have no intention of official career all his life."

Just like Song Mingjiang’s elm-wood head, he doesn’t know how to work. He will only read sages and sages throughout his life. It is good to read books, but everything will only be on paper. If they hadn’t guarded them overtly and secretly, he would have never known that he was dead Ten times eight times, not to mention that the current little magistrate, who is still a seventh-rank, may not even be a teacher.

I don’t have any family business. I have to learn from three wives and four concubines. No, it’s not three wives and four concubines, but seven wives and eight concubines. With so many mouths to eat, I can still support myself. I don’t know if it’s right. The ancestral industry of the Song family was eaten into the stomach by these women.

So, um, they have already reported it, and there is no need to say anything else.

They can still think of him now, and they are already thinking of the love that grew up together.

As long as he didn't make a big mistake in Ning County, they would transfer him to the capital if they found a way, and it would be better than being a magistrate in that place.

Song Mingjiang was killed by his mother in his entire life.

The good official road is gone, and the good official luck is also lost. Even a relative of Princess Jun, who is such a good relative, is gone. If it weren't for the Qian family to be too deadly, Princess Jun would not be able to break off the Song family. Relationship, so it’s not someone else who hurt Song Mingjiang, it’s Qian.

If it's really for the good of her son, don't stuff so many women for her son. Does she think of Song Mingjiang as a pig, or is it for piglets?

"Lord," the young man outside walked in and said after a salute.

"Someone from Shuo Palace is here outside the door."

"Please come in soon."

Shen Wenhao hurriedly sat upright. As long as the words of Shuo Palace were mentioned, his mind was smooth. His sister and brother-in-law were all fine, but it really made him more happy than anything else.

The two touched the cups, and naturally they all smiled.

Not long after, Li Li walked in.

"Mo Li, it's you.

When Shen Wenhao saw Li Li, he hurriedly recruited her to come over. This ceremony was no longer necessary. Li Li was the female guard next to his younger sister. This would surely be a matter for his younger sister.


Mo Li arched his hand again. She was not an ordinary maid, but a guard. She didn't need to claim to be a slave, and the people in Shuo Palace didn't do this.

"Is your wife looking for me for something?"

Shen Wenhao asked with a smile, he and Yu Wenxu looked at each other, "Do you think there is good news for Yipinxiang from Ningxian County?"


Yu Wenxu put the sprinkle cup on his lips, and he couldn't help but sigh. There is no way, he has become a soft rice eater now, but what can be done? He has nine sons and a little boy. Girl, he is going to deposit her dowry.

And the dividends each Yipinxiang gave them were so terrible. It was related to the dowry of his little girl in the future. How could it be taken lightly? Well, Ningxian, Song Mingjiang is lucky this time. With this opportunity, I want to It was not difficult for him to fish out from there.

"Yes," Mo Li shook his hand again, and then took out a letter from him, "This is a letter from my master to the uncle."

"Oh, A Ning's, come bring it to me."

Shen Wenhao has stopped drinking now, and hastily took the letter from Shen Qingci to himself.

He unfolded the letters and read them one by one, but the more he looked at it, the less smile on his face, until later, the whole face became gloomy.

"But what happened?"

And seeing Shen Wenhao's look like this, it also scared Yu Wenxu a bit. This is so good, what's wrong, why is that face?

"Watch it for yourself."

Shen Wenhao didn't want to say any more, but handed the letter to Yu Wenxu, and Yu Wenxu took it. As a result, when he saw the letter written in it, he suffered from a toothache.

"Something ungrateful!"

He slapped the table hard

This is because the head was kicked by the donkey, isn't it? Why don't you even know a little bit of common sense?

Just like him, he still dared to make the idea of ​​Yipinxiang, even today's sages are not able to fight. He is good enough, and he dares to open the Yipinxiang openly. The Yipinxiang in the capital can be related, even if the capital is down. How many times have Blizzards, I have never seen Yipin Xiangguan pass a day.

You know, when this new store opened, it was the most profitable in the first few days. When the newness of the future passed, it began to calm down. Although they have never done business, there are not many in anyone's house. The shop?

If it is a few days before the new opening, the door will be closed. The loss is more than the business of these few days. If it is spread out, the shop is problematic, and the things sold in this shop are problematic. So how can this business continue?

Destroying people's business is tantamount to digging people's ancestral graves.

Song Mingjiang is so courageous.

"Huh, how is this courtesy!"

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