From time to time, I just dangled in front of King Xiaojun and didn’t say anything. It was also extremely embarrassing for King Xiaojun. They didn’t dare to be alone with her, and even didn’t dare to go back to his courtyard more than once. A person.

After this is the old friend of Lord Jun, he can't lose the face of this person, and he can't lose the face of Lord Jun. Therefore, for this woman, he has tolerated three points and endured three points.

But this woman is not a person who is easy to give up. She is ruthless in her heart. She is also mad because of jealousy. She bought a kind of man's love and put it in a bowl. As a result, Shen Qingrong drank this bowl of medicine without knowing why.

These medicines are things that invigorate blood. Not long after Shen Qingrong took it, there were signs of childbirth. Fortunately, her body has always been very good. This birth is not bad. Otherwise, I am afraid. It is the child in this womb who has long since passed away.

"Where's the person?" Shen Qingci asked Mo Li. She had already wiped out all of her eldest sister's actions in this world, thinking that there are still such brave people who dare to harm her eldest sister.

"I have been locked up."

Li Li replied truthfully, how much Prince Jun's Mansion cares about Shen Qingrong's child. Everyone can see that it is perfect. This is not only a combination of children, but also an expectation for Princess Jun's future fortune.

At this time, Shen Qingrong's child was still not born, and every minute passed was a point of suffering.

"Madam, the son is here."

Li Li walked over and said in Shen Qingci's ear.

Shen Qing exhaled hurriedly, as if he was suffocating.

But in the distance, really, he was thinking about it, and Mo Fei was still behind him. The Mo Fei, who had not been seen for a long time, was not much different from before, but it also added some sophistication and atmosphere.

It’s been a few years, and the baby face finally grew up, and even became a famous genius doctor in the big week.

"Mr. Mo is here."

I don't know if I must shout, it seems that even the solidified air at this time has been melted.

Mo Fei bowed to everyone, this was standing outside and waiting, and Mo Fei was here, and the people in King Jun’s Mansion were secretly relieved. As long as Mo Fei is here, it’s the same as Shen Qing. Rong has one more life.

Once she has something wrong, there is still a genius doctor outside.

And I have to say that the branding and consideration brought Mo to fly over, and it is indeed the right thing to do.

It didn't take long before the wife in the delivery room rushed out.

"The prince, the princess and empress, it's not good, the princess Xiaojun has passed out!"

At this moment everyone was startled by the sudden news, only Mo Fei had already stepped inside.

Then, before anyone could react, I heard the exclamation of the midwife inside.

"Great, wake up, people wake up..."

But everyone raised that breath, and finally fell down, finally seemed to be able to breathe.

"Don't worry, it's okay."

Lao Hengsi shook Shen Qingci's hand, "She will definitely live long and rich, have you forgotten her perfect and beautiful life? Maybe it is because she is too smooth, so she will have this disaster. After that, Ding will be safe and wealthy."

Although Branding said so, but who knew it, he felt uncomfortable in his heart at this time.

If anyone in this world is more bitter, will there be more bitter than Shen Qingci?

Along the way, how much she has suffered, how many sins she has suffered, and if there are any more sufferings and sins, then let him bear it alone.

He stretched out his hand, pinning the hair on Shen Qingci's face behind her ears, and then arranging her clothes, "Is this the one coming out?"

"I forgot to change my clothes," she said embarrassedly. As soon as she heard that the eldest sister had something to do, she hurried over. Not to mention the clothes, she didn't even know that Miaomiao seemed to throw it to Sanxi indiscriminately.

Both she and Lao Hengsi are raising Miao Miao as children.

Brando Hengsi was stroking his hair again, and together with everyone, waiting for the birth of the only little princess in Prince Jun's Mansion.

When Mo Fei came out, he touched his nose when he saw a bunch of people standing outside.

"Don't worry, there is nothing wrong with everyone, at most half an hour, it can be born."

After listening to Mo Fei's words, everyone who waited for this also really let out a sigh of relief.

"Xu'er, you enter the palace once with your father.

Lord Jun wiped his face, and also called Yu Wenxu's name. He would also give the title of the post to the emperor, so that the little princess of the King Jun's mansion would have his own right after he was born. title.

And no one can take the title of their little princess.


King Xiaojun glanced at the delivery room again, and hurriedly went out with Lord Jun, and asked his little girl to come back with a title.

Although the process is a bit more dangerous now, it's always a surprise.

And not long after Lord Jun and King Jun went out, half an hour later, there was a baby crying inside. This time it was indeed one child. Finally, Shen Qingrong did not give birth to multiple births, but that was it. One child is the heaviest in the entire King Jun's mansion.

"Grandson daughter," Shen Dingshan rubbed his hands.

"Niece," Shen Wenhao did the same thing. People say that the tiger father has no dogs. Now Shen Wenhao is more similar to Shen Dingshan. It is also because of the full confidence that he is not willing to say anything with others. Solved with fists, there is absolutely no more word.

Although Shen Qingrong inside is extremely tired now, even the strength to raise his hand is not there, but when he hears the cry of the child, he feels that everything is worth it. This child is born with all the hard work. Yes, she has given birth to so many children, it is the most difficult for her to give birth. The birth tortured her for several hours, and finally this little ancestor was born.

"Hurry up and show me my daughter."

She said weakly, but her eyes were still very bright.

The midwife was busy holding the baby and let Shen Qingrong watch.

Shen Qingrong stretched out his hand to caress the child's small face carefully. Her daughter, she is the daughter who has been born after all the hard work, and the daughter who has been waiting for so long. This is so beautiful, you can see at a glance It's a girl, her little girl, she really loves her as a mother.

"My daughter is just good."

Shen Qingrong gently caressed the child's small face. The tenderness was incredible. She was afraid of touching it lightly and the child's skin would turn red.

If such a lovely child is not a daughter, it would be too unreasonable.


Wen Po doesn't know what to say.

"What's the matter?" Shen Qingrong now only has her own daughter in her heart, even if she is currently powerless, otherwise, she will have to hug her daughter properly.

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