"Let's talk," Shen Qingrong saw that the midwives were squeaky, really disliked, what do squeaky do here, did the cat eat her tongue?

"Husband...Madam..." The midwife was almost crying, "This is not a sister, this is a brother."

"What are you talking about?" Shen Qingrong's hands were also frozen there, he didn't still want to hold the child, but now he can't even move it, she doesn't believe it, she absolutely doesn't believe it.

Isn't it all said that it is perfect? ​​If this is perfect, isn't it a perfect child, how could her good daughter become a son?

So this is lying to her, this must be lying to her.

She didn't believe it and carefully pulled away the baby's swaddling. Soon, she felt her head covered and people dizzy.

"Madam, madam!" She was so dizzy that she was going to frighten the midwife, so she hurriedly came out and called someone, saying that Princess Xiaojun was dizzy.

Mo Fei plucked his ears differently, not so loud, he could hear it.

Moreover, he had also checked the pulse just now. Shen Qingrong’s body is not too bad, and he looks much better than the average mother. There is absolutely no reason to faint.

He absolutely believes in his medical skills. He said it was okay, and that was nothing.

He walked into the delivery room, the smell inside was so good that it smelled a lot better, and it was also cleaned up. Shen Qingrong was sleeping on the cave inside. The poor people used things like hay, but Shen Qing Rong Ben is a wealthy family, and all the silk quilts under her are top quality silk quilts. Even if she has just given birth, she has lost a lot of vitality and blood, but she can still see her. The complexion is not much worse, even compared to the average woman who has just given birth, it is much better.

Moreover, she was also a person who gave birth to four children. If it hadn't been for the blood-activating medicine this time, if the child was born at full-term, she wouldn't be able to do this.

He walked over and also checked Shen Qingrong’s pulse. As a result, under this examination, it was considered good. She had nothing to do, but she was too tired. In addition, the burst of energy and blood was a heart attack, so it was I pass out without knowing it, and sleep well for a few days, is it all right?

"Why is she dizzy?"

Mo Fei asked the midwife. According to Shen Qingrong's current body, there was no suddenness or dizziness. It must be that she heard or saw something that was the moment of uncontrollable mood. Even now it becomes so dizzy.


The midwife lowered her head and looked at the baby in her arms.

"Madam gave birth to another brother this time."

The midwife whispered, and now she is afraid to take the baby out. There are so many people outside waiting for the little princess. Since Princess Xiaojun gave birth to her first twin, she is looking forward to it. A princess, as a result, she gave birth to four children in a row and nine sons, but she didn't give birth to a princess. Everyone thought that her birth was a princess, but what was the result?

The family of King Jun’s Mansion definitely stabbed the kid’s nest, ten, haha, ten.

Mo Fei wanted to laugh, but he didn't dare to laugh. In the end, he could only come out first. After all, he wanted to come out. He couldn't stay in it for the rest of his life. But behind him, finally, the midwife walked out with a swaddling baby. .

"Don't worry, everyone is fine." Mo Fei's words made the people standing outside finally breathe a sigh of relief, and in an instant, everyone moved to the swaddle held by the midwife.

"Grandson daughter!" Shen Dingshan

"Niece!" Shen Wenhao.

"My little granddaughter!", Princess Jun.

And at this time, she also stretched out a pair of thin white hands.

Shen Qingci blinked, and also wanted to hug his niece.

The midwife laughed awkwardly, no, she was really about to cry.

"Duke Guo, Princess Jun," the midwife handed the child in her arms forward, "Princess Xiaojun gave birth to a brother."

In an instant, all the hands stretched forward were taken back.

"Come here, help Princess Ben to go back, Princess Ben is dizzy."

Concubine Jun suddenly felt like the world was spinning, and she was also supported by people.

It is also no wonder that Shen Qingrong can be fainted with anger, and now even Princess Jun seems to be fainted with anger.

Shen Qingci kept his mouth flat.

Not a little niece, what should I do if I dislike it?

And she looked disgusted, even Shen Dingshan and Shen Wenhao were the same. The last time they gave birth to triplets, they were still held by the uncle of Shen Wenhao. This time even Shen Wenhao was upset. The beautiful niece is gone, and it is impossible to have again in the future. How could he be angry?

Obviously it’s his niece, it’s his niece’s, but how come a stinky boy comes again, he has two in his family, ten of the eldest sister here, and both families have twelve. Twelve, is this stabbing the son's nest?

How come their families have baby boys, but they can't give birth to a girl?

Shen Dingshan turned his head and left. He was also very angry because he had no grandchildren.

Master Jingkong said that it is perfect, that is, Shen Qingrong only has such ten children. These are all born endlessly like pigs, but what happened is that a little girl was born, and this might be Shen Qing. Rong is the last child. The appearance of his family's A Ning is 80% without heirs. From now on, he can only hug his granddaughter, but in the appearance of Shen Wenhao, the daughter who gave birth can easily see there. To say that Lin Yunniang is ugly, can only say that Shen Wenhao's face is too hateful.

Obviously they both gave birth to two, but they are all like him. No, it should be said that his grandfather's face is ugly, and he did not give birth to a beautiful grandson. They are all the same as him. To be a military commander, but not to be a civil official, how willing and willing is this to make him?

His white and tender granddaughter, if not, let him cry alone.

The people in the courtyard were all gone. Branding worried that he was holding Yuwen Xiaoshi, who was not born long, and could only sigh helplessly.

"Your nephew, hug."

Pao Hengxi put the child in front of Shen Qingci. Shen Qingci used to grow up holding brother Sen. She would hug such a small child, but Shen Qingci hid his hand behind his back.

She did not hug, and she was also angry.

Her little niece is gone. She doesn't want a niece. She has eleven nieces. Is it so difficult for her to just want a niece?

That old liar, what is perfect, because she gave him such a good medicine, but he, a liar, her sister gave birth to ten sons, ten sons.

No sow can give birth to her, but why can't she give birth to a little princess?

Alright, Brando Hengsi carefully shook the child in his arms, and then reached out his hand to touch his pink face, the child was born well, some of it looked like Xiao Jiu

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