"It's okay," Changyi continued to make spices, but he always felt worried.

Until the meal, they went to various places and prepared to use the meal. Even if they were not hungry, Miao Miao was hungry, and the hungry Miao Miao had begun to roll around, which made Shen Qingci unable to do anything.

"Knock..." The door outside rang.

"Madam, it's me, I'm Long Yi."

"Well, come in."

Shen Qingci is feeding Miaomiao and Zhefeng to eat together. She has raised all the cats.

Chang Yi walked in and also stood at the door.

"Madam, the subordinates have something to ask."

"Let's talk about it," Shen Qingci listened, feeding Jin Yao with the meat, while Miao Miao lay down and ate his own meal.

Chang Yi's lips moved a few times, and he suddenly took a step forward and also bent his waist.

"Madam, Changqing wants to go to Qiyuan."

Shen Qingci put down the chopsticks in his hand, and twisted his brows a few times.

"Chang Yi, do you know what you are talking about?"

"Changyi knows," How could Chang know that, but he just wanted to go there.

Shen Qingci took the chopsticks again and continued to feed Zhefeng, you first go out.

Chang Yi hasn't got the answer he wants. He doesn't want to go out like this. This is the decision he made after thinking about it for a long time, and it is what he must do.

"Please, madam, fulfill it."

Chang Yi bowed again.

"You go down first."

Shen Qingci fed a few pieces of meat to Zhefeng, and she didn't even take a look at it. When it was long-term, she interrupted what he wanted to say again.

"When your prince comes back, I will tell him, if he agrees, you go, if he disagrees, I can't help it."

This is the only thing she can do.

Chang Yi is to weigh the people around him. Qi Yuan is not able to go if he just says to go. That person has a weird mind and is definitely not a good person to get along with. She is afraid that Chang Yi will go there, in case she has a broken arm. He had a leg, how could she pay for his life.

Therefore, this matter will ultimately fall on Brand Hengxiu.

"Mrs. Xie."

Chang Yi understood Shen Qingci's meaning, and when he came out, he wiped his face.

People always need to be crazy once, but when they are not crazy now, when will they have to wait?

Bloody men are not afraid of themselves.

"Well, is he going to Qi Yuan?"

Brando Hengsi touched Miaomiao’s small ears. Miaomiao hasn’t seen her master for several days, but she’s a dear master after seeing the master. He keeps meowing, begging for a hug, begging for a kiss, begging for a lift high.

"Because of Shen Yuemeng."

If Shen Yueshu didn’t know why he went, he would be a little stupid. The heroes in this world are saddened by the Beauty Pass. The hard heart of all men is also turned into Rao Zhirou because of that love word. Long-term thinking is no exception.

And she did not expect that Chang Yi actually had the thoughts about Shen Yuemeng, Shen Yueshu, Shen Yuemeng, she can distinguish clearly, and for Shen Yuemeng, she is grateful, so she will never take Shen Yue Shu's hatred was recorded in Shen Yuemeng's body.

"Shen Yueshu's cousin, does it have anything to do with you?"

Bro Hengsi squinted his eyes slightly, "A Ning, you haven't told me anything?"

"No," Shen Qing resigned and pretended to be stupid. It was not before the time to say that she had spent so much blood in vain, and she had such a situation.

Pao Hengsi stretched out his hand and squeezed Shen Qingci's face, "Be lenient in confession, strict in resistance."

"Shen Yuemeng once saved my life today," Shen Qingci answered honestly, but when it was saved, she didn't say it was always okay.

Shen Qingci didn't want to let Branding Worry worry about it anymore, otherwise, she felt that after a long time, she would really have to surrender and surrender everything.

But Branding was beyond her expectation, and she didn't break the casserole to ask the end. If so, then she was temporarily let go.

By the way, Shen Qingci hasn't forgotten what she wants to ask?

"You said, should Chang Yi go?"

"If he wants to go."

Branding and worrying is to pinch Miaomiao’s little ear, "Don’t worry, he is not that stupid, his disguise skills are not bad, and he won’t lose his life. You can put more money on him for These silvers, he will come back after death."

In the past, before Changqing and Changgong were married, the four guards around him were only Changyi who loved silver and buttoned the door the most. They all wanted to treat one copper plate as two flowers. , Deducted several thousand taels of silver from him. For these silver, even if he climbed, he had to climb back.

Shen Qingci turned his face and looked up at the sky speechlessly.

Is this still the master?

Not only did she let her subordinates go out to die, but she didn't even give the money. It's just right that tomorrow is when the moon silver is issued, she has to hold the money well.

And on the day of the month of silver distribution, Changqing and the others had already been gearing up. They were also calculating how much they could earn at a time, or even a few hundred taels of silver.

Shen Qingci walked over with Miao Miao, Miao Miao still looks like before, lazy, and the weather is getting colder at this time, so Miao Miao's soft body can really be used. It’s no wonder that I like to hold Miaomiao like a small heater, not because of anything else, but also because I am used to this small heater, I want to hug some others. Not very used to it.

She sat down, then took out the ledger, and turned it over.

Evergreen is a little impatient, Yueyin, a lot of Yueyin, he is now a family member, but also to support the family, this month's silver is too important to him.

Come and pick it up. Shen Qingci pointed to the envelope on the table. It was filled with your monthly silver, and the names of you were written on the top. It is good to sit in the seat with the right numbers.

"Mrs. Xie."

Several people hurriedly bowed their hands, and then stepped forward one by one, and also found the envelope with their own name in it. The letter is not heavy, but it is very heavy. Because what was in it was nothing but a banknote, and a mere page of paper was worth a hundred taels of silver.

Changqing opened the letter and hissed involuntarily.

One thousand eight hundred taels, the lady gave a red envelope.

Haha, one thousand eight hundred taels. If there are not many people now and the wife is here again, maybe he would have to dance with his hands to make it. This month is really a lot of money, one thousand eight hundred taels, which is enough They live for half of their lives, not to mention, they still have it every month. If these money were given to Xiaomei, Xiaomei would be very happy.

"How many are you?" Changqing bumped into the Changgeng. Although Changgeng is five big and three thick, this hand is not slow at all, and the strength is also great. If you want to come, he won't take less than him.

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