Yu Wenxu was so angry that he wanted to crush his teeth. They were still talking about how to get Song Mingjiang out for the sake of Zeng Jin’s classmates. Now, Song Mingjiang is doing this to them?

Is this conscience eaten by the dog? If he is soft-hearted to him in the future, he will not be called Yu Wenxu.


Shen Wenhao poured a glass of sprinkles for Yu Wenxu. This is really different. They are both long-term people, and they didn't say that so many women in the house, so many women do it. What, eat for nothing, and have to do the smoggy house in the house.

Yu Wenxu also touched the cup with Shen Wenhao, and he really felt that he had begun to return by different paths, and he would never go back to the past, and he was also eaten into his stomach by the dog in the past.

After Yu Wenxu went back, he first went to see his good daughter, and then went to King Jun and Princess Jun to talk to his parents about Song Mingjiang.

"How did this kid be like this?"

Concubine Jun clutched her chest. This is how many hours have not heard of the Song family, how can it be in such a short time, he has done such a world-shaking, weeping thing, Yipinxiang's ideas are all Dare to fight?

"I heard that he complained that when Yipinxiang opened, he didn't let him go to join him."

Yu Wenxu sneered, Song Mingjiang is so mindful, does he really know how to treat everyone?

By him, it is worthy.

The Yipinxiang of Dazhou tens of thousands of soldiers, he is just a small seven-pin county magistrate, what virtue is there, and how can the Yipinxiang be treated to him, this is what I want to do, relying on the Yipinxiang and then climb Get up?

"I think he should be a little prefect there."

Lord Jun really felt that the Song family was not an official.

This collusion between officials and businessmen has not changed after repeated prohibitions for thousands of years, and it is impossible to change. It is human nature. If a person is a person, there is a greedy side. If a person is a person, there is a side of comparison.

There is no such thing as an official person who is not greedy. It is just that how to achieve this greedy word, and it is a handle for others to leave no less, it is also very important, and it must have an excellent vision. Do you know what is enough?

Obviously, Song Mingjiang is still like a nerd when he arrives, and he doesn't know what official he is in Beijing. Could it be that his mind is given to those women?

So, this woman is really a disaster, one is a blessing, and if there is more, then it is really a disaster. Look at him, this woman only marries one, has many children and grandchildren, and has many blessings and longevity. Maybe he is a father. You can really live to be a hundred years old, and you will see your great-grandson.

Of course he is only imagining that if he can live above a hundred years old, then he would not be a monster, but when he really lived his one hundred years old in the future, he remembered when he looked at a bunch of great-grandchildren. From what I thought at this time, I realized that there are many children and many blessings.

Of course, this is just a second story, let alone at this time.

As for King Jun and Princess Jun, this Song family is obviously not a generation to associate in the future.

The stupid ones are also somewhat hopeless.

Especially Princess Jun, thinking of her friends who have passed away, she also feels sorrow from her heart. If she knows that her younger generations who have been thinking about it all have been raised by his good mother to look like this, Don't know how to resent?

The Qians are not only short-sighted, but also stupid.

Especially the vision is worse.

It just so happened that when she was worrying now, a good sister came over, and she was going to entertain one or two.

When the ladies came, Princess Jun wanted to show off her grandchildren.

Especially her Xiao Jiu, this one has a handsome face, but everyone loves him and doesn’t know how to give birth to a child with such a face. The little dumpling is just like a flowery face, no wonder When everyone saw him for the first time, they thought he was a pretty girl.

But in fact, if he is a little brother, he is too beautiful, and he is also very rare.

At first, no one liked him. Who made him the youngest, and even Princess Jun herself was a little disgusted with him, but when he grew up, after the five sense organs opened up, he was like Fairy Tong. In general, every time I look at it, I am amazed.

Every time I look at it, I like it once, and now I am Princess Jun’s most important grandson.

Sure enough, when Xiao Jiu came over, Princess Jun held the one who had been crying for her heart and soul. With so many grandchildren, she is now the one who loves this one the most.

Especially this little mouth is very sweet and also loves to laugh, and the ladies of Ling Yigan are all rare and tight. There is such a small one in anyone's house now, but only Princess Jun has it.

Another bunch of gifts came over. Xiao Jiu's body was full of various jade articles and golden locks, which made Princess Jun very happy and very happy that his own Xiao Jiu could have so many. People like it.

Seeing Xiao Jiu rubbing his eyes in Prince Jun’s Mansion, he was about to go to sleep. He quickly taught Xiao Jiu to the nurse, and then ordered to take good care of him. The lady was talking.

"Sister Wang Hao, I heard a big joke today. Would you like to listen to it?" A lady covered her mouth and laughed. Although she is not young at this age, she can still see it. The life is extremely high. Well, at such an age, a woman can still live such a childlike innocence, thinking about it, there is no sand in her eyes.

"Well, let's talk about it."

Princess Jun was fine at this time, and she wanted to listen. Of course, these people have been in a good mood recently, and when they came back, Shen Qingci also came back. Finally, there was nothing in her mind.

And the lady said with a smile.

"Sister Wang Hao, does this matter have something to do with you?"

"related to me?"

Princess Jun is thinking about what she has done, but no, she hasn't even been out of the door in recent days, and she is always rare Xiao Jiu, Xiao Jiu is now when she is cute, she is in pain. In addition, the triplets were caught in the cold a few days ago, which made her anxious. She was always in the house, watching them, and waiting for the triplets to get better, then let them come of.

She can't go out of the house anymore, so how can she have gossip for others to say?

"Really so."

The lady was actually a little helpless when she talked about it, but because of her deep friendship with Princess Jun, she would talk about it no matter what, otherwise, if Princess Jun has been blinded. In the dark, her heart was really hard to get through.

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