Shen Yueshu also sat aside, and felt that Qi Yuan was always a little strange when he woke up this time, and these strange things were the source of her inaccessibility.

Shen Yueshu's sight suddenly shifted to Qi Yuan's hair, only to discover that he had actually left a hosta, and this hosta seemed to be nothing special, not much different from other hosta?

Qi Yuan has always been a person of particular importance, and the things he carries must be rare things. Why does he bring such a simple host today?

"Do you like this?"

Qi Yuan took the hosta from his hair, and the hosta held it in his hand, which was actually slightly warm. This is the case with this hosta. If you bring it, it is like an ordinary hosta, and it seems to be nothing special. But if you take it off, you know what kind of precious thing it is?

The quality of the jade is delicate and warm, and it is also a good piece of warm jade, and it is even more valuable, just because he has always forgotten this extremely hosta. In addition, all his thoughts have fallen on Shen. Yue Shu's body hadn't really arrived yet, it turned out that he had lost it.

And what I want to know most now is not anything else, but, in the end, why his hosta got into Shen Qingci’s hands

His own things, he himself loves this thing most, and his own personal things, how could it be on someone else's body, and in the end, it was even worse to kill him.

"This is so beautiful." Shen Yueshu took it in her hand, just admiring the jade quality of this hosta. In the past few years, her vision has been getting higher day by day, and everything she wears and eats is also Naturally, I know that the most important thing is that what I am holding at this time is also top-quality jade, such a good jade, if I wear a pair of bracelets and wear it on my wrist, how about it? Looks good?

It’s a pity that this jade is not gold and silver, and it cannot be melted. This host can only wear two jade earrings to her at most, but if it is really possible to wear two jade earrings, then she Also like it.

"Big Brother Qi Yuan..."

She raised her head abruptly, but looked into the black eyes that Qi Yuan was looking at her. At this time, there was no wave and nothing in those black eyes, and there was nothing in that pair of eyes. In her bones.

Her lips squirmed, but she said that she hadn't even said a word.

Qi Yuan took the hosta from Shen Yueshu's hand again, and then put it on his hair, "Shu'er, you go down first, I still have some things to deal with."

"Okay," Shen Yueshu stood up and walked to the door without daring to stop. When the door was closed, she turned pale and covered her chest.

And for a moment, she even felt, did Qi Yuan know something or what she had faked, and she did not dare to think, if Qi Yuan really knew about it, then what would happen to her? , There is no whole body at all.

Inside the house, there is also a faint woody fragrance at this time, and the quiet woody fragrance can also make people calm and calm. Qi Yuan took the hosta again and placed it in his palm.

"Come here!" He shouted to the outside, and a hidden guard also walked in, silently, almost all desires came out of nothing.

"You can check Benhou. Where was his wife when Benhou disappeared?"

The hidden guard arched his hand, then turned and left, just as he came.

It is still silent and silent.

"Shu'er, you better not lie to me."

He squeezed the hosta in his hand tightly, and then inserted it into his palm. "If you lied to me, you should know that my method will make you worse than death. I will definitely cut it. Every piece of meat on your body."

Shen Yue outside couldn't help but fought a cold war, and it was also annoying for no reason.

What to look at? Suddenly, she stretched out her hands and feet and stepped on the kneeling person on the ground.

Look again, this lady will goug your eyes out.

Shen Yuemeng was still humbled and arched her body. She trembled once when she was stepped on. It was not until Shen Yue was so tired that she walked out with her bruised body.

She suddenly thought of something, and then took out a small medicine bottle from her chest. The bloodless face finally had some small smiles.

There are still people who are kind to her in this world.

And that person didn't lie, there was something that made Shen Yueshu scared after all, right?

Shuo Palace, inside the incense room.

The few people inside were all making spices, only Miaomiao was rolling in his soft nest. After rolling, he fell asleep on all fours. These days are getting longer and smarter. Some, even this sleep looks like a human being.

Shen Qingci unconsciously scratched its belly, but it was still asleep.

She took back her mind again, and started to make this batch of spices again. These spices are to be distributed to three shops, and they are all new fragrances made by her. These new fragrances taste better than the previous ones. Smell some, but also be special, of course it is more popular.

But even if she only has one pair of hands, it is impossible to do much. Therefore, let them all come over. How powerful this person is, and Changqing and the guards are all for her. They don't come to help once or twice. Naturally, they are all very familiar with doing these things. The few people are savvy people, and they can make a lot of spices this day.

Of course, the most important thing is that they can save a lot of silver. These spices are not silver, but also valuable silver. To make a spice for a day, the lady will give them fifty taels of silver. This month When it came down, it was only one thousand and five hundred taels, so what they love most now is nothing but spices to make money.

Evergreen and they are all married, and now they have to support their families, especially in Changgong. I haven’t seen how much money he loves before. They usually look at money as dung. , He is simply Ai Cai Ai to the point of shame.

And he is also famous for it. Now he saves makeup for his daughters, and in the future, even a copper plate will not be squandered. The guards are not appropriate these days. Just come over to be a perfumer. This is even Evergreen is not as good as him.

"Hey, what's the matter with you?"

Evergreen hit Changyi, "Why don't these silver make your eyes shine?"

Others are concentrating on making spices, but Long Yi is in a daze. He also loves silver, no, no one in this world does not love silver, and he also loves it. In the past, as long as the wife said to make spices, he must be the first to run. He could not eat or drink for silver. What? What happened recently? Does this start to regard money as dung?

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